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The Night Manager 2016

If a piece of this quality was delivered on such a tiny production budget, I wonder where would be blown away if Nextflix decides to backup the same director, script writers, Mr. Pine and Mr. Roper for one of their original productions. This guy, Roper (Hugh Laurie), may have been Dr. House, but that clearly was in another life. Hugh has many more lives than a cat when it comes to acting.

On the other hand, not having been yet acquainted with Mr. Tom Hiddleston, discovering him on Tv has been a more than pleasant surprise. A great actor, I may say for his superb performance as Mr. pine

A standing Bravo for the whole crew and everyone involved with the miniseries. A great all around product no matter the constraints.

BTW. A Fall 2016 Must see.

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The quality of this show surpassed all my expectations, practically blew it out of the water. Phenomenal actors with a great story and deeply thrilling story line. Hugh Laurie takes his role to another level, perfecting the role of the genius arms dealer. And Tom Hiddleston is not just the powerful Loki of Asgard but a multi talented actor pulling off a fantastic role in this how. You get pulled into a very complex story, and it feels like a Bond movie but with more complexity and I enjoyed every moment of it.

This quality of work is a rare find for this type of production and should not be missed. I really do hope that there will be a follow up with the same crew of people who put this amazing show together.

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Really great show, solid plot, great acting. A must watch.

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They took what could have been a decent two and a half hour movie and stretched it into a six hour miniseries. The last half was pretty good, but it sure got off to a slow start. Thus, I have a hard time recommending this one, but I do not feel my own time was wasted. If you're particularly fond of either or both lead actors, and/or if you like mob/spy thrillers, you might enjoy this, though I didn't think it brought anything new to the table.

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One of the best shows I have seen. The quality of the script, cast and acting is incredible. TV shows and movies are so often let down by limp and totally unbelievable story lines with key plot points moved along by 'character incompetence' (I pull a gun on you, show river, oh but wait villain is able to snatch the gun out of my hand and run off to fight another day), smacks of lazy writing, lack of imagination and poor ideas. None of that here at all. Only wish a company like Netflix or Amazon would do a second season of this.

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Highly recommended mini series. Very good modern adaptation of the John le Carre’s book.

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The Show has 8 episodes not 6

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Shout by Deleted

The Night Manager is a splendid new series revolving around spies and smugglers. However, what separates this fantastic mini-series from scores of other that came before it is a fresh script, masterful cinematography, and excellent acting. Hugh Laurie (Richard Roper) is great as always, but this series also introduced me to a wonderful actor by the name of Tom Hiddleston (Jonathan Pine) and commendable support from Tom Hollander ( Lance Corkoran) and Elizabeth Debicki (Jed Marshall). The world of high-end illegal arms trade is an esoteric subject that evades the most general discussion on the matter. We tend to think of illegal trade in terms of drugs and human beings. But Olivia Coleman's (Angela Burr) vivid description of what she saw as a result of advanced bioweapons being used on the civilian population by conflicting factions in a war-torn region puts the urgency in perspective. This mini-series also delves into the corruption that goes with high-end illegal arms trades as even the MI6, a well-respected intelligence organization, is unable to reject. A must watch for those interested in fast paced action-drama, beautiful set locations, and admirable performances.

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Pretty sure this has 8 episodes since I've watched them all. All in all a superb series and definetly worth watching.

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Looks seriously promising. Both lead characters very, very good as their layered personalities.

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A bit late on the show, main reason because i read about a second season.
My streaming had the version with 8 episodes. Very slow start for the first 4-5 episodes, in general a slow burn. But that was not even an issue the story was very solid, i didn't notice any major flaws or exaggerations like "why do the do that?" and this kind of stuff. The rest of the show was absolutely brilliant, the writing was really good, a very interesting spy drama with a lot of personalities that interact in a great favor of the show. Olivia was FANTASTIC on her role, everyone was great indeed.

I loved the ending, it was the perfect setup for that man.

I do not know how this will work in a second season but if the level of writing is the same it will worth it.
One notice, Loki is really different now, he was a baby there, they need to make the transition really believable.

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Kurd1stan does not exist! Ep4 and ep6!

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Know who really shines in these action setups, it's the villain(who has everything on line) & the main support casts(who go through smooth transition of their emotions), whereas the main hero becomes dull because there's just too much going on with him in every scene, so there's no real connect with him & the main heroine is just there as a showgirl.
Kinda expected more out of this series seeing that some remakes were made of it. But it's a typical action (-flick) like series, not really that exciting.

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Definitely should be more seasons. A great show. Netflix, please pick this up

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all the trappings of a good bbc drama. the gq quote saying tom hiddleston is the only man who should be allowed to wear a suit probably said it having watched this, or at least dreamed of this.

i think the greatest part of this was the intentional inclusion of what roper actually did to make his money. it wasn't terribly graphic, but burr recounting what made him go into arms dealing and then the fireworks display were both unsettling as all get out. the series confronted viewers with both the excess of wealth and the reality of how it was accumulated at every turn and i mean, if you're ever in need of a reminder that there are things you would never, ever do for any amount of money? this show's a good one.

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Remarkable acting from everyone. Its pity that the show has not have big budget, but its not a problem. Really good script. Nice work! 9/10 :)

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Amazing short tv series I've ever watched. Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie's acting is just top notch!

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8 Episodes not 6. Please correct this!

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Great acting meets even greater writing, awesome show

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Shout by Deleted

Gripping storyline. Binge watched 3 episodes cannot wait to see the rest. Amazing cast, superb direction amd script!

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It just gets better as it goes on.

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Amazing drama featuring brilliant actors, great cinematography and a fantastic screenplay. The best John Le Carré adaption I've seen I think (even though Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was quite amazing as well).

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An amazing adaption of John Le Carré's novel! Wonderful acting, great scenery - everything's just on point. Definitely a must see!

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An amazing adaption of John Le Carré's novel! Wonderful acting, great scenery - everything's just on point. Definitely a must see!

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An amazing adaption of John Le Carré's novel! Wonderful acting, great scenery - everything's just on point. Definitely a must see!

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An amazing adaption of John Le Carré's novel! Wonderful acting, great scenery - everything's just on point. Definitely a must see!

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A little thin at times.

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the acting and filming is very good but the plot is a bit boring

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