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Titans: Season 4

4x12 Titans Forever

Crap episode to a crap season. The badies just didn't work, super lame. Titans for me worked best when it was a more grounded enemy like Deathstroke. I want to see Dick kicking ass, he barely had any fights this season. Beast boy was absent for half of it. Why on earth didnt he turn into a flippin silver back to pull the chords out. Raven turned into a snoozefest. Robin was a giant pussy who would die instantly in any fight. Was brilliant seeing Jason absolutely school him. Superboy was just , there. Starfire just moped around. It's like the writers just gave up.

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Finishing this show was basically me falling for a sunk-cost fallacy.
The early seasons were okay and sort of hardcore for a superheroes themed show but it just kept getting worse and worse.

It's almost insulting to the viewer how they let brother blood absorb his father, basically tiering up to omnipotent levels of metahuman, seeing him kill off an entire building of humans in mere seconds and THEN having him fight two normal humans for 5 minutes straight, struggling, while the rest tries to cancel his wormhole traveling plans.
Given what we had just seen he should've been able to drop nearly everyone in that room in two seconds. Ridiculous.

Also, we get it brother blood, nobody ever loved you and you're so emo about it that everyone must suffer. Dude has to remind at least 1 person every episode about the weak drive the writers of the show gave him.

The final wrap up was fine I guess but at that point who really cared anymore?

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Well, that was pretty pieced together and highly uneventful.

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Shout by Heather T

I was sad to see Titans end, but I loved this finale. The final battle was very well done and true to the comics with everyone having their parts to play. I especially loved the way they included Robin using his throwing stars to draw Brother Blood's attention so that Nightwing could get the upper hand. It's a technique that all the Robins have used multiple times throughout the comics, and it was nice to see the writers and choreographers pop that in there.

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Thank God they ended this show, it was getting painful to watch.

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Trigon should have been the main villain of the rushed final season. It could have used a fifth final season but WB is a mess.

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Shout by Douglas

Very ok ending to a good show. At the very least they could have made BB's defeat a bit more plausible (missed opportunity for a duel with Raven, for instance -- I'd even take a challenge of minds rather than a fight), but other than that I'm satisfied, all things considered.

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Tidy enough ending but for my taste, it didn't hit the mark. This season was mostly boring, and this final episode wasn't the exception. At least the end battle was somehow decent, but still let you with desire for more. There were a couple of scenes that were COMPLETELY out of context; maybe some unreleased scenes from previous seasons, that they decided to just patch up here, because why not, but were too noticeable. The big bad, again, didn't quite hit the mark. The fact that he was able to kill an almost all-powerful demon purely with an axe felt out of place. Still, i'm glad that at least they gave a proper ending without cliffhangers or unanswered questions. The season was an overall 5; and the series would be a 7 because the previous ones (bonus point for Teagan Croft that got hotter every season).

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