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The Queen's Gambit 2020

Incredible. I went into this blind and was blown away

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Shout by Simo
BlockedParent2020-10-25T20:33:16Z— updated 2020-11-10T23:53:54Z

One the best new shows of 2020
The story is told beautifully , we see our main character's journey from the start and we live her success , addiction , struggles
Aesthetically stunning , the sets , the decoration of the 50's and 60's is great
Anya Taylor-Joy is fantastic

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I think for a show that had a theme of female empowerment in male dominated spaces, it failed to accurately portray a struggling woman - it was classically a woman “written by a man.” Even during what was supposed to be Beth’s lowest point, her hair was still perfect and she always had makeup on. She wore gorgeous slips and the camera was often framed to show her panties underneath. She was a gorgeous “it girl”, even through the depths of addiction. It makes me mad that she can’t struggle without performance and sexualization.

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I began watching this show and before I had even noticed, I had watched four episodes in a row! I love it when shows do that to you; when they just grab you and won't let go and, hoo-boy, this one definitely does that!

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If you are reading this before watching the show, go ahead and watch it. You will truly enjoy it.

This is how a show should be done. Seven episodes but the creators have done an excellent job of character development even for the minor characters. You will immediately be drawn into the story & will find it hard to stop watching. The cinematography was amazing with some awesome scene transitions. The set design was perfect. The costumes were spot on (not that I know what its was like during the 50s/60s). The musical score really draw you in to the show. And the final episode is probably one of the best finale to a series, really well done.

If you watch this show, you won't be disappointed by The Queen's Gambit.

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It's what every sports anime ever wanted to be but this one actually does it right.

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F***ing loved it!

I was hooked from the very first episode. I like chess and used to play it for fun but who knew it could be so damn entertaining :)

10/10 - Absolute rewatch!!!!!

Anya Taylor-Joy and Thomas Brodie Sangster were the best in it, excellent casting and acting!

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Shout by jezzfreeman1986
BlockedParent2021-01-10T22:24:17Z— updated 2021-01-20T08:38:33Z

Considering this is a drama about chess, I put this off for a while thinking it would be utterly boring.
Alas, I was incredibly mistaken. What a brilliantly presented rollercoaster of a story.
I never would’ve considered drugs and chess to ever fit smoothly into the same story but here we are.
We watched all seven episodes within a day and would love to see a second season!

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From beggining till the end, this show attends our best expectations. I´ve read a few comments w/ "suggestions"of what should be a better ending. People, please, r u kidding? The ending was pure perfection: Beth in self growning, struggle w/ her devils (addictions), understanding her foundations and emotional lacks + meaningful meetings w/ those who really cares + the fact that she is not a regular person: she has a geniousity that can be simultaneous very attracted and threatening + all the cares and attention that she captivate just to be herself. A very pleasant conviction keeps: her love for chess is beyond political/religious inductions. Total respect for this wonderful actress, such as the great Jolene!!!

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Relies on the genuinely sumptupus period production detail to compensate for the lack of engaging character development or plot. If you liked Forrest Gump, you’ll like this.

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Interesting how this was actually a commentary on vices and obsessions rather than a series about chess. It’s mostly stories that we have already seen somewhere else, but that rarely have a woman as the protagonist. Beautifully staged, shot, and edited, but way too watered down.

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Well, I approached this show as someone who plays chess occasionally and for fun, and I honestly expected at least some well explained beginner's strategy or recounting of famous chess battles. There's nothing of that sort, except move names and openings flying around without any visual explanation.
I have no idea why people like this show so much.
It was even more boring than the book it came from, but at least the book was really about chess.

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Usually relying on the ol'lady to find something good to watch backfires in spectacle fashion...but..occasionally..she finds pure Gold

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Great show that I had very few issues with. Highly entertaining. Anya Taylor-Joy is a great actress, but everyone's pointed that out already; I actually had a bit of trouble connecting with her, but that's due to the writing. The side cast really shines though: I think Marielle Heller, who plays her adoptive mother, did an excellent job. Isla Johnston who plays Little Harmon is top-notch as well. But I especially liked Herry Melling and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. What a great line-up this cast has.

