I'm by no means a Tolkien expert so I can't say anything about how this fits in. Maybe that's an advantage as usually, people who have intimate knowledge tend to compare so much that they don´t enjoy what's there. Been there myself more than once.

It feels grand, the scenery and especially the soundtrack. The dialogue is great. Nothing like you hear in contemporary shows. I liked Galadriel in the movies and I'm really looking forward to learn more about her. I'm already beginning to somewhat fall in love with Morfydd Clark.

What can I say - it's but one episode but it was absolutely worth the wait.

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I thought this episode started strong, but I struggled to stay fully invested as it went on. I suspect it will improve in the coming episodes. One thing is for sure though, it's a beautiful show - one of the best, if not the best looking I've seen. That huge budget is on full show.

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Some people here seem to have the attention span of a TikTok video

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A very good start. As someone whose answer is always “the entire LOTR trilogy” when I’m asked “what’s your favorite movie?” I have to say I went in with low expectations knowing TV show adaptions of something that already exists doesn’t work the majority of the time, I can say the pilot knocked me away. Sure, it’s a slow start but a start nonetheless and you have to keep in mind pilots are usually used to introduce the audience to everything especially considering Middle-Earth is so huge, someone who has never watched LOTR would appreciate it all the more. Those that already have the knowledge of Tolkien’s world, of course it felt a little slow-paced. But the costumes, the scenery, the music, the dialogue, the names and familiar names, the different folk, the languages and the creatures all scream Lord of the Rings and I am, for one, proud of what they have accomplished so far what we’ve seen. I cannot wait to see more. Solid pilot and episode to kick season 1 off.

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Generally a very solid start to this highly anticipated series. In the process of balancing a large ensemble of new and old characters the narrative feels uneven and inconsistent but I have hope it’ll get better as it expands. On a visual standpoint this episode is genuinely outstanding with it’s sweeping cinematography, beautiful visual effects, detailed production and costume design, and a breathtaking score. I honestly don’t care if this show turns out to be disappointing or excellent, I’ll continue to watch it for it’s visual look alone. Then again even with some speed bumps in the way it’ll have overcome this is a Lord of the Rings show so it can’t be anything less than at least very entertaining.

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... And I'm not a LotR fan at the slightest

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The music. The earnest Shakespearean monologues. The awesome scale and the meaningful extreme close-ups. I'm in!

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A nice start.
Great to hear familiar names and to see this very familiar land.
It seems to be a slow start, but one I appreciate it, I myself need to know the characters, care about them, before I acctually care about the plot.
I do think they choose to do too many places and characters and we didn't even see them all yet. But I am interested. Hope they can all be linked together in a satisfying way.
But I do miss the long haired elves.
Also, OST is great, as I expected from this composer.

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I’m not sure why people are saying this is a solid start, it’s stumbling at best. Not saying it cant get there, maybe that’s why they released two episodes to start, will see where it goes

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Wow, this is a super beautiful and stunning work of art! <3 I'm watching it in 4K and the cinematography and CGI is so awesome that I could watch it for that alone. I'm not that much into this kind of fantasy (LotR was cool but not cool enough for me to rewatch it (although I think that I should rewatch it soon) and I liked The Hobbit more due to the even better visuals).

Anyway, it was super nice and I'm even liking the story :) I didn't expect that much of the story (but hoped that it'd be better than I expected) but I really started to like/feel it.

And that action scene with Galadriel was super badass! :)

And those CGI effects lke that glowing tree and the fireworks are just so beautiful <3

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The first fight scene had some of the worst choreography I've seen in fantasy. The Witcher this is not.

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Ok episodes 1 and 2. I think it suffers with too many POV and pacing issues. One minute we are just starting to enjoy the arc of a character then it shifts again to another character. A case of trying to fit too many things as fast as possible in an episode instead of solidly establishing certain arcs. Kind of reminds me of Justice League movie where they tried as well to fit so many origin stories in one go and therefore ended up people really not feeling attached to each character. I think they should have just concentrated on 1-2 character at most per episodes and cover the others on other character on other episodes instead.

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Fantastic premiere episode. Stunning visuals and good acting makes this an instant winner. Really excited were the story will go.

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I personally identify as a dwarf. Short, bearded, stature of a "baroque angel"... And this episode had ZERO dwarves.

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Not bad! The writer's room really knows Tolkein and his world so there wasn't anything that felt foreign to the world we already saw in Peter Jackson's films. If anything a lot here knows there's a bunch of eyes looking at it knowing that it's probably the most expensive show ever made (for how much it was bought but also for the production). It feels like a great contrast to Game of Thrones (and far more entertaining than House of the Dragon, which doesn't know what makes it tick). Anyways, I'm on board for what's next but I'm still baffled by the reason for why this show exists at least the showrunners were able to create something worthwhile when Amazon said they wanted the next GOT and instead bought the rights to the previous GOT. Anyways, it exists, let's just be happy its something solid.

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I'm not seeing what everyone's complaining about. So far it's exactly what I would expect a LOTR prequel series to be.

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It is true that the pacing of the episode could have been better, but the magnificent scenery, the grand scale, the indistinguishable line between film and TV, besides the great music are the things that sell the show for me. I am so looking forward to continuing watching it!

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Beautiful, breath-taking scenery but dreadfully boring and dragged out way too much. It was hard getting through this episode. 5/10.

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occasionally good

I was whelmed

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Tolkien experts. Stick with your books, don't come and ruin a good show with your negativity. Just read your damn books okay?

