As before, I really liked most of the episode but the show was back to the idea that Muslim terrorists resort to what they do because of how they've been treated. I agree that racism is very real and Muslim immigrants in particular have been more of a target of it in Europe as of late, they have a reason to be angry about it, and let's assume I would even be convinced by the idea pushed by the series. How exactly would it help? I'm against racism and have been all my adult life, I've never treated any immigrant or person with darker skin differently from anyone else, I don't see Islam as inferior to Christianity, but it's not like the terrorists would single me out and warn me if I happened to be in a place that's to be bombed. We need tolerance, total equality and credible personal stories, but preaching it through the eyes of a vengeful terrorist that would gas hundreds of civilians leads nowhere.

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Engaging and well acted but a bit too much like Homeland. Still better than a Sum of All Fears and Shadow Recruit though.

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Once again rewatching this episode I'm struct by the almost offensive levels of casual racism we see in our characters and setup. The utter in ability to see is kinda terrifying. To see this drone pilot utterly shook and laying out his case very clearly and his co-pilot's response is "I need my wingman to have my back". What does that mean? You're literally in no danger. HEck there's no need for you to even HAVE a "wingman" in the traditional sense.

Also It's insanely cringe to just suggest you can use an English to French translation app to communicate with a native speaker and pose as another native speaker. They'd have better realism by getting a translator to type out the message and use translation programs to make it easier for everyone to follow.

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the ending was so exciting

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What was the point of the flashbacks with Suleiman and his brother? They were boring. And I didn't care about them. It's like they're trying to make the viewer not hate Suleiman. It's not working.

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