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The Umbrella Academy 2019

Number 5 is an amazing actor

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Such a great show! I was not expecting it to be nearly as good, but it totally consumed me until I finished it. I see some people saying that the show moved too slowly and was boring, but to me personally, it was the complete opposite. I found the show very enjoyable and I was interested in every minute of it. I also really loved that not everything was revealed right off the bat, although the plot was a little predictable it sure as hell is worth a watch. I hope we get a second season, I'm really looking forward to it!

I forgot to mention Number Five, he steals every god damn scene he is in, it's incredible.

A second edit, I hate myself for forgetting to add this the first time around, but the music... holy hell the music was PERFECT.

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I heard a rumor that this is a good show

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I gave the show an 8 but the role of Klaus is a 10

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I'll give it a try for Ellen. but I'll guess I'll be disappointed, like in mostly every true Original from netflix.

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Aidan Gallagher is an incredible talent for his age I found myself really impressed with his performance.

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First season was great, 2nd got quite convoluted but good. S3 is goinv woke thanks to the Vanya character now turning into a transman or whatever so ruining the plotlines and character that we saw uptil now. Genderswap/mpreg was alwatys acceptable when it remained fantasy/fiction & imagination of fans but you want to force people to believe that Females can turn i to Males and Males can turn into Femn ales and therefore I must believe that Ellen Page is truly a Male / Man character and in real life - F*? off. The only reason I will give S3 a chance is because I still love all the other characters and am curious about their kourney - Ellen Page is just a faker who wants to bring her real life delusions into a fictional show. The writing wqa quality is about to go down in S3 and expect some confusing bulls*t of pronouns being thrown around when EP is aroiund.

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The first episode is gold, but the show is gradually going down. If it could keep up with the first episode, the series would be epic!

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This show got progressively worse. I'm not sure why they brought an actresses personal life into the story script either and changed her character because she changed irl. That's the point of acting, to play a role you signed up for. Not make the writers change the script to fit your new identity.

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I enjoyed it without being completely blown away.
Exploring the family dynamics of estranged adopted siblings with a wide range of super powers and a horribly emotionally abusive and exploitative father AND an apocalypse- things are gonna get weird.
The story was not predictable- certainly weird, but I didn’t know what was going to happen, which is good.
Some characters were better than others - Klaus, self-medicating his disturbing power with illicit drugs and Hazel the sympathetic time-travelling hitman in particular worked well for me.
The use of music was great. Some great songs giving a backdrop to many of the action pieces, plus Vanya’s classical music vibe.

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Season 3 is a waste of time ,full of shit..10 episodes of useless talking about feelings that we had to tolerate especially with that Allison that clearly everyone is praying that someone kill her already..all of that cause of Regi promises of explanations coming soon ,then the last episode saying"hey we wasted your time there's no explanations we will think of them in season 4"..why did you drag us to 10 episodes with nothing in the end..this season could have been 6 episodes easily as long as you're not going to give answers!!!

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First season was good. After its hot garbage

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Lighthearted fun with some cool characters and a bizarre story.

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Yes please, I would like a second season.

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I watched it all in one day, I wish there was more to see! Absolutely in love with this one. It's great to see how each character is so different.

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Shout by Maiden Aveline
BlockedParent2020-12-05T09:57:45Z— updated 2021-02-18T13:34:26Z

I gave up after the season 1. It just didn’t excite me at all. makes me cringe so much.. Different strokes for different folks.

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Lasz friday I watched the first episode, the next day I watched the next 9... I liked it so much! Episodes includes some funny moments, but it isn’t a teen-drama or something like that. It’s so different what I expected!

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I loved everything about the series - music, casting, acting, cinematography... the list goes on.

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This show is my new favorite. It reminded me a little of ´A series of Unfortunate Events' in the way that both have a very weird, funny and different way of storytelling and I love both.
All of the characters are very cool and unique, all bringing their own element to the table. There is a sense of mystery throughout the entire season and it all fits together nicely in the end. I'm thrilled that there is going to be another season because there is still a lot more to this story.

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Great show for movie night. And it keeps you interested until the end. But keep in mind that it has a cliffhanger at the end.

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For just once I would like to se shows about superHEROES and not superdysfunctional asshats.

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i would die for five and klaus tbh
super funny, great action scenes, perfect cast, amazing soundtrack. the umbrella academy is one of my favourite comics and i was so happy to see it was getting the series it deserved!

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The show starts out great, and he has like everybody says klaus is great too. Then quickly the show begins to fizzle out and Klaus begins to be very annoying. I stopped watching . It went from something that could’ve been great to Suck Town.

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season three sucked major ass. Bad acting, writing, dialogue and pacing. First two seasons were enjoyably ridiculous but the third was horrible and made absolutely no sense.

