No stalling and unpredictably to the point. Great.

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Still no idea what critics saw. This show just isn’t bad. Funny how alive Jai Courtney is as a bad guy. He was pretty dull in a Good Day to Die Hard and Terminator 5.
Anyway this show kicks ass, anyone who says otherwise is just a Chris Pratt hater, for no reason.

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Idk what everyone is bitching about this is one of if not Chris Pratts best role. You can tell he did real gun training and hand to hand training. The way he holds the guns the way he pulls it to his chest when you aren’t shooting at the moment it’s so good. You have to be into guns to know. This show is great better than Reacher by far which everyone seems to keep comparing it to.

Best military revenge show in a long time. And you know this kind of corruption happens in real life too so it’s not far fetch to get you thinking

Love his no hesitation kills as it should be, none of this talking or last words bs, very tactical.

I can’t say enough good things about this show

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Fair episode and that final death was awesome and very logical.

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Yeah this show is great. A pure military revenge thriller that is just meant to entertain you. I appreciate being able to turn my brain off for a bit to just enjoy this show for what it is. Pratt is doing something different from his typical shtick here and it is very refreshing to get a different kind of performance out of him.

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They say that revenge is never good, it kills the soul and poisons it, but I like to watch a revenge movie/series.

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Shout by Ro

“Do not shit in this car.”

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