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This Is Us: Season 2

2x18 The Wedding

Beautiful, as per usual. Kevin and Randall in this episode tag teaming as wedding planners is the most brotherly like I’ve ever seen them on this show and I loved it so much. Gimme more!

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It was PHENOMENAL. Too bad that we need to wait from 6 to nine month for seeing where this flashback in future leads...

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Toby's devoted catholic mother will have a boyfriend and live with him outside the marriage...? When she didn't agreed the fact that Toby and Kate move in together?

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  • I still feel a bit uncertain about Toby, but I'm glad he doesn't have all these weird Nice Guy tendencies anymore he used to have. I'm still curious about his past. Especially the depression seems to catch up with in again in one year and I wonder why that happened.
  • I'm also really curious who Randall and Tess want to see in the future. My guess would be Deja, Beth or Annie. But it sounded like someone went to prison or even died, so that makes me really worried because they're my favorite family in this show by far.
  • Besides that I thought the whole episode was okay. It felt weird to me to make the wedding so much about Jack though. I understand how tragic his death was and how important he was to everyone, but it's been 20 years now and sometimes it feels like they never really moved on and everything still has to be about Jack, especially with Kate.
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I wouldn't mind if the series ended right here, without those flashforward scenes and without Deja ruining the celebration for Randall and Beth. They decided to move on and finally coped with the loss of Jack, it was great. But oh well, let's see if they manage the stories well! It seems it won't be the feel good drama as it was specially in the first season... it'll probably be more tragic than beautiful (and the series managed to keep that in a very good balance up til now).

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Shout by Martim

It's not like I was going anywhere... but those flashbacks left me on the edge of my seat!

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Shout by Angela Mens

Another heartfelt episode, seeing the dream wedding of Kate (meaning her mom and dads) was sometimes confusing but when she explained it all made sense. Some heavy moments again that you need to fight back the tears. Really wanting to know about who future Randall and Tess were talking about. And Toby's parents omg the nerve! But sorta seeing them getting it right, but who knows what Toby is going through. Wondering what way they'll go with Deja hope it will change soon though cause her storyline is not the best one.

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Shame on you! That "credit only" Sophie was a low blow and you know it! And to top it off, I had completely forgotten this would be the season finale. Aaargh!

I guess one certainty is that Sophie won't be back anytime soon then. Too bad, though Nyx Zoe seems promising.

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