A lot of these comments are talking about Vanya changing pronouns and name as if she died, like y’all do realize Viktor is the exact same character from the previous seasons? Nothing major has really changed. I liked how casual they treated his coming out too, it doesn’t always have to be this huge thing. Very refreshing.

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The way Luther's eyes widened when Sloane called his moon mission cool hahaha, yeah she's perfect for him

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The people complaining about Vanya transitioning to Viktor should probably just stop watching and spare the rest of us. It doesn't take away from the story, the show's literal creator embraced it, why can't that be good enough?

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the amount of transphobia in this comment section is absolutely disturbing and sad. y‘all hating on elliot and/or viktor should be ashamed of yourselves.

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A decent way to handle Elliot's transition and the Vanya/Viktor character.
Thing is about Elliot, he never did look comfortable in his own skin. When he did make that announcement in 2020 suddenly it made so much sense to me why. I like how they wove that into the show. Viktor's conversation with Allison felt very authentic. I bet that was emotional for the actors to film as well.

Also, do we think the ball of energy in the basement is tidying up the paradoxes?

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Yes, Elliot Page transitioned, but after his coming out he said he'll continue to play Vanya.
Don't understand the need to have Vanya transition too. It does nothing for the story and it was completely half-assed. Short hair and a new name. That's it? Come on.

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I think this was a very respectful way to handle the transition of Page and his character. They didn't make to big of a thing out of it but gave it some time in the spotlight. Good job!

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Vanye became Viktor a little half assed. I expected a less lazy CW explanation than Vanye just realizing she was always meant to be a boy. So she got a hair cut and boom.
I knew it would be hard to explain but I expected a better explanation. Otherwise it is still a fun show. Despite that bad writing.

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The weirdest part of the episode is zero comments on Diego's new haircut from his siblings!
Also is the car supposed to hint at a small differences with the previous reality or... is that just right-hand drive car?

Vanya's name choice always bothered me. Vanya is short form for Ivan, which is strictly male name. Unlike let's say Zhenya. Like Evgenia Medvedeva and Evgeni Plushenko both would be called Zhenya regardless of gender. Either source material was too lazy to check or maybe it was tongue in cheek homage to long tradition of misgendering (Natasha Romanoff) or given strangest name combinations to foreigner characters (Lev Andropov). But now... It almost feels like a destiny for that character) Why didn't creators pick Ivan as a new name through? Oh, well. Didn't know that they gonna write the change into his character. I, personally, would have cut the exchange between Alison and Victor right after haircut comment.

Speaking about agendas... who the hell wrote a kid into this storyline? Who keeps shoving kids down our throats in our campy shows, huh?!

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Was it just me, or was the ball of twine just not very impressive? Welcome to the party Viktor!

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What's a TV show without a woke episode or 2. like we get it, he is no longer a female. but why make that such a huge focus on an episode??

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Even though I applaud that they were acknowledging the transition of Elliot Page in her personal life, the way they tried to implement it into the show was at least underwhelming. It felt artificial … somehow disconnected from the story and rushed in a way. A bit more plot to the transition to Victor would have helped immensely to ease it for the viewer. But given the fact that this emerged from the actors personal life I feel it’d have been hard to implement no matter what, still I believe the way they chose to do so left big room for improvement…

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Diego and his son are great together

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So there's Viktor. Tbh I'll miss Vanya but Viktor will hopefully be as cool as Vanya or even better.

All of those cows disappearing was fun. #5 really doesn't get a day off... :o

Sloane and Luther are cute <3

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I don't know what it is, but this show just does it for me. It's so damn charming!

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Grandfather paradox, huh? That's the mystery second to the fire ball yet connected.

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