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The Witcher

Season 2

Fewer monsters, less action and no messy timeline. I say this season is at least as good as the first. Personaly i think it´s better. The main characters are really good this time. Wish they would just talk more and be honest. How hard is that? Yes. This is me talking as if they´re real. It got to me. I really liked it. Go watch it.

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I don't really know what to think about the second season of "The Witcher." The episodes from 1-6 were not masterpieces but they were quite good, especially when they used elements of Sapkowski's books and hinted at the matters only the book readers can catch, it felt promising that maybe we would see the story taken from the novels this time, but the episodes 7-8 ruined the show totally, so I have no idea how to evaluate the season as a whole. It was constantly hinting at more book elements and never delivering them. I must say I am rather disappointed and in hindsight it seems to me that the best episode this season was the first one, which was a relatively faithful adaptation of one of my favourite short stories by Sapkowski, "Grain of Truth", after that everything was slowly going downhill.

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For me season 1 was better. It’s not bad but it also had no highlights. Ofc there are people rating 1/10 and calling this the worst show of the year. But we all now for some guys there are only 1 and 10, nothing in between.

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If season one was a mostly enjoyable adaptation of the books with some creative interpretation, this season was a high budget fanfic. Viewers who haven’t read the source material might still enjoy it, but for those who’ve read the books you’ll probably be as baffled as me about some of the changes they made to key characters/story arcs/relationships. Obviously some changes need to be made when moving from print to screen but (without spoiling anything here) several key moments this season were so fundamentally different that it’s hard to see how they’ll tell the Witcher story faithfully in future seasons.

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The Witcher S2 was really, truly just okay. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't understand/watch the recap of the previous season or they were just throwing random things in this season expecting me to know what they are even though I played the games. I will probably watch S3 when it comes but I suspect that I'll feel the same way after finishing it.

Maybe I don't like this series as much as I thought I did?

Edit: Read Lineage's comment for a better understanding of the season overall.

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[Netflix] While trying to correct the narrative mess of S1, the development of the story remains weak, supported by horrible dialogues and a script that is as lazy as usual. To the point that they need to create an episode as explanatory (and boring) as "Dear friend ..." just because they are unable to have clarity in the narration. It is a frustrating series for its good possibilities, weighed down by the showrunner's inability to bring Sapkowski's rich universe to the screen.

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season 1 was a 10 for me. this one is just 5. too much yapping. not enough action. no naked hot chicks.

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Another great season of The Witcher. If you love the first six seasons of Game of Thrones you should like this.

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I personally enjoyed this season quite a bit and I felt that the buildup and that the surprise at the end was very well delivered but the one thing that's still on my mind is whether or not Monica and Chandler have had sex or not.

While talking about character and character development, seeing all the characters from season one and the new ones and how they interacted was smoothly put together. The story is run at a good pace and you understood the characters relationships. Jaskier is my personal favorite and I really enjoyed the scene when he told Monica and Chandler to get a room.

And of course, I'm glad that Ted lied and that his wife made the big announcement herself rather than Chandler's mom and now their little daughter, Ciri, is gonna grow up knowing that it wasn't her dad who cheated.

I rate it 9/10.
Would have been a 10/10 if Gordon and Jaskier had more screen time.

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It felt like a walk through the park. Nothing special but not bad either. To bad we have to wait a whole year for the new season.

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While I was quite lost in season 1, I absolutely enjoyed season 2! The scenery and in lesser measure the intrigue kind of reminded me Game of Thrones (the good seasons..). The plot is fluid and entertaining. On top of that at times it can be quite funny. The bard is simply hilarious! And even Geralt has his good moments. I really liked this season and I’m looking forward for season 3!

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I expected more from this season... kind of dissapointed with such a easy end for season to be honest
6 was my vote

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Better acting (even ciri), more and good dialogs, better linear story telling, better cgi, less singing :D

Cant wait for third season

(Never read the books)

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Pacing was fine, as expected (since the source material for this season is an actual book and not several short stories) the timeline isn't as confusing anymore.

I don't like some of the changes they made, so I will give it only 9/10.

The actors are good and while some of the characters look nothing like they should they still feel the same, so the added diversity didn't hurt the story which is what we want to see!

I only wished the seasons were longer, so they would fill more than a day.
This show is the best thing in Television right now (with Yellowstone being a close second).

There isn't a single character in this show that doesn't stir some emotion in me ( aside from the ones in Ciris dreamworld maybe ). And yes, it is also important to have characters you can hate :) .
I can't think of a single other show where this is the case.

I am so happy to write a positive review for once - TV has been really crappy the last 2-3 years...

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The second season of The Witcher is a lot better than the first.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2022-01-04T10:36:28Z— updated 2022-11-23T13:00:32Z

This season season showed off better production value, but ended up being even more slow-paced than the first. I am sure they could have told the same story in a couple of hours. While "vertical" self-contained episodes like the first one were quite fun, I couldn't care less about the overarching narrative. At times it was hard to follow the plot and grasp the characters' motivations because they would keep changing for random reasons. Or maybe I should say, the show fails at keeping you focused long enough to keep all characters and lore details in mind? Surely not going through this one more time to get the details.

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I miss Geralts grunting in Season 2 lol.

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Really finding this series boring....... Gonna force myself to finish the series but I'll probably not bother with newer series.

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A big improvement over season one. good story telling. While the season one was complete mess. This season was better from every aspect. Things were making sense. Decent explanation. So yeah. endure season one. Then enjoy season two.

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Shit just got real enjoyed it more than No way Home !!

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I have not completed the last novel but to me story seemed to have veered of the novel but it was better much better than i expected
I thoroughly enjoyed this season ; as it has more linear progression of the story and characters has great development after the ground work thats been laid in season1.

After 2 years even with covid ; the production value hasn't dropped

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Finally... yes something to be excited about. Just in time for UK lockdown Xmas 2021!

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Shout by ragreynolds
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-12-18T14:14:14Z— updated 2023-07-27T14:15:29Z

Mostly meh with a few good moments, but also lots of cringe. If you're looking for a faithful adaptation of source material, this isn't it. This season has almost nothing in common plot-wise with the book it is based on. It's a butchery of the source. The first 7 episodes are fine, but episode 8 is truly awful and the worst episode of TV I've seen this year.

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The downgrading of the show on this season was painful

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Boring as F! Nothing like first season!

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What a horrible way to treat some of the most interesting, Arthurian-inspired source material. It's all written for you!!! Don't write your own crap. Offensive to book fans. Incoherent as a stand alone.

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