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The Last of Us: Season 1

1x06 Kin

This show is so smooth. I don’t have to see any infected and I’m ok with it.

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The movie they were watching was The Goodbye Girl, which is one of my favorite films ever, so I automatically love this show so much more than I already had. Excellent episode by the way.

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This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm really enjoying how toned down the violence is, because it really grounds the experience. Yeeting him off a second story catwalk and onto rebar is spectacle, but a simple stab wound in a quiet encounter really drives home how high the stakes are when the violence is so mundane. When it comes without spectacle or massive budgets. It reminds people of what violence actually is and forces them to connect with the intimacy of it, and I think this is something that's been a long time coming. I'm not the type to blame media for society's ills, but I do believe it could be doing more to impress upon people the consequences and nuance of violence, and The Last Of Us is a masterclass in this kind of storytelling.

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Hit another one out of the park. They added so much more character development to Joel in this episode than the game did, which will play well for next season, and one bit in particular may even pay off in season 3. Then the scene in the house with Joel and Ellie was absolute perfection, and they ended the episode perfectly. I am nervous about how they handle the beginning of the next episode, but also excited because the parts of the story that will adapt are really good.

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Shout by ༒SCALETTA༒
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-02-14T03:39:59Z— updated 2023-02-23T00:09:32Z

Can someone not die in this episode, please? Thanks
"I edit this dumb comment when the episode really come out."
- Edit -
"I cant do this without you" - I absolutely love the performance of these two. Love it
IS THAT DINA?!?! I hope so (I see you on season 2)
I think I always say this but the visuals, its beautiful.
Compare to the game, the show is more sentimental, and very good decision to change a few things, we have the opportunity now to explore a few things that are not that deep in the game. I'm loving all the changes but in the end its very true to the game.

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"Be careful who you put your faith in. The only people who can betray us are the ones we trust."

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Another outstanding episode. The changes from the game made a lot of sense, and I liked almost all of them. This episode is the best yet in terms of building Joel and Ellie's relationship - we got to spend a lot of time with them just talking and learning about each other.

Currently, I think my episode ranking is something along the lines of: 1 & 3 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 4. Every episode has been fantastic though.

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One thing I've really been liking about the show is how they've been nailing these emotion driven scenes as well (or better in some cases) as the game. Can't wait to see if the next episode is going to introduce David's group and/or Ellie's background with Riley .

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You got a map, so why are you lost?
Well we missed the bunch of road signs in the fucking forrest

Ellie has some nice comebacks

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Another great episode. And how lovely to see Elaine Miles, "almost reprising" her iconic role as Marilyn in the 90's series "Northern Exposure".

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Another stonking great episode. The end Credit tune 'Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again' Lyrics fit this episode so perfectly

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Joel teaches Ellie to shoot with a rifle.

A deep breath in, slow breath out.
You squeeze the trigger like you love it.
Gentle, steady, nice and slow.

You gonna shoot this thing or get it pregnant?

It isn’t gonna work, it doesn’t aim right.

Joel shoots…..

You dick

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i love the scene with two brothers reuniting but my god joel please be alright.. that ending.. making me cry.. again

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Not often does a show make me so emotional, and then laughing 10 seconds later.

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i <3 zombie-esq shows that aren’t really about the monsters at all, they’re about HUMANS and RELATIONSHIPS and PEDRO PASCALS SEXY FACE

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I'm not quite sure how I feel about the change they made to the story, culminating in Joel and Ellie's conversation, but it still hit as hard as it did in the game. Both Pedro and Bella did a great job.
The Jackson also looked perfect. Great setup for Part II, and we got a chance to see young Shimmer. No Dina though ;)

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They're doing a good job at making Joel actually likable.

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MY JOEL. They freaking made him even more vulnerable than the game and I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!

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The “scene” was just as expected to be… almost identical to the game as same power! 3 more episodes

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Okay, and it's nice to see them meeting people who stay alive for more than one episode, but I still miss the cold opens

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Are you gonna shoot it or get it pregnant :joy:

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if you get stabbed you don't pull the object out unless/until you're able to treat the wound lest you bleed the f out and someone of joel's intelligence and experience as established by the show would know that

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I don't understand why they have to put a black person as a leader or a wife for somebody everytime.

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Another amazing episode with character evolution at its best. Vs the game I only missed the part of Ellie having to kill multiple persons to rescue Joel. It truly removes all innocence from her. Here it still exists, and that may be good.
Can’t wait for what comes next.

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I love how they go to Jackson instead of just the plant and that the house they fight in is in Jackson instead of off somewhere else as it just makes more sense. I wish they kept the starting sequence of the game of them going to the plant because it’s just so beautiful but overall it was a good episode

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Loving the grounded vibe. Still surprised they wouldn't just send help after Ellie left the town.

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That Marilyn Whirlwind as Northern Exposure

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Shout by Valentina

You would think that after 20 years batteling, you should know to NOT remove the stabbing object from the wound

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They left out massive bits of action from the game and turned the episode into a boring snooze fest. I'm closing in on not watching anymore. 5/10

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Shout by G

I was a little disappointed before this episode, because I thought the first seasons of The Walking Dead did horror drama much better. But wow, this is 60 minutes of outstanding television, I was tense, I laughed and I cried.

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Ah! Hey there Leonard, hey Marilyn :D

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It's still little more than a higher budget TWD with better lead performances, but that was a pretty good episode.

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Show still hasn't missed yet. Really awesome character-driven episode that gave so much depth and humanization to Joel, and Pedro is just so good. Caring about others in this world is terrifying, especially for Joel, and I love that we see him open up to Tommy about that. He thinks he needs to leave Ellie to protect her but also to protect himself from losing yet another person he's grown to love. He doesn't want to leave her, but he's just to terrified and tries to push her away. Seeing him in the end choose to continue on with her and the ensuing connection the two of them have, and their ability to smile and laugh together was so heartwarming. But of course nothing can go right in this show for too long and that cliffhanger ending left me speculating how Ellie is going to handle this. I fully expect my heart to get ripped out by the end.

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Defo not better than last week’s episode but still a heartfelt and poignant episode I really enjoyed :black_heart:

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The focus will be on Pedro Pascal's monologue with very good reason, but man, "Anyway, that was 30 minutes ago..." also almost choked me up.

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The episode is alright, not as strong as the previous ones, but it's alright.

Ellie is still annoying af in the "clever and emotionally mature, but still a curious child" way (average post-apocalypse teenager), but this one is really about Joel, realising he needs to trust himself and others, to accept and embrace his grief, to not run from his growing affection for the child in his care, and to breathe (literally).

Also, I strained my neck looking for Dina at movie night, still couldn't find her, lol... Oooh, we're in the thick of it now, some people are going to lose their minds in the upcoming episodes. Can't wait.

6/10 - for Shimmer

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Weakest episode of the season so far

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That was probably the most boring episode in HBO history. They walk, and walk, and walk, oh hey there's a one person that knows my brother just showing up randomly out of nowhere. Oh my brother safe let's keep walking… No wait let's ride a horse. At least the last episode had that hilarious ending that redeemed itself.

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As Joel and Ellie continue west, they encounter a familiar face who offers them support on their journey. A little detour from the game but full of important pieces that lay the foundation for season 2 based on TLOU P2, the show still leaves viewers guessing.

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