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Titans: Season 2

2x09 Atonement

This show is absolutely idiotic and no episode more encapsulates the essence of that idiocy. Dick tells a reasonable, sympathetic story and all of his teammates walk out.

This conflict is extremely manufactured. Why are the original Titans upset? Because he told them a story marginally but not meaningfully different than what actually happened

Why are the new Titans upset? Because Dick didn’t tell them a story that has absolutely nothing to do with them.

The only person justified in her position is Rose, but barely.

Otherwise, this is another example of the terminally stupid superhero tv trope where teammates are upset that one has kept a meaningless secret from another in an endeavor founded on the keeping of secrets.

The episode has made clear that season 2 will continue to squander the promising setup of season 1. I hope they call this one a wrap soon and deliver an actual Titans show next year.

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I truly can't keep up with this show.. What is happening?? Is there an actual story here?? Is this Titans or The O. C.?

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I'll consider this episode to be the best yet, in a stand-alone sense, which is ironic considering that the best episode of the season so far is when the Titans aren't the Titans anymore, and off doing their own thing, in a show named after, and based on them. I don't know how to explain it better than that. Oh, and the two songs they used were pretty good.

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It’s soo boring, gonna give it few more episodes otherwise I’m out.

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Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2020-01-19T20:16:58Z— updated 2020-01-20T21:19:32Z

Really? After the last episode, which I thought was decent, we go right into one of those “boohoo you told a lie and we totally don’t get why you would boohoo and that you’re telling the truth now has no meaning boooohoooooo and YOU’RE THE REASON MY BROTHER IS DEAD”-bullshit. Excuse me, did you listen? Your OWN FATHER killed him. HE is the reason. For so many reasons, he is the reason. He even asked him to go there in the first place.

Gods I can’t tolerate whiny bullshit like this. Get a grip, all of you.

And that’s just how it all started.
What the heck was this episode?

That’s just all kinds of implausible and messed up. The only thing that made some sort of sense was video games and Kory’s part.

I don’t even want to get started on the other. But... ugh.
Police shooting this soon? He even had the race card going for himself, come on.
Getting a few harsh words and you both break up and sail right into addiction?
You... just run away..?

Just... no. What a bunch of irresponsible wannabe assholes.

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Why are the show runners so obsessed with keeping the Titans apart? Will we ever see them working together as the fully functional superhero team they're supposed to be or will this lackluster soap opera drag on indefinitely?

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Once again where the fuck is this show going? This episode makes no sense for all characters involved. I picked it back up because of the announcement of season 3, but now i remember why I stopped watching. Too many new characters with no direction of an actual story that makes sense. It’s a shame cause season 1 was actually pretty decent

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Why are the writers setting up so many storylines? This is way too much for just one season. I don’t get why everybody got upset, really. It wasn’t that much of Dick’s fault!

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Why have the karaoke scene with Hank and Dawn? Ridiculous! Same with everybody being butt-hurt on knowing the truth on how Jericho died. The only thing that made this episode bearable was Gar and Conner.

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Just garbage. Absolute garbage. Gar invites Connor into the Titans because of a video game? The Cops shouldn't him after one warning? And why does everyone of these melodrama CW like shows have to have a singing scene?

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Geez, the bad writing is killing this show :grimacing: Such bad character choices and thought patterns. Don't seem logical or sensable at all. Even for the fucked up people they are... Gar is basically the only character still carrying this episode.

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This episode sucked! It seemed completely empty of anything really happening. A big :thumbsdown: for this episode. At least that's my opinion.

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Pfff. Seen some awesome episodes this season. But this episode sucks donkeyballs.

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The only people more torchered than these heroes are comedians.

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