A typical wheel-spinning pre-finale episode that was pretty enjoyable. I'm sure many will hate her but I kinda enjoyed the new character Princess; she has a chaotic comic relief feel to her that I think is kinda needed amongst all the weekly moping and brooding.

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The last season and half has taken the meaning of the walking dead literally. The story plots are nothing interesting, and when they are its short lived. This has been the case for awhile. Though. The second half of season 10 has seemed to change it up in a way where I'm starting to get interested again. That whole ebb and flow of TWD .. where you hate it, but then come to love it for a bit before the wave of hate takes over once more.

So,. lets see where this wave takes us.

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So now this is what we have to stew on while AMC pretends someone can't edit the last episode from home and give us the finale we should be watching? What trash. I'm so tired of this show I wish I hadn't invested 10 years so I could just turn it off already.

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Princess is so awesome! Finally an interesting character.

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Another 10 min episode. You can skip the rest. It’s time to end this show for good.

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The Boring Dead

Nobody needed a new character with wanna be a crazy attitude. Typical Boring Dead episode where nothing happens.

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Good buildup for the season finale later this year. Still sucks we have to wait that long for the finale.
I like Princess, very nice to have a lighter character added to the show again. She's wacky, I like it. Most of the times when characters are added they're either traumatized to the point of always being angry, murderous or the opposite; sad/weak-ish. Princess is bold, fun and with a nice sense of humor.
Ryan Hurst has once again captured my heart, I mean... after last week; when we saw Beta from an almost softer more humane side to this week when he's really lost it. I kind of don't want him to die anymore. I know Beta has his end coming and unlike Negan, there is no way the group will take him in or he will let himself be taken in; he'll die for sure... but I love to see this character unfold. I wouldn't mind a Beta centered episode. I want to know more about him.

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The two positives is this episode, it did a good job of getting me hyped for that finale, and the moment between Daryl and Judith at the end was really well done.
Other than that there wasn't much to love here, this new character seems suuuuper annoying and trying to make the audience care about a character like that this late into a show is difficult. Excited for the finale but this episode was fairly weak by itself.

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Filler episode..... I wanted more as I binge, but these are required to build the world!

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I withdraw my earlier comment on the episode where we saw the big migration of a yet unknown tribe at the end:

The Boring Dead completely dropped the ball yet again. I'm aware that the planned last episode of the season is delayed but I can't honestly think about any way they can redeem this bullcrap other than ending in a cliffhanger showing what Rick is up to.

Nothing happens. A new forcibly nerve-racking and all around unrealistic, even for TWD standards, character is introduced. Haha, bicycles.

What in the earliest season name are the producers thinking? They've got so many great possible setups and yet here they are, wasting them all. This once great show was demoted to my workout white-noise.

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i’m really loving this new princess character! idk how the gang didn’t assume they were walking around a trap mine when she was walking around slowly & counting. her monologue about loneliness was a bit cheesy but it was ok.

another great judith & daryl scene. she really is the best child actress that’s ever been in the show, or maybe of all time. good job.

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Daryl and Judith cannot keep doing this to me:sob:

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I think Princess might be one of my favorite characters in this show.

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Lol on talking dead or a interview after twd said they didn’t think about how the hospital location they filmed at was the same as the one when Beth died but in the show it’s different cities

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so I'm back to trying to finish season 10. So season 10 can be special for me because this is where i ended my journey from walking dead via live cable. It was the beginning of covid and I remember I'm like yeah they are going to take a break and come back in October and I haven't came back since now. This was ep was alright 7.6/10. Slow set up but the message was loud and clear. Princess is pretty cool let's see how they kill her off haha jk but seriously I'm excited to rewatch the Walking Dead

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I love this show and I hate to see it go but if it dose then it need to end like this someone asleep and they dream all of it and none of them are dead on the show

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Not bad hope last one knocks the teeth out :D
like the new Princess :)

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Shout by BMW92

A new character fleshed out (I like Princess so far, I actually didn't mind her in the comics either), some heartfelt moments, but mostly filler. Last year's episode 15 was the fair at the kingdom, and we all remember what took place there... Hopefully the upcoming finale is a banger. I'm excited for Maggie's return.

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Who'd have thought the crazy purple chick wouldn't be the most annoying character this episode.

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That's a bummer ... looks like we will be waiting for the last episode until further notice.

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