Now please, Netflix, let this stay a limited series as originally intended. Don't ruin it.

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Gotta love the pretentious, contrarian, edgy 5 and lower reviews.

A few minor flaws, in my opinion, hold this back from a 10/10. It easily earned a 9/10 though.

This show sat on my watch list for a while. I mistakenly assumed a show about chess would be boring, but it was actually quite engaging. Other than a few cheesy moments, there's not much to nitpick.

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[Rating: 9.5]
What to say about this show?
Netflix really hit the spot this time by producing a fantastic show based on a novel.
An amazing direction with long takes, camera movements and close-ups that are simply fantastic; a show that stages a story that my seem boring on the surface, but which is represented in such a way as to be exciting and engaging.
How not to mention the cast: Anya Taylor-Joy was crazy, as was Harry Melling.
The settings are great and the photography is amazing!
One of the best Netflix Original products ever, second in my opinion only to 'The Crown'.

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Unsure how I feel about the series. It looks good, but not convinced by Anya Taylor-Joy as a 17-year old. Entertaining, but fails to capture the insecurity of the book's character. Although series does hint better at the character's daddy issues.

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I watched it way after the hype it caused in 2020, and I must say it didn't "age" well (give me a break, each year went as 5 these days). Feels like she gave up too easily on ab addiction that lasted from childhood. Also, It seems to me like a fantasy made to encourage girls, the actress is great, but many of the aspects aren't followed through (like her birth father, why didn't she look for him? it's one thing when the mom wants to hand over a girl, and it's different when she dies. Or her relationships in general, despite the length of the episodes, most of them appeared shallow, except for Alma).
Also, having Russian background, the language and some of the backdrop was not convincing (not bas as "Killing Eve" though).
It was also weird that her Russian kicked in only in the last scene.
Anyway, pretty good one, but having too high expectations about it might lead to disappointment.

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What to say about Queen's Gambit? not much, amazing show that got me intrested to tryout chess. Been playing couple of games every week since finishing this series. No matter if i lose, i smile and think about what this show taught me.

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Apart from the first and the last episode, It's a waste of time

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(also its not my 1st language)

I know nothing about chess and don't care much about it either so this show isn't really for me but I still recognise the high quality of it, its a show very well made (with great acting), so if you like chess Im sure you will like this a lot.
And for those like me who don't, its still a show you can enjoy.

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This show was something. Something what I've never seen before. Something you won't see every day.
I dont usually watch dramas series, but this was fabulous. Show handled the story of the girl who found her talent in chess and looking for the meaning of life and all of it in lovely dramatic jacket with breathtaking music and story. Every episode had different environments and original chess duels. The cast is nearly the best of the whole show. I can safely say that Ayna Taylor -Joy deserves an Oscar for such a performance.

Cast 10/10

Storytelling 9/10

Characters 9/10

Video Prouduction/Cut/Music 10/10

Environment 4/5

Conclusion 4/5
= 92%

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It was a delightful show that handled the complexities and growth of a chess genius. It was suspenseful, emotional, jarring, and heartwarming. It was a rollercoaster that I enjoyed, and after some time, I will gladly ride it again. I loved this show. I don't have much words to describe it other than amazing.

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This show is such a cinematographic masterpiece! I paused a few times just to admire the shot with perfect framing, lighting, everything. The story is remarkably interesting and comes with a roller coaster of emotions and relatable characters, but I couldn't help sensing a little romanticization when it came to substance abuse and addiction, they could've touched the topic with a little more delicacy. It could've been a tad longer to give the characters a little more depth as well, but I think they've done what they could. Overall, it's a good show.

