I was so happy for the winner because wow do they deserve it, but watching the end play out was one of the most heart-wrenching things I have ever seen.

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I was rooting for the faithful, but man Quentin and Andie were too oblivious because as soon as Cirie said she couldn't split the money with someone who didn't earn it it should have been a red flag since the final four are all people who contributed heavily to the challenges. Respect to Arie for being a gracious loser cause I would have had a fit.:laughing:

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What a awful show with stupid people. I’m glad I fast forwarded most of it after 3 episodes.

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Cirie played the perfect game, but that back stab at the end was not cool. Arie was very gracious and showed a lot of class doing what he did. She was greedy and showed no class doing it -1/2 the money just wasn't enough.

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Cirie played a hell of a game. Congratulations :clap_tone3:

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