Feels so surreal still to be seeing Bo Katan in this show and in such a big role, she definitely is the highlight of the episode as Din is pretty bland right now tbh

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MUCH better than the previous episode.

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Ok, with this third season, Disney definitely turned an awesome (until mid second season) Star Wars spinoff spaghetti western style, into a ridiculous saga where The child plays the role of Tweety in Silvester the cat. What a shit.

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Like all Hollywood productions today, the man need to be rescue by the powerful and empowered woman, what a cliche! In this episode the Mandalorian becomes a dummy, clumsy and stupid so Bo Katan can save him not once but twice and of course launch Bo Katan series I bet. Bad writing and worse delivery.

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Amazing chapter. Photography 10. Every chapter better!

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You have to go to a dangerous place to explore, for the first time, would you bring a kid with you?

Bo-Katan is great. Make her the lead.

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Visiting Mandalore was cool and I always enjoy seeing Kate as Bo Katan. I also liked to see Grogu getting more to do then just beeing cute.

But, again, there was little content aside from the final minutes. Before that we get to fight monsters multiple times and have to deal with a frightened droid (which I don't think was funny). And I think at this point they are overdoing Amy Sedaris anyway.

The potential of the show is still there but having in mind what the first two season did it's still far behind at this point. Now, the final scene was great and I'm looking forward to see what comes next.

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Absolutely loved this episode. Finally getting to Mandalore was really cool, and it felt very sci-fi. Mando teaching Grogu how to navigate the galaxy and the important skills needed to be a Mandalorian was great, and we even get to see that pay off later on when Grogu is able to use what Mando taught him to get to Bo-Katan (who had some great sequences in here also). Just expanding on the lore of Mandalore and the Mandalorians is so interesting and I'm really glad that seems to be the direction they're taking this season.

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All that hassle for droid to test the atmosphere and then just pressurized his helmet and walked around anyway. Surely could have done that in the first place and had a gadget to test the air. We even have them now.

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Meh. Seemed like a filler episode to me. Still much better than Boba Fett.

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Great episode, very high on adventure and action. Pascal and Sackhoff have great chemistry and Bo-Katan really took the spotlight for me. Fun seeing Arfive!

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Shout by poppl
BlockedParent2023-03-09T05:35:58Z— updated 2023-03-11T02:24:00Z

The last ten minutes of this episide were probably the best parts of the season so far. Not impressed with what we've gotten (pacing and writing wise) but I've been looking forward to getting more info on Mandalore for a while now, so hopefully it delivers.

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okay, okay, listen to me.
thank you for listening.

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Now we’ve properly started

PS Boko :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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They didn't really revert the Starfighter back, did they? ... I mean yes the idea was stupid and looked ugly but they should have thought of that before and shouldn't have gone with the second cockpit from the beginning but this makes that decision so much worse.
Aside from that the episode was visually stunning and Bo-Katans fight was pure eyecandy. (Speaking of Bo-Katan: I like the season 3 design a lot better. It fits better with the Clone Wars look)
But whatever was that strange Cyborg and why would it want to create something from Mandalorian blood? That seemed a bit too random for now.

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okay this one was kinda cool especially the ending with mythosaurus next episode will be interesting. And way better thanlast episode lets say.

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Well, that was a big improvement on episode one. Loved it!

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Certainly better than last episode. Exciting action. Nice set design/FX. The kid's cuteness level is turned up to eleven. It's also nice to learn more about Mandalore and the origin story of the Mandalorians.

Story is progressing in this episode. The adventure is somewhat exciting. It's not super complex. But the show isn't known for its sophisticated story telling anyway. It's okay-ish.

What I don't understand: Mandalore seems to be an almost mythical place to the Mandalorians. After the bombing, the planet isn't exactly a bucolic and habitable planet anymore. I understand this. But the "mythical heart", the mines and the living waters, seems to be almost unscratched. And all it took to find out that you can still visit the place was a robot with a detector unit that confirmed that the place is actually not poisoned? Nobody tried this before? Nobody? Instead they believed the myth that all has been destroyed? Strange. Even finding the waters didn't seem to be an impossible task. You just walk in. That's it.

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My god, the art during the end credits is so damn good.

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Shout by Ro

Disney is slowly killing a lot of previous cool stuff

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Shout by DAVY X

Mando definitely
needs some kind of
training to use the
Dark Saber, plus
he got straight shown up
in his own show.
What's with Mando
in this episode, he
spent all of it getting
his ass handed to him,
Being captured and
oh yeah drowning.
So Grogu can hold a
fire wall back, suspend
a beast In mid air but
can't break a lock on a
This was my least favourite
episode things were way to
sloppy and the timing on
events was way off.
If the rumours are true
and they want to shoehorn
Bo-Katan in as the lead to
this Show over Mando
especially with Pedro
want to be less involved
in this show and only doing
voice work now as he's
not actually in the suit,
If they do move forward with
more Bo-Katan then I'll
see myself out because
that's not what I
signed up for with this

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very like these hope next one

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Some really creepy character designs in the cavern.

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This episode and many others in the series have no sense of time and pacing. Din tells Grogu to go get Bo Katan to help, so Grogu makes it out of the cave, flies to another planet, convinces her to join him, and returns, meanwhile time has progressed like 5 seconds in the room with the evil robot.

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what happens in this chapter in other series need 4 chapters

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While a bit better than last episode, this one still stinks. Mando is still shockingly incompetent and seems to make horrible decisions all of the time, both in and out of combat. Him getting captured almost immediately and then having to be saved by Bo-Katan is the biggest slap in the face, even if her action scenes were pretty cool. The darksaber continues to be stupid gimmicky bullcrap however, with Mando pulling it out mid fight even though he still can't use it, which begs the question of why the hell he would pull it out in a life or death situation.

The Grievous crab thing was sort of neat, although I don't really understand what it was or what it was trying to accomplish. Also, I'm getting really sick of that Tatooine lady, she was fine in season 1 but her shtick is getting old and every appearance feels less humorous and more infuriating. Hopefully her pawning off that astromech droid to Mando means we can just give up on the insanely stupid IG-11 idea. Baby Yoda running off to Bo-Katan was also really silly, I don't understand what this child can and cannot do. Bad episode, disappointed.

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Another slog of an episode. Not at the giving up point yet, those 1st 2 seasons have earned a lot of points in my book - but if this continues on, I'm moving off it and getting closer to that Disney+ cancellation.

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Better than the first episode... I'm not sure about Bo-Katan so far, but this was more focused, more serious than the season-opener. Mythosaur meets Mand'alor... let's see what happens next. Could have done without the droid, though.

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