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The Last of Us 2023

Wow, this series has everything to become better and better. Very well structured story, in addition to the excellent CGI and script.

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literally cannot wait for this. hope it lives up to everyones expectations !

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It's the worst show I've ever watched. After one episode I can say that it is not suitable for watching. The series was filmed to scare, upset and bring a lot of negative emotions into life. Completely different than, for example, The Walking Dead. It introduces anxiety, elements that were during the last war - a scene with a boy with a child admitted to quarantine. Then thrown on the pile. Probably a series for subliminal coding of negative emotions. Don't watch it. The whole thing is probably filmed according to the current pandemic narrative.

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Boring show, i don’t get the hype because it’s really not that good

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Don't know what every muppet is complaining about.This show is superb and it ain't full of woke shit,it's one of the best shows to hit our screens in the last few years.

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One of worst series i ever tried to watch... barely able to survive to half of 1st episode, reminds me of poor horrors from early 2000s.

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Never seen boredom like this before.

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Episode 3 was beautiful, I cried like a child, it's great to see a love story told so beautifully even in the context of the end of the world, it was beautiful and it's over.
to anyone complaining about a gay relationship on a show, grow up maybe go outside and touch the grass for a bit, there are more important matters in real life than a couple
fictional, watch a newspaper every now and then to see the world's real problems.

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Shout by Taiki
BlockedParent2023-03-14T18:06:06Z— updated 2023-08-16T03:11:42Z

As a long time fan of both The Last of Us Part 1 and Part 2, I found this show to be a step down from the feelings I experienced from playing the games. I felt more connected to the video games characters, partly because I felt the (voice) acting to be more convincing and engaging. The video game characters felt more real and I connected with Joel and Ellie a lot more.

The show did a lot right for sure as far as adaptions go, but ultimately a lot of the scenes from the game that were shown in the show were simply not as well acted or believable as the same scene in the video games. Frankly, the ones in the show felt a little forced.

I will watch season 2 when it comes out but ultimately, I don't think either show will ever be on my favorites list or on any list of shows I'd want to rewatch in the future due to it just being good, verging on mediocrity. I didn't have many emotions that veered away from "that was okay".

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I am one of those who went into this show without have played the game or know much about the game. I must say that I really love this show! I'm hooked as hell!

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HBO was able to ruin the game story successfully, failure episode after another.

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Unbelievably bad. Poor pacing, characters get introduced and then immediately die, etc.

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Good show so far, my only complain is ellie's cast, it's so bad and I didn't even play the game.

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gave it two episode and it got worse the show is horrible, horrible, horrible,

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They managed to do the ending a perfect 1:1 adaptation, so I am really glad about that. Also, finally a good adaptation of a videogame and not the trash we are used to see adapted.

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One ep left so its safe to say this now. This is the best game to screen adaptation ever. I was worried about the casting, but moments after they hit their first scenes the leads are perfect for the roles. