Wiping the tears off of my cheeks.. I've enjoyed the passion to the game, the emotional moments and the very touching relationship between the characters. Excellent show.

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Ok, can we have a Jolene spin-off now?

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While the character growth is appreciated, it is definitely rushed. All in all, a decent ending for an excellent drama given the episodes allocated.
That was the smoothest recovery from raging alcoholism and drug abuse I have ever seen

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it breaks my heart that she never got to meet Mr.Shaibel again.

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When she was crying in the car, I completely understood. All of it. She realized she wasted a good portion of her time.

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How to make something relatively unknown so exciting. Queens gambit did it well!

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This show was definitely one of the best ones I‘ve watched in recent years on Netflix. Brilliantly acted by amazing actors, beautiful to look at and a great story makes this a must-see!

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A motivational and moving end. A true Rocky in the world of chess.
The coming together of all the friends was a bit cheese but I enjoyed what it represented. Beth had more people that cared about her than she realised. She thought she was as alone as her mother felt. She thought she was abandoned by 2 sets of parents then seeing that pin board in the orphanage basement and having Jolene in her corner - it was just the beginning of showing that she is loved. And damn if that pin board didn't bring a tear to my eye.

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Great end of the series for a great series, great setting and performances, especially from the protagonist. Makes you want to play chess

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I don't even care that it was cheesy, it was what I needed. Fuck logic I guess, sometimes you just need a happy ending because life sucks enough in real life already. I cried tears from happiness watching this last episode. I also adore Townes so I'm glad to see him in this episode again. Anya was fantastic in this series. So was the rest of the cast. Loved the outfits as well and I love that they made chess look exciting!

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Great show.
I just felt that the very end kind of fell off a little bit. After America's victory over Russia, oh, what a surprising theme, by actually working together, nice touch there. Like they didn't really know how to end it properly and gave it some sort of fairytale ending. I mean, it's cute... I just didn't want to buy it like I bought the rest of the story.

Everything was great, until she walked out of that building, then the show was kind of ... meh.
But that's, what, 5 minutes out of a few hours, I'll take it :joy:

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This is how you do television! Brilliant!

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What was up with that last shot being done with a hand held camera? All the shaking was so jarring and awful.

Townes showing up again was a nice touch. And all the guys getting together back home to brainstorm and help her out was SO sweet! .

Lovely series. I don't even know how to play chess, but I really enjoyed it.

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Shout by Deleted

By the end of the last episode this series becomes a bit tiresome though thoroughly enjoyable still.

The lead actress is great, the way the chess matches are shot is wonderful.

Russians are not the strerotypical villainous types. Thank god for small mercies.

This show has some rough edges but on the whole it’s good fun.

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Fantastic show all around. And damn did they make chess look exciting.

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That ending was mad corny :/

I can see why people would love it, though.

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I don’t know who those men live interests are I don’t care them and they all look the same
Lovely ending i feel so glad it didn’t all go wrong

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Shout by Dani

It's a very nice and neat wrap-up, but Beth's drug and alcohol addiction seems unresolved. She clearly suffered from withdrawal when she was a kid so seeing Beth dealing with her substance use problem by simply deciding to stop is unconvincing. Years of drug and alcohol abuse, just easily solved without any consequences.

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It's not about a victory, but how she won.

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Not perfect but it was fun to watch, good series.

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So the episodes I enjoyed more were the last two...

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This show is perfect done. Every detail. The ending was very well done, and despite a loooot of “suggestions” here, from people that, I suppose, don’t understood the meaning of being with someone special and gifted, it’s easy to give five stars to this brilliant story!

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if you liked this and you see anime check Hikaru no Go , 70 +- episodes of Go game :hugging:

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