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This must be the best short tv show made in 2020. A great show with an impressive story :ok_hand_tone2:. In the last few episodes, it made me emotional, too. :unamused:

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Good show, but I just wasn’t as obsessed as others. Beth’s drug and alcohol bender was just rough to watch, and not in a sympathizing with the character kind of way, but more of a “I’m kinda over it” way. And while I liked Anya Taylor Joy in other stuff, I thought her acting here was too on the nose. At least the setting and the subject matter of chess were wonderful.

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This was fantastic. All the performances were great with Anya Taylor-Joy's performance being near perfect. Everyone was perfectly cast as well. The show did a great job of changing up the ways that it presented a game of chess– from montages to the game being played in her head to listening to her explain the game to her mother. Because of this I never got bored. Watching this whole thing in three days, I never forgot about Shaibel, and was so glad that he was brought back into the story and made for one of the most emotional scenes. It's a near flawless 7 episodes, leaving nothing more that I want as a viewer and almost nothing that I would remove.

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I'm only onto episode 3 of this short series, but I'm honestly so anxious to keep going - it's just so phenomenal, I'm not sure what I'll do with myself once I finish! Everything from Anya's incredible acting, to the amazing storytelling through backstory has me hooked. Definitely glad I started this, and I hope it's renewed for a second season!

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A series that made chess feel exciting. I mean let's be real, I like and enjoy chess at times, but chess is admittedly not something I would have expected to be as intense as depicted here. Made me curious how accurate and truly powerful Beth's chess game was and what real competitive chess players thought of this (I Googled, and I wasn't disappointed).

Anya Taylor-Joy was so good! She takes us on a 7-episode trip of Beth's life highlighted by her triumphs and lows, her relationships and losses. At one point, I was pretty sure we weren't going to get e 'happy ending' after everything we've seen, but I'm glad to have been proven wrong. I loved that in the end, Beth learned to accept help and love and family where she can.

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genuinely cannot believe they made me care about chess this much. it was so damn good. i rarely give something 10/10 but this beyond deserves it

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This was really fantastic! Honestly, I've never played a game of chess in my life, and have been perplexed by the rules every time I've tried learning. But I find watching films and TV shows about it mesmerizing.

Anya Taylor-Joy has been a revelation in everything I've seen her in. Unlike a good many of her peers, her uniquely stunning beauty is outmatched by her raw talents as an actor, and not carried by it. I hope that her career continues to grow and that she chooses parts that showcase everything she has to offer, like The Queen's Gambit did.

So many other fantastic things to note in this show as well, but suffice it to say I thought it was amazing and I couldn't wait to resume watching it every time life pulled me away after an episode or two. Bravo!

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When the teacher told her to go into the basement to clean the erasers, I was like "ah, here's where we meet the hardened old man who'll teach her about chess and inevitably make us cry when he dies".

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This was a truly phenomenal effort in all aspects of filmmaking. Anya Taylor-Joy was simply mesmerizing in her role as young woman battling both her inner demons and her otherworldly talent for a game that, at certain points in her life, seemed dead set on destroying her. This is one of those rare, remarkable shows that comes along every once in a while that leaves you feeling satisfied, yet wishing there was more.

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I came into it by just wanting to watch an episode before bed, but I actually binged it till 7 AM. I think that says it all.

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It was OK. Glad it was only 7 episodes. It really shows that the novel this is based on is almost 40 years old. The best thing about the series is how they capture the time period, but they should have worked on giving Harmon more depth because I found her very shallow. The ending was telegraphed like seven moves ahead.

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Shout by TheChickenDuy
BlockedParent2020-11-01T23:10:47Z— updated 2021-01-05T17:49:11Z

This show is awesome and Anya Taylor-Joy is just marvelous.

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Amazing. Masterpiece. It has a bit of an Immitation Game vibe to it which I loved.

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  • Story 3/5
    • Ending 1/5
  • Characters 3/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 4/5
  • Artistry 3/5
    • Music 1/5
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The 'Queen’s Gambit' really said, "Let’s make chess sexy...!"

