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Titans: Season 3

3x05 Lazarus

I don't know what you guys are saying. I finally got what I wanted in this episode. Pure Bat-Family and Jason Todd focus. Until now, I was kind of annoyed for Red Hood being portrayed as the bad guy but that's not the case anymore. Good job from Curran Walters on the role and, I gotta say, Scarecrow was great too in my opinion. I like his version of the character. I just feel like I really want to love this show from the start but can't get there. That's not the case on this episode though.

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I think that dance was at least as good as the Batusi.

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My favorite thing about shows like this is that they're not afraid to write a whole episode with no big action sequences. It's one of the reasons I loved the Marvel Netflix shows so much.

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They can’t help themselves, can they? This episode was just awful.

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This episode was better than the previous
But can someone explain to me how the scarecrow resurrected Jason while being locked up?

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Boy they really screwed up the Red Hood. The writers have no understanding of these characters.

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This show could've been so good but its run by idiots.

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Jason, Robin, Raven, Hawk, Connor, Beast Boy and Dawn are perfectly cast. Otherwise most of the casting in this show, is off. Especially Scare Crow.
It’s like the actor got inspiration by watching Michael Sheen in Prodigal Son. Which isn’t bad of course but isn’t the Scare Crow.
The Bruce Wayne casting will always feel way off until he actually proves himself as Batman. Which he hasn’t had the chance to do.

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