damn, grogu got the the permission slip to become a mando.

Seriously tho, when is he going to grow up? I'm tired of baby grogu.

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Much like the whole of season 3: lacklustre

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This episode falls right down the middle for me. While it was exciting and the visuals were fantastic, I think the attempted payoff (or lack thereof) falls incredibly flat. To me, this exemplifies the issues with this season and what the show had become. This could have been a great finale, but they didn't spend proper time building to these events throughout the season. Gideon came back very late, and the answers we get to what he's been doing were incredibly rushed and not that interesting. The emotions also just fell very flat. The retaking of Mandalore should have been so powerfully dramatic, inspiring, and emotional, but I didn't feel any of that. After first watching this I thought it was actually a really solid episode, but the more I think about it the more I just don't like it.

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hopefully not as long a wait for next season

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This ending was the same as the season: forgettable

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Technically this was a great episode. But I'm not going to lie, it did nothing for me in terms of story and/or emotions.

I seriously doubt that Gideon is dead. It could go either way but they should not bring him back. He became a weak and cliched villain and, in all ernesty, why do they think they always have to create Vader wannabes ? First Kylo Ren now this. No one will ever come close to Vader.

The whole arc for this season was a two and a half hour movie. At that length you would have had a great pace without all the side stories. Now, where is this all going to go ? Will there be another season ? That's all to be seen. All I can say personally is that I'm not that exciting for another one as I was after season two.

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Great and clean ending. Was expecting some loose ends or a cliffhanger but I prefer it this way.

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Forgettable season but I did like that it didn't end like every other season of television: with a cliffhanger.

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the finale wrapped up in a weird manner, i had so many theories about what would happen but still fun episode but those last 3-4 minutes were so cute.

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THIS IS THE WAY. Epic finale is EPIC!!

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Din Grogu. I am glad it was a wholesome episode unlike the leaks online

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This was idiotic. The dialogue and plot were clearly targeted at toddlers plus there were so many inconsistencies. In an earlier episode, the jet packs run out of fuel chasing a winged monster but now have enough to fly all around, into or it, and/or conduct aerial battles? Moff Gideon knows where they are — and are going — yet still provides the opportunity for them to first kill his clones? It goes on and on. I’m certain Andor will be ruined next. Star Wars invariably disappoints.

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Damn, whenever this show has the liberty to not tell an actual concise story, it does what Star Wars does best: well-choreographed action, fantastic stages, costumes and FX. Well done! The score is awesome btw (Imho still the stronges aspect of this show. Kudos to Göransson). Needless to say: the kid and all robots are adorable. Despite the season's overall lackluster and meandering story, they kind of found a meaningful ending for all factions and characters involved. I was actually kind of satisfied that they found a home and a purpose.

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I mentally prepared myself for more deaths, or tough decisions. I was way surprised at the happy ending, but got so emotional when Din Dijarin officially adopted Grogu. One of the most beautiful Star Wars moments ever.

No cliff hanger was a shock. Was fully expecting a Season 2 style end credits scene for Ashoka. Pictured Thrawn learning of Moff Gideon's demise, and rejoicing. Moff clone research will be valuable going forward for Thrawn, and Hux.

Din now "working" for the New Republic will set up the movie nicely, unless we're getting a Season 4? Will never say no to more Mando content.

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I Am not a Star Wars fan. So I don’t know why some people are complaining. I’d just say this: I really liked this season!!

As it is without the Star Wars brand, it’s a quite good sci-fi show. Me likey!

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the final episode and all seasons were superb! the story, the characters and the acting.

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Bored at looking at looking at the comments when that’s all it is is complaining about the show don’t watch it if your not enjoying.

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I hope Gideon is dead, dead

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Such a disappointing episode and season

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Shout by Xander Nijhof

What?? No teaser? No stinger? No giant cliffhanger?

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Sick to death of all these mandos and girlbosses running around, they should go back to the "mandalorian with no name" premise if they do another season.

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Just two words : Din Grogu :joy:

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Shout by Ro

The heart is out of the series…

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I think I saw a different season than the others here. I really liked it.

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Shout by H


I love him with all my heart

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Something about the wrap up at the end makes me wonder if we’re finally going to get that Star Wars domestic sitcom we’ve been waiting for.

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When I watch a show called "The Mandalorian", I expect this persona to be the center of the show. But this is not what happened here. It is rather a show which should have been called "Bo-Katan, sometimes with The Mandalorian as sidekick and a cute little guy who provides Disney with a lot of merch money". It feels a little bit like an interview with the former boss of a sports shoe company who said "we make the best marketing but it is a shame that we still have to produce these damn shoes". Disney did not want to make a good show with a compelling story. They obviously wanted to make as less of a good show as possible. Just enough, to keep the franchise going. And when your wife tells you that the final fight scene was just awful, you know two things. The fight scene was really awful and you have wife who is way cooler than the show you're watching.

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Overall a great episode that was a lot of fun to watch. I think you guys have higher than necessary expectations for this show. Glad it’s going to go back to its bounty hunter roots tho

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