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Some really obvious/predictable/corny script moments and some uneven storytelling and pacing. Looks beautiful for the most part, but a few visual inconsistencies and annoying camera movements. Do not like the music choices. But still engaging.

It's decent.

Season 1: 7/10

Overall: 7/10

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WOW! I can’t think of anything I’ve seen better than this in 2020!!! I’m obsessed and didn’t want it to end.

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Shout by sarah
BlockedParent2020-11-01T18:37:25Z— updated 2020-11-07T14:28:24Z

Absolutely amazing. I did not think it was possible to be so enamored by two people moving some wooden pieces on a game board - to tears, even! Anya Taylor Joy is spectacular as Beth and I think anyone who watches this show will feel the same.

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Somewhat overrated. The series starts off really strong but loses its way 4 episodes in. The attempted climax in the final episode ultimately fell short and was cheapened by the creative choices in character development and interaction.


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A terrific movie, who could have thought that a movie about such a dry subject could be made entertaining?! Acting of this unknown lead actor (to me at least) was a hi light. Brilliant.
Don't know if it makes sense to have a 2nd season, since there doesn't seem to be a plot line trail to follow. What do you think?

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Really great series. I wish all drama series were like this one without the artificial nonsense that is suposed to swing your feelings from one extreme to the other. Decent stuff really.

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One of the best mini-series of late.

- visuals (cinematography, color grading, costumes and sets) & audio (score, soundtrack) are all top notch!
- great performances (Anna Taylor Joy is amazing as usual but big props to child actor Isla Johnston also)
- interesting setting, captivating characters
- the fact that she is a girl in traditionally male-dominated field is relevant, but not shoved down our throats like in other "progressive" shows
- with a few notable exceptions, the story and dialogue seem mature & well balanced - the real world isn't always black and white, people change, shit happens, life is a constant struggle and sometimes antogonistic characters can become friends or lovers in the future

- Beth Orton is way too much of a Mary-Sue (and it becomes downright annoying towards the end)
- Thomas Brodie-Sangster can't really be taken seriosly as a chess maverick/hunk (he does his best but the casting is to blame)
- a few minor issues with the age difference (between the actor vs the played part) in some scenes
- a few blatantly naive/childish moments in an otherwise captivating story

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First episode feels a bit slow and cliché but I recommend to stick with, it really flows after that. Overall a nice mini series

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I absolutely loved every minute of this series. 7 episodes doesn't seem like a lot, but the pacing & content in this show is so perfect that I felt completely satisfied after it all. While it moves slow, I think that's the beauty of it. I loved watching the character development of a young girl prodigy. It was a comforting reminder that even the best of us still have insecurities & moments of weakness, & even those who don't openly express themselves, still feel emotions, but deal with them in different ways.

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WoW. Didn't see this one coming. Saw it on trending list of Netflix and didn't feel like spending a long time in deciding to what watch next so just went for it. Blown away by this series. Watched it in two evenings. Beautiful camera work, amazing acting, very good story. Just watch it!

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What a surprisingly fantastic show. If only Netflix would put out more stuff like this! Who would have thought that chess could be so gripping and dramatic?

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Awesome!!! I watched the Netflix trailer and thought I'd give it a try. Didn't expect to like it as much as I did.

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I am only 2 episodes in and like to wait until I've watched it all to give my opinion. However, this show is really good. Like really really good. I especially love the acting involving facial expressions and body language.

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This show makes chess seem the most enjoyable game of all time; you will enjoy it even if you don't know how to play or simply are not much into it. Who knew how chess could be so sexy?
The cast is amazing, there's good character development for every character, the scenes are beautifully shot, the story... simply amazing. Summarizing everything, this is truly a MASTERPIECE!

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Awesome! I really love the fact that the story takes place in the 60s when chess was totally different - much more beautiful. Nowadays, people cannot focus for 5-6 hour games and ones like that are very rare. All you see today are some blitz games and similar quickies.

