Last episodes don't have enough Henry Cavill in them!! Always loved the Witcher but it seemed hasted and rushed. Will continue to watch to see how it end. But Henry Cavill will always be my Witcher! Sorry not sorry Liam

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A weak finale from what I personally thought was a decent season, the action has actually been really good throughout and I think Ciri gets better with each season, but my God they've managed to make the politics so boring in this show. Mid finale for unfortunately Henry's final episode

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Though the episode started with some fits and bumps, I do love the way it ended - neutrality be damned. What's frustrating is the fact that it ended for Cavill and I do not see Hemsworth picking up where it left off.

This may be the endo of my enjoyment for the series and about time to begin reading the books. (Only put off because I didn't want spoilers nor comparison while watching the show)

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With all that building up, I'm surprised they didn't kill off Cavill's Geralt. I haven't read the books, but I'm playing the games right now and in the beginning, Geralt has just come back from the dead and has lost his memories. Doing something like that in the show would be a good way to handle the recasting.

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I don't get why all the hate. Was it the greatest episode in the history of mankind? No. Was it good, enjoyable, on par with most of the show? Yes. And a great prologue for next season, too.

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Poor Radovid looked like he was having one hell of a panic attack there at the end.

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Change things up, fine, ok, but what happened to proper scene structure? Dizzying jump cuts in this and episode six look like a chop mix rush job, and it is truly disappointing. The fight choreography has been nice, but they don't make up for bad storytelling - not showing, nor telling how characters and factions united and reunited.

4/10 - for the hope shattered.

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What have you done Netflix? Season 1 was phenomenal. The Witcher ends here

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I really don't like this Milva casting. Her delivery feels so off. Maybe she'll have better chemistry with Liam Hemsworth in future seasons, but so far, I'm not liking her.

I'm glad they kept Tissaia killing herself. Though, I really hate how they keep trying to force all these "my daughter" and "family" lines on us. The writers have done such a poor job of establishing solid relationships and strengthening bonds between most characters, and it's like they're just trying to force mentions of "daughter" and "family" to make it seem like these character relationships are deeper than they actually are.

The action scene with the Rats was probably the best action scene this season. Didn't like everything else surrounding it though.

Overall, an underwhelming finale. At least it was better than the awful season 2 finale.

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Didn't feel like season finale. I was waiting for a proper see off of Henry Cavill, and he just walked into the woods? What was this.

Soulless dialogues and story progressing so slowly I almost feel asleep twice. I regret spending so much time watching Season 3.

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I don't understand, where's the farewell of Henry Cavill?

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One of the best episodes in the season, probably because it follows the source material much more closely then previous seasons/episodes. It is focused on some key moments.

Spoiler for those complaining that is is focusing on Ciri? Yennefer more. Yes that is how the source material is. There is much less of Geralt and more Ciri (if not Yennefer).

Little redeeming last 2 episodes for me for the show for the otherwise horrid Season 2 second hald and horrid Season 3 first part. Too bad the series will be always spoiled by poor choices.

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Not a bad season but sure didn’t feel like a finale or a hats off to Henry Cavill; definitely going to miss him as Geralt of Rivia.

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This complete season is politics
Lost interest

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Unbelievably unsatisfying as a season finale and as a season on it's own. How can you screw up so bad when you have:
A great story, a tremendous lead actor and a decent cast of actors overall. Putting Geralt out of commission for far too much time and focussing on Ciri and Yennefer was a massive mistake.

There are only two right decisions. Cancel the show or change the showrunner. They straight up murdered something that had so much potential.

Destroyed by the arrogance and wokeness of Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. Replacing the brilliant writing in the source material with immature sloppy nonsense. Disrespecting all the people who love the franchise and made it great.

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I love the Rats! All of them. Hope they will have lots of screen time if season 4 ever happens.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Christ alive that was bad. I was expecting some kind of send off/peril for Cavill's Geralt to explain the actor swap at least?
The plot was all over the place. Why have Tissea kill herself like that? It made no sense. They could have made it something more. Like have it be from the storm casting or something.
That fight sequence with the 'rats'. Choppy, shakey camera and sped up? Fucking awful.
Bad acting around every corner.
Thank God I don't need to watch what this show has become now Henry has gone. Back to the books and games for me.

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An anticlimactic and unsatisfying end to the season. After the incredibly slow and boring last episode, I was hoping for so much more for the season finale. Felt like mostly setup for next season.

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Why does everything in this episode look so artificial and like production value went down? The direction and acting are strangely off. So many shots are too obvious in terms of staging, like placement of people or simply the angle. This episode is actually one of the better ones when it comes to content but watching it feels icky in so many ways.

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Shout by kinky

Godspeed, Henry Cavill! At least we got another banger from the bard.

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I'm done with this show...

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I get why they decided to release those last 3 episodes separately.
They tried to build up some hype around them cause they knew they'd be SOOOO BADDDD! They're terrible.
The season should have ended with episode 5. It would have at least kept me interested.
The fight with Vilgefortz, Aratuza's... Mess, Ciri's escapades and a sedated forest... 3 hours for that??!
At least the first scene of the season is memorable.
They Snyder/Whedon-ed Cavill all over again.

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Shout by DrMadness

I was expecting a transition to s04.. but.. what did I watch? Geralt seemed stronger than ever..

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This episode proved that it's bullshit that Henry Cavill planned to leave the show. Unless he gets a send off in the season 4 premiere.

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