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Season 3 looks like its made with a very low budget. Story is good, but the bad decors are annoying

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This show was a useless waste of time. I won't continue this crap anymore.
Actors play so badly, except 5 and Viktor.
Story means nothing, written by a 5 year old kid who likes explosion and super powers.
There is no point following this show if we watch Marvel or The boys shows.
Season 1 was okay, 2nd and 3rd, crap.

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This show is still so much fun. I liked S3 a bit less than the first two. But I still like all the weirdness that this is bringing every episode, especially Klaus; what a legend. The story is exactly what you'd expect: all over the place with time travel and different dimensions. It's a great watch. I'd be fine with it if they end it right here, at three great seasons, because I'm kind of afraid that this will get old if it goes on too long.

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Season 2 was the best but always love seeing the family together!

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Too bad Ellen Page is now a guy.

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I love everything in this show, it's just awesome

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Season 2 is even worse than the first one. Only the last episode is decent.

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I liked it, and i didn't liked it. Luther has to be the most annoying character i have seen in a while. That be said. The music is really on point.

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Such a big fan of this. Was turned off by yet another SuperHero show but am soooo glad I watched this. Twice actually. Can not wait for Season 2. If Game of Thrones is at the top of my pyramid, this show, Preacher and Magicians, WestWorld all sit at the same #2 position

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Shout by Timekeeper
BlockedParent2019-03-22T06:56:19Z— updated 2020-05-17T07:50:13Z

I finished episode 10 and was like,Where's the next episode? It was just getting good.I wanted more. Wish they had done at least 13 episodes. Glad to see there will be season 2.

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this is Just mind Blowing

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An elongated origin story. Hopefully now that is done we will see a Season 2 to really sink your teeth into.

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i did not know what to expect as i've never read nor even heard about the comics before, but this is an awesome show! binged it in two days. obviously i cant say how close it follows the comic but i found it really entertaining and the characters very likeable.. well, most of them anyway. netflix has to renew it or i will be majorly disappointed. 9.5/10

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it's fun but, also predictable... including the setting for next season

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i just finished and are you KIDDING ME it ends with a cliffhanger istg

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Really enjoyed this more than I thought I would! Aidan Gallagher stole the show as Number Five- who returned thru time as the mature 5 but in his younger body. He really nailed the part until it was hard th believe he is actually just fifteen yrs old! Recommended viewing!

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Shout by Λεφρίκη
BlockedParent2019-01-25T09:59:53Z— updated 2019-09-08T10:19:42Z

Both excited and terrified about this.. Let's hope it doesn't turn out like The Runaways
edit: Thankfully, it did not turn out like the Runaways and even though it has some differences from the comics, i love it.

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First season was sooo good. I thought it was a good mix of humor, action and plot. The second season was disappointing though.

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90% of conflict could be resolved if, Five's words, the characters weren't "emotionally stunted" to the point where they couldn't handle simple miscommunication.
Predictable, boring, watched all the way through for more scenes with Klause and Five.

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I understand that this show has stayed true to the comic book, so I can't attribute the absurdity and predictability of the plot to its creators, but man, could the dialogue be any more "explain everything like I'm five"? I mean, I may be slightly more sensitive to this than usual, having watched Russian Doll a week ago, but even with that taken into account...

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it got worse not better, don't waste your time

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This Show is quite brilliant. Season 2 takes it to another level.

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So the first season was insane and I loved it. I haven't read the comics but all characters are well written and well acted. The group dynamic is often times entertaining. I like the weirdness.
The second season keeps up with the quality, maybe even elevates it further. Character development is ever so present.
Looking forward that this gem of a show keeps going for a few more seasons and doesn't get the Netflix treatment.

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Masterpiece! Oh shit this is so good!

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It's alright. Somewhat entertaining at times, but oh so predictable :| ( I do like Klaus, though :D)

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Amazing series! Every actor does a nice job and the story is badass as well. The cliffhanger could me much worser, I even like it. WATCH IT!

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I didn't expect it to be this good and fun.
The characters all really unique and create a fun dynamic.
The visuals and music are great, although it could some better CGI and more budget on a few occasions.
Kinda gave me a watchmen vibe.
Really looking forward to a second season.

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Cant wait till the next season :)

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Some brilliant moments (Temporal portal, dance and fight scenes) but overall told too slowly, with too many scenes that didn't advance the plot (I could have done without 2/3 of the Robert Sheehan/#4/Klaus's scenes). Clever use of music. Good acting (Aidan Gallagher, a 15 year old, brilliantly played a 58 year old in a 13 year old body). Potential for an 8 (Hello) but drug down to a 6 (Goodbye) out of 10. [Old School Comic Book Action]. Happy 32st Birthday to Ellen Page (a tiny Haligonian Canadian).