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Beautiful story. I was so disappointed in Netflix lately and they come up with this. I'm astonished; a great and impressive story. Made me emotional, too.

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Apart from the chess play, this is a very powerful and emotional movie. Obviously the showdown USA vs USSR but we can see the main character coming to age and be her best self. great acting and decors not to mentioned the heroine's outfits.
It's a must watch as a binge. I can't see a season 2 but that's good as we had closure.

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This is perfect example how a TV show with strong female lead and diversity should be made. Even if you don't like Chess, you should watch it. Amazing drama. Loved every bit of it!

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not something I would probably watch since the action happens very slowly but the show is done very good and it grows on you if you give it time.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2021-08-16T10:17:58Z— updated 2021-10-29T10:03:51Z

An okay watch, not very rewarding. I found the writing good at dodging cinema tropes, but on the flip-side there isn't much of a story. No meaningful twists, no adventure, no real challenge, basically 7 episodes of whiz kid stepping in chess then climbing the ladder to the top, with a few losses along the way to let you know she's not a superhuman or that not all of the competition are pushovers.

Society turns out to be quite open and allows her to be carried by her initial impetus all the way through, while her self-destructive behaviour presents little threat from the viewer's perspective, and is easily overcome–it even comes off as romantic quirkiness. The addiction, though depicted as closely entwined with the talent, never really gets in the way, and as the ending reveals, deserves none of the credit either.

You do root for her because she is the underdog, both in life and in game, and I suppose that's what kept me watching, but ultimately it feels like style over substance.

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Shout by Mr Meister
BlockedParent2021-04-30T05:53:31Z— updated 2022-03-24T13:38:01Z

Don't recommend. Interesting premise with subpar lead acting, execution. Another thing is that the show doesn't even explain chess well, its skimmed over, and that's generous.

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It is like Rocky IV. It has even cheering Russians at the end!

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The best part of this show was Beth's wardrobe.

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I didn’t think this would be my cup of tea to be honest, preferring good old crime dramas but I am so glad I took the plunge. I was gripped had from start to finish. Never would I have thought that a drama based on chess would be enough to keep me on the edge of my seat, and yet it did just that!! A Truly brilliant series! Netflix you pulled it off yet again! If any of you are in doubt please just give it a try you will not be disappointed!

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An incredible film in episodic format.

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The GoT music that played the entirety of the season was super annoying towards the end

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Boring as junk. Boring boring

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I don't like the porch monkey nigger bitch calling a girl who had no interest in doing anything to her a white trash cracker bitch, instead of presenting black people as strong and independent they made that girl a racist jealous whore who exploits rich men for money

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I just finished watching this a couple days ago and I already miss it. I’m already nostalgic for when I was watching it. I’m actually so grateful for this show because it reminded me how important it is to me to be great at what I do, whatever I do. If I work at an escape room I wanna be the best and most creative game master that’s ever done the job. I want to be great for the sake of being great. And the same applies to my friendships and relationships. I want to make a great impact on the world via those relationships. I want to truly be an active participant in my world. Beth inspired me a lot in that way. She’s extraordinary. She, like all of us, has her vices. And that makes me feel better, because so do I. It’s just being human. We all just do our best to manage the life we’re given. There’s no excuse for anything except your very best attempt to be who you truly want to be.

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entertaining but would watch again

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This was mind blowing. I almost regret that I never watched this before but mostly, I'm just mad that I'll never get that first feeling of watching something so awesome you just binge watch it and forget to go to sleep. That's how powerful this is. Complex characters, chess, amazing acting all around.

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Beth was an amazing character and she even inspired me to learn chess (although I stopped trying to learn that after five minutes. Don't have the patience for that)

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Gotta say... its a rook-solid show

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Definitely recommend if you prefer meaningful story telling.
Although not very complex, cause of its 1 season length.

