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The Witcher: Season 2

2x02 Kaer Morhen

Kaer Morhen is so beautiful. :sob: Also Vesemir looks way younger and thinner than in the game. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: We're slowly coming into timeline regions that gifted us with hundreds of hours of beauty and joy in The Witcher 3. Can't wait to see more. Also Henry Cavill is the best cast they could have ever found for Geralt's role, this feels so real, he looks exactly like in the game, just a bit younger. Also the ending shot of Kaer Morhen, even with the pillars Ciri was training on blindfolded in the tutorial part of the game. :sob: I might tear up at some point if this continues to be executed this well, just because of remembering the beautiful times I had in the game. I'm glad they didn't butcher this series. Looking forward to the rest of this season!

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Aww man, why did they kill off Eskel... And it meant nothing at this point :/
But other than that the episode was really awesome

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It's stupid but I loved seeing stuff like the training pillars that Ciri trains on and the Witcher medallion from the games just hanging there near the end.

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Some big departures from the source material, but disregarding that, it was a pretty good episode.

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Never read the books so I don't care about changes. All I know is this was confusing af compared to the simplicity of the previous episode. Back to season 1 feels :/

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So in this episode, we are introduced to Kaer Morhen, the Wicthers’ “hideout”, which I thought was supposed to be secluded place so it was pretty weird how on our first viewing of this place, we see it flooded with a bunch of outsiders.

As for Eskel, I think his death was supposed to have some emotional impact but it fell flat since we were just introduced to this character and we barely made any connection to him due to the fact that whomever we saw was already possessed by that leshy!

The hut scene coincided with Vesemir’s talk with Ciri about the demon in the forest so I am guessing this is what we see taking on different forms, but it was still very confusing to follow.

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Makes me wonder if creators read the saga. There is only one thing here that’s close to the books, which is Ciri and Gerald at Kaer Morhen.

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Really good episode where we are introduced to Kaer Morhen which is really well depicted. I love that it looks similar to the location in the Video Games. Also Ciri is so gorgeous this season. Her look is much stronger now and I can‘t wait to see where the journey will take her character.

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I guess I'm in the minority who thinks Henry Cavill's performance feels very self-conscious. He doesn't disappear in the role.
Storytelling wise, I was more engaged in this episode than I was during season 1.

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8.5/10 - The cinematography/visuals and music are superb and the story is great :)

The elves are quite interesting.

And Ciri at the hideout of the Witchers is quite "entertaining" :)
Must be quite scary to be the only girl amongst these brute men but she's tough and brave! "Princess Cirilla of Cintra. Nice to meet you." :D
And Geralt's parenting is of course great/funny <3 And, finally, he's even teaching Ciri to fight for herself.

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Lmao why did they kill off Eskel? He is pretty much alive in Witcher 3 iirc

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Wtf they changed everything about Eskel... that sucked.

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Oh my god! This is so epic! What a fantastic episode, and the chills I got in the last scene of this episode! Wow!

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Not sure.
I am still at loss if I like the changes from the source material here or don't.

But... this was really well executed.
And if I leave out what I might've expected from the books, this was a great episode. High quality, well scripted.

And holy fuck, a Leshen. Cool stuff.

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Wow, the production quality puts everything in the shade. Very good episode, I'm curious to see what else happens.

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I don't remember this episode from novel

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Shout by Diego

I don't understand why did show runners decide to kill the nicest guy of the whole saga. Eskel should had been a kind and patient witcher, who was supposed to train Ciri. Apparently, show runners decided that there's no need for him to stay around. It makes me really sad, because those who like Witcher series know that he lived through it all, even appearing in W3 (the game).

Overall the episode is quite cool and mysterious, like it.

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