They never have enough episodes.

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Absolutely astonishing. One of the best finales I've ever seen. I'm awestruck!

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Great season finale, they went all out!

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what a joke from amazon !!

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How can this be so bad? Such an anticlimatic ending. And so much time wasted in characters and plots that have resulted in nothing. It’s just ridiculous at this point.

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Great finale and much more as expected (having read the books) compared to some of the other choices made in the series. Hoping for a longer and more fleshed out season 3 along with the carried momentum (of better everything) from the season 2 finale.

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What an epic finale. Very well done. Now I'm sad I have to wait for another season to release.

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Now, this is how a finale should be. All the open threads coming together, things fall in place, motivations become clear, and finally, the promised fights actually happen.
The friends actually meet, and their connections still stay strong. The emotions shown were really palpable, and even we could feel them. Egweyne was the highlight - having grown out of her naivety. This was evident by the fact she went ahead and killed her suldam. A younger version of her probably wouldn't have gone that far ahead.
Mat definitely grew on me through the season. Him being one of the heroes was definitely a revelation.
And Rand, finally embraced his power and destiny. Him killing Turak was a highlight for me. It's such an ultimate show of power.
Overall, it was a nice ending to the season that has primed us for the next one.

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Awesome final episode, brought thinks together nicely. :thumbsup_tone1: All set for the next season. :thumbsup_tone1: Looking forward to it.

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Egwene!!!! what a character development :clap:. She was the highlight of the last 3 episodes of this season.

They better stick and improve from here on out fr :100:. I want season 3 quality to be :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend: not :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:

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Wow, just wow. What a fantastic season finale. Looking forward to season 3.

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well that was some good tv!

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Hot damn! This show sure came a long way since its sketchy first season. What an ending, this one was! This new chapter just made me bump my rating for this show from a 7 to an 8. Absolutely wonderful second season! Can't wait for the third one!

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I'm weak. This episode was absolutely fantastic! I could not stand still while watching it. And then the scene where every friend of Rand arrives at the tower while Moraine channels to destroy the ships. Pure perfection!!

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Characters which the serie spent complete episodes building on gets either deleted in half a second or literally do nothing at all in this finale. It just a 70minutes action B-movie with improbable and implausible things all over the place.

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A great finale! All the plot threads resolved and everything neatly tied up with the perfect setup for next season (that's not a cliffhanger). My only gripe is that it felt a bit rushed. There's a lot packed into this episode and while I'm happy everything got resolved, I wish there was more time to digest everything that happened. Other than that, I loved all the action and seeing everyone come together for the epic showdown.

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That final scene was simply jaw dropping. The whole finale was fantastic, but that scene had my jaw on the floor. And the visualization for this persons weaves are spot on for that character.

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Shout by Nyx

Amazing finale!!! I could cry! In fact, I did, a few times (don't judge me, lol!).
To be so connected, rooted, interwoven, bonded, intertwined with one another - oh my goodness! THAT is what life is about. Even though Ishamael woke the other dark ones, it's obvious they'll fail because they're not unified. Moiraine told us as much when she said to Lan, "...they're always fighting." Aaaaaand now our lightbringers have the immortal Lanfear on their side too, how could they ever lose?!

The impatient wait is on for the next season because Rafe Judkins and crew chose violence with that jaw-dropping cliffhanger. It's ok though, Season 3 is going to be FANTASTIC (and very likely the final season).

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To the people who read the books: is Nynaeve this useless in the books too?
Not asking for spoilers on what's to come, just wondering, in the books when they reach this point, was Nynaeve this useless? It feels like her being able to channel at will is being dragged out.

Other than that, seemed like they actually could've used another ep to wrap this season up so it wouldn't feel so rushed but overall a decent season finale (to a non book reader).

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Couldn't imagine, that this show would finally solve all the problems from the really bad first season. They shortened the story from the books but kept the feeling, so I'm finally releaved. I hope so much, that they will get the time to develop the story to an end and Amazon is not giving up this show. This final episode was showing, what is possible with this story.

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An astonishing achievement given all the baggage that comes with the books. I can't believe they pulled it off. A breathtaking final forty minutes.

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Shout by nox32

I guess egwene had to save herself since everyone else had to take their sweet ass time walking in the middle of a freaking battle

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