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Titans: Season 3

3x02 Red Hood

Was hoping they would "slow burn" the Red Hood story and only properly introduced him at the end of the season or even at the start of the next one. I've been liking this so far but in the span of 2 episodes Jason "died", Batman killed Joker, Jason turned into Red Hood and Nightwing found out that he's alive. A proper slower build to those moments would make them much more impactful.

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What bank keeps $25 million in cash? And if there was one, wouldn’t it be better protected?

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Urgh... I was hesitant to return to Season 3 after disliking Season 2, but I did. But man, that Red Hood helmet sucks and the reveal at the end of Episode 2 was extremely rushed.

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This show doesn't know if it wants to be serious or camp. The pacing is terrible as is the acting. And the most interesting character isn't even in this. Oh, and that is the worst Bruce Wayne I've ever seen. And that includes George Clooney.

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Damn, did not actually expect the whole gang to end up at Gotham, but this is loads better than keeping the whole team apart.

I am loving Gar and Conner. And oh god Dick, did you date all your crime-fighting partners (Barb, Dove, Kory)? lol

Agree with the other comments, Red Hood's story is going too fast. If there was meant to be months, or even weeks, between this episode and the opening of the previous one, it's definitely not obvious and makes it a bit hard to suspend belief that Jason went from reckless Robin to chess master/crafty tactician RH. I know comic book RH was possibly at this level, but (unfortunately) I definitely didn't get that vibe from Titans' Jason.

Also is it just me but something's a bit sad about this season's fight scenes? I can almost always tell Dove's punches are fake as hell. The fight music, too, and the quips (was Hank always so corny, during and outside of fight scenes?). It's like they got instructions to try to lighten the show's mood. Feels kind of forced.

Side-note: Hank looked ridiculous in his uniform lmao

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I feel like I held down the fast-forward button too long and missed a bunch of things that took 17 years to happen…

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Way too fast with the Red Hood beginning and reveal.

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As if the CW could pull off the RedHood this bad ass. I’m sure they’ll still be complaints. The alternative is the goody tissue network, the CW.

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This show has alway been cheesy and silly fun this episode has elevated it to a new level

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This show has always been cheesy / silly fun but this episode has elevated the series :thumbsup_tone2::thumbsup_tone2:

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