I liked it cause of her unique perspective on life, the connections to other kinds of people, young, old, simpler etc, not the usual friendships. Also she is loner as myself, yet she finds purpose, the means to reach it and finish it with checkmate.

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Thoroughly enjoyed. Would give 7.8/10

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Alma Wheatley character was created for Marielle Heller specifically and I have no doubts.

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One of Netflix's best short series, as it follows a young orphan girl who discover's the game of chess at a young age that not only intrigues her but consumes her and makes her deal with her deamons as she battles to the top of the chess world. The casting and atmosphere and backdrop and settings are incredible. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seat all the way through. The way they introduce and re-introduce characters is remarkable.

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Again, too woke to be true. Just see the first and the 2 last episodes, worth it.

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I am going to be the odd one out in these comments, I thought the QG was okay. Didn't love it. I found it hard to binge and get into, dragging on for a few too many episodes for me. I think it picked up nearer the end, but I personally would not rewatch.

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I like chess and they do a pretty good representation of it

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The Queen's Gambit is an excellent series that is truly binge-worthy. The plot is unique and captivating, drawing you in from the very first episode. The acting is outstanding, with each character brought to life in a way that makes you feel like you know them personally. From the talented Anya Taylor-Joy as the lead character Beth Harmon, to the supporting cast, everyone delivers a stellar performance. A must-watch series that I highly recommend to anyone looking for a exciting, well-acted and binge-worthy show.

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they somehow made chess mainstream and super interesting. anya taylor-joy is always great and the story is fascinating

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Really enjoyed it. The acting is fantastic and I just love when a show can take a seemingly uninteresting subject (at least to me) like chess and make it the most interesting thing in the world.

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I am so glad they kept this as a limited series as this drama is so well-crafted and engaging. Anya-Taylor Joy again creates an amazing performance and the story told in this show starts and ends so conclusively.

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Looveeeddd this, Thomas and Anya my favs

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What a series!!! I have seen shows based on sports but DAMN the series that beat them all is based on the sport that I understand the least. That's the impact it made. This series is a fine example of the final product which gets created when everything is 100% perfect.
Perfect cast
Perfect soundtrack
Perfect atmosphere
Perfect screenplay
Perfect editing

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Excellent, the only downside is that's presented almost as a true story while it isn't

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I wasn't sure that they could make a show built around chess enticing enough, but it delivers. Even though the first episode felt too long and too sleep inducing, The Queen starts delivering soon. Brought me back to some Mad Men nostalgia even.

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Fucking amazing, I cried later on when Beth returned to the basement where she learnt chess. And Anya's acting was award winning, transforming Beth from a girl to a woman.

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The first few episodes were a bit slow for my liking but I can see why all of it needed to be setup because it has a great pay off. Amazing performance by Anna Taylor Joy

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Beautiful visuals. Good music. Loved the exciting atmosphere during the games. The only drawback for me is that she seemed too confident most of the time, and I personally found that unrealistic. But that's just me. I would recommend this to anyone.

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What a beautiful told story!

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Shout by Mirza
BlockedParent2021-05-23T03:46:38Z— updated 2021-07-22T16:15:26Z

Easily one of the best shows. :raised_hands:

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Extremely captivating television. It shows that an engaging story doesn't need to have the most exciting premise, just compelling character and good writing.

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7.5/10 - I didn't like it at first but loved it in the end (went from a rating of 5 for the first episode to a rating of 10 for the last episode). I'm not that much into that type of TV shows (too classical / old fashioned, lacks Sci-Fi, action, etc.) so IMO the show is really good for what it is and if I where more into this sort of shows I might even rate it up to 10/10.
Regarding the characters: I especially liked Harry Beltik, Benny Watts, Townes, and of course Beth (also Jolene and Mr. Shaibel).

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You know you watched something special when you're hooked to the story and feel the roller coaster of emotions from the beginning to the end. Anya Taylor-Joy's acting is so convincing and brilliant.

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this show is truely an masterpiece, very high quality written story

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