It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

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Shout by m2h2bob
BlockedParent2017-09-30T04:21:39Z— updated 2017-10-21T21:53:18Z

My family returns to me. Thank god!

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I'll be damned if that talk between Randall and Beth didn't feel to be hinting at Jack's cause of death - as in falling asleep while drunk and smoking...

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I love Randall's and Beth's relationship so much. Especially the conversation where he said "We don't push our own plans on each other. We adjust our plans together." It was beautifully said and made me love them even more. I was worried he would keep pushing her, but thank God he didn't.
And I really love the idea of them adopting an older kid. Randall was adorable with that Asian baby, but an older child will definitely bring much more action and more dynamic into their family, so I'm excited to see how this will turn out.

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Great opening episode, we finally find out what will happen to Jack :(

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I wasn’t a big fan of Rebecca in the first season, but boy this is a great start...
“He pushed a stranger on me. And that stranger became my child. That stranger became my life”
Beautiful speech... and a couple like them doesn’t need much more to make up. I love them together

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I really don't like the character of Kevin. Probably because I don't have any sibling, let alone a twin one.
But sometimes it is not about his bond with Kate, it is about basic manner and respect towards Toby.

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Gosh I've missed this show so much. I am so glad it's back.

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Still didn’t find out how jack dies!

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