best episode of the season so far. so many GREAT GREAT things happened (and some less great... oh well).
never saw william being gay coming, my gaydar must be broken. im glad they chose a black old guy, im almost sick of all the young white guys in shows. 11/10 what an episode

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Amazing episode!
Everything was going so well, almost perfect!
I was so happy when Toby showed up to get Kate back, and then that ending!!!

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OMG how can they do this to us? This is mean! The next episode can't come soon enough

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William is Gay or Bi <3

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Noooooooooo Toby!!! I hope he survives!! :-( wipes tear

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Good show, but that twist was kinda forced.

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  • Wow, my heart skipped a beat at the rooftop scene. It gave me a good scare.
  • I was sure they would add a queer character/story at some point, but I always thought it would be Kate or Kevin. William was one of the least people I expected and even though I'm usually the first one to pick up on queer foreshadowing or hints I actually had to replay the scene where his partner spoke at the meeting because I just didn't expect it at all. And shoutout to the little girl for acknowledging bisexuality. It means so much to me :')
  • I also enjoyed the hospital scene at the end because obviously I thought it was Mr. K in the operation room and not Toby, so that was a nice twist as well. Unfortunately it didn't really hit me because I don't care much about Toby and I believe they won't kill him off right after they brought him back together with Kate.
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in 1989 the operation for appendicitis is nothing serious. The introduction of the new character, the companion of William did not make me very happy. It is not tied to the past of the big three, Jack and Rebecca
I do not understand such persistence on Miguel, why make it so banal.
Overall too many new characters have been introduced in only 41 minutes
Although I was very pleased to see Jimmi Simpson
The only narrative choice that satisfied me was the heart attack of an obese character.

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Shout by Kevib

Beautiful episode, always fun to see Doctor K. and I completely forgot what happened to Toby. Great christmas episode.

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