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Well at least it looked nice.

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I was hoping this show would follow the antics of baby Gandalf. Such a missed opportunity.

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It felt like: "If we throw enough money to it and use the universe of Tolkien, it must be amazing".
This is proof it doesn't.
Maybe I watch the rest of the episodes, but i doubt it.

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This has been a very dull episode. Okay, nice scenes.

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This episode is aight. It's a bit too poetically and abstractly written in the beginning, but gets grounded towards the midpoint. The plot is well drawn out and they do a good job of connecting the various storylines. I do wish some characters were smarter, and that more hints were given as to why a specific apparently coordinated event occurred, but all in all the episode is not half bad, especially the ending, which does a great job of leaving behind a traditional cliffhanger, done well and tastefully.

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My interest is piqued. It could go so badly from here though. Definitely looks like the most expensive TV show ever that’s for sure

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Arondir I love you :heart:

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A solid start! It's still early to judge the story but I like the characters especially Galadriel and Arondir is already a favorite he's kinda mysterious and I can't wait to see him shooting arrows everywhere. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and every set looks like it cost a fortune. I love the soundtrack! At first not knowing any of the actors I was skeptical as for the quality of the acting but at least in this episode everyone seems good enough. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where the story is going because it's hard to tell with this first episode.

Also I can't really compare it to the movies I haven't watched them in a while i'm long overdue!

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Shout by Sora

A solid start! It's still early to judge the story but I like the characters especially Galadriel and Arondir is already a favorite he's kinda mysterious and I can't wait to see him shooting arrows everywhere. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and every set looks like it cost a fortune. I love the soundtrack! At first not knowing any of the actors was skeptical as for the quality of the acting but at least in this episode everyone seems good enough. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where the story is going because it's hard to tell with this first episode....

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Pretty, but pretty boring. Not as boring as the films though.

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That was kind of lame.

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I really liked the first part, it really is a member of this year's big fantasy trio (HoD, The Sandam and TRoP) and I have to say it deserved the attention it got. I can't wait to continue!:heart_eyes:

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Shout by J_345

The no1 problem from the dawn of time. Stupid beliefs killing people lol. Man it must have been so nice back in the day when everyone believed one thing and the high ups could control everyone with that belief system. I know they miss when people didn’t have common sense or thought for themselves

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Fair for a first.

Well that was a lot of talking, like 85 percent of the episode.
I'm going to allow that just because it had a lot of heavy lifting to do with it being a bran new show but I hope the hole season isn't just going to talk it out.

Please don't make me hate Galadirel I love her in the movies and Kate the actress but not so much this younger interpretation of her.
Okay I get it your on a vengeance mission, to the point of getting yourself killed (which we know
you don't), but it's no excuse to get everyone else killed along the way.
I will say I was rooting for her at the very end, something was telling me she needed to get wet and quick.
I hope we don't get a bunch on annoying kids all the way through that's not what I signed up for.

It's all very high production filled with beautiful people
I just hope they've put as much money and effort into the story and the quality of it as they have the beautiful landscape and places of wonder.
Time will tell.

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Damn, Nice Start!! As expected from a high-cost production like this.

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Shout by Ro

“Choose not the path of fear, but that of faith.”

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Not great to be honest. Doesn't feel like lotr at all, and way too many storylines going on. Some fairly weak writing

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This looks incredibly beautiful and pleasant to look at. My only worry is that it seems they have not spent much on casting. Galadriel for example. I wish they had cast someone with a more unique and cinematic look. The actor just looks like your average person.

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I'm a huge fan of anyting and everything related to Middle Earth. I also work in media and understand that text and screen are different mediums so I judge The Rings of Power as it is: a television series.

They clearly put a lot of time, effort, and thought into this, especially in the pre-production phase. That's particularly evident in directing and cinematography. There are many creative and well-crafted scenes and sequences throughout. Use of colour and lighting is also top notch. Pacing/editing may seem fast but that's understandable since they have to establish many different characters and storylines within limited time. Dialogues and humour worked for me. Speech patterns are distinctive enough and I found them fitting for their respective races.

On a more personal note, it does feel amazing to go back to Middle Earth after all this time.

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The pacing of this episode is such a drag. 30minutes in and I thought it was the ending. Perhaps, the set design, wardrobe and CGI is what makes this a good pilot.

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Shout by camille

The pacing of this episode is such a drag. 30minutes in and I thought it was the ending. Perhaps, the set design, wardrobe and CGI is what makes this a good pilot.

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The big budget is noticeable. We liked how it started

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The thing I felt was the most bizarre was the Silmarils and Kinslaying not being mentioned which would seem to be to be pretty central to Galadriel's arc and her quest for redemption. Overall it misrepresents some lore, over does the exposition, but it is pretty to look at. First read the books The Hobbit, and LOTRs age 11 back in 1978…then went on to read The Silmarillion. Ever since have collected most works on the subject. Probably too much of a purist really, but some aspects of the Tolkien update I find quite good. I particularly enjoyed the Hobbits of Rhovanion. I believed every moment they were on screen. The Elves I find a bit annoying and like magazine model cut-outs, just too perfect, and yet their story and portrayal poorly conceived and executed. The pacing is ok. Slow-burns can be effective if done visually. It seems to be more in tune with 21st century United States culture than Tolkien in this depiction. 6/10

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Not bad. Mostly watching for Morf.

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