I've recently read the book and the Conclave scene is masterfully adapted to the screen. The creative writing on it was cool with the back and forth, and they preserved that creativity here. I liked it.

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Many shows and films have featured the 'day from many angles' type of affair but I've never seen it done this poorly. The overlaps were too long so it gave lots of boring repetition, the reveals were lacklustre and overall you could see it 'trying' (and failing) at the whole thing.

All the while you're beaten over the head with the bard belting out 'nothing is what it seems!' yes we get it, we weren't born yesterday. Or is this all to appeal more to the mass audiences who found season one confusing?

The dance scene was poorly choreographed and directed. Much like the episode as a whole. What could have been a great set of intrigue and build up to a reveal ended up half arsed and falling flat. The 'twist' was obvious as soon as Geralt said Lydia was wearing earrings made of the same stone as the bracelet. Yet we needed even more repetition and them both piecing it together. Ugh.
Pulling my teeth trying to finish this show. The only bright spot is the chemistry between Yen and Geralt. I'll persevere for Henry and nothing more.

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I get what they were trying to do with this episode—the same event seen from different perspectives—but it was so poorly executed. We watch the exact same scene multiple times. In fact I thought I accidentally rewinded the episode and was rewatching the beginning again. I had a hard time following along and figuring out what we were supposed to be learning each time we saw the same scene from a different angle. The worst episode of the season so far.

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Best episode of the season! Very creative, I liked it very much.

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I really didn't like the directing here. It was absolutely unnecessary to watch the same scenes 2 or 3 times. I like how they used Anya's indian origin for her clothes and make up. Maybes it's just me, but when I saw her in that outfit and hairstyle, she resembled an indian and it suited her very well.

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Great Episode! All these storylines coming together, all the intrigue... I loved it.
Cant wait for the rest of the season to continue

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This episode was written really well.

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It was interesting/fun for a bit but it became more and more boring towards the end (I'm not really interested in the politics as I haven't followed the story closely enough and I keep forgetting events/characters so I can't really follow along). I kinda like this way of storytelling, at least occasionally, but there was too much repetition for me.

"dearest, stop eating like an underfeed ghoul"
"don't stare"
"fucking prick"
A Witcher dancing
And another cliffhanger at the end... :o

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So far this season is not really my cup of tea. It's heavy on the politics (yes I know that's true to the source material) and I miss the monster hunts and the more intimate scenes between Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri.

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Why deliver half of a season, this cliffhanger is to much.

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Oh my gods I hope Radovan is for real, this is the best thing that has happened yet.

As for Geralt picking a fight… that was way too obvious. And they’re all a little too sure of themselves. Something’s smelling, but which sides do they keep wanting us to choose?

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i was completely invested into what's happening as this episode runs, it's intriguing to see how all those political conversations went on different perspectives, masterful directing:ok_hand_tone2:

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More cowbell! :wink: Sigh, now we must wait for more.

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