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A terribly weak scenario from the episode ~ 5 to the very end. The ending is so senseless that it is difficult to find a more stupid .. So to be able to neutralize Vanya was enough to stun it? That's what the bang-flash grenades are!
Anyway, what is this strange reality in which in 2019, are not a mobile phone or Internet?

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Good show. Worth a watch.

Better than most Original shows from Netflix. Little predictable as stated by other reviewers.

Drags a little but that's typical of most of the shows on Netflix (for some reason they need to make 10-13 episodes for ever show which forces them to put in some really boring stuff which could've been avoided).

BTW, the motel in EP 8 looked like the same motel from Schitt's Creek (which by the way is prob one of the funniest shows on TV currently).

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Season 3 isn't that bad. People just hate it for a different reason, not the season itself


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This is amazing, it keeps getting better and better. Overall season 3 was the worst but with the character development from season 1 to 3 it still is very good. The first season was took me a while to get into it, after that I couldn’t turn of my tv.

Five is definitely the best character for me and an amazing actor! Every character had moments that annoyed me, normally that bothers me but for some reason I still like every character almost equally.

Can’t wait for season 4

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the newest one or two seasons were kind of bad but the earlier ones are absolute gold

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the 3rd season is so bad

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Another superhero show that has a unique and interesting take on what a superhero is. The seasons are all different in their own ways and help the viewers connect more with each character individually so that when they eventually unite back together, you want to cheer for them as a team.

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Why do the showrunners hate women roles? Honestly, the pattern on this show and how the portray their female characters is concerning. Last case in point: the Allison character. And I won't be surprised if they carry on on future seasons. Maybe this time Netfix should rightly cancel a show

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Started off OK, but quickly got tedious. Gave up at episode 7.

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This is So underrated Show.. based on (Marvel Comics) ever has,
so Story, and its pace everything is on point..
o much better than Mainline shows..

Even better than some DC shows like Supergirl, Batwoman, Naomi

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Allison is such a cunt. My Girlfriend and I keep routing for her to die this season

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Season 3 was a complete waste of time. Nothing explained & setup for season 4. I would recommend waiting till season 4 drops before watching season 3.

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love this show and super powers, hope Netflix ends with season 3 because I don't want to see them without superpowers. did not like Allison in season 3 like I did 1 and 2. Luther and is one of my favs

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The cast is awful except n°5
s03 is a mess, and this show was never the best

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Decided to give this show a watch. The reason I had not watched it was doom patrol came out at the same time and I never got round to this so I'm hoping this will be better than doom patrol.

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Absolutely love this show, I was obsessed with the first season and that didn't change when the second one came out. I can't wait to see what they do with the third one. the only issues I have with it is that they didn't incorporate as much of the comics as I thought they would, this isn't necessarily a bad thing but as a massive fan of the comics I was expecting it to be a lot more similar.

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Vanya, Luther, and Allison are all boring/annoying and I don't care about them.
Also, I'm glad Lila was brought into Season 2 so we can have another interesting female lead other than the Handler.

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Great Show … looking forward to another season

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The Umbrella Academy is a series with a content that I consider somehow exotic. The refinement of character development, the unfolding of the story or the constant hang cliff is mind-blowing, kept me glued to the screen.

I don't want to talk directly about the series, without spoilers. But I wanted to leave a recommendation. Despite being a series about superheroes, there is a K factor of humanity. Deep down I loved all the characters, in one way or another I identified myself and lived the story.


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Amazing performance from number 5

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Confusing yet brilliant! Keeps you intrigued

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Lovvvveeee the umbrella academy.
Who doesn't want to be a Hargreaves?!

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So hyped for S03!! I love this show!

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I'm really not into superhero stuff but the series did a good job at not making it about their powers. I'm pleasently surprised. Binched the 2 seasons in less than a week.

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Note to self: get soundtrack

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An adequate revisit of the terrific 1st volume of the Dark Horse Comics. All of the UA actors were terrific & seemed to follow the characterizations set by the book. It was nice to see Ben.
The only downside... Hazel & Cha Cha were an absolute mess - horrible actors, misunderstood characterization, incompetent writing for them. Hazel & Cha Cha are instruments of chaos (similar to Joker).

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The first episode is gold, but the show is gradually going down. If it could keep up with the first episode, the series would be epic!

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Almost unique super powered human concept. Some of their powers are weak advantages. Eccentric characters, comic book level plot writing. The show does develop quickly, so a little sloppy. Works hard at getting you to feel for the characters and achieves it at most attempts. Would recommend lightly.

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A Very Good, charming and Colorful Comic Book series with a nice mix of comedy and drama, the plot is repetitive (Father was bad!) and full of clichés (must save the world!) but the group is great, the story feels very Personal and all works because is about Family, so you enjoy the Fun characters and their super-problems.

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The dang show is too freaking slow, jumping all over the place, but a few last episodes are good. I am glad I stuck around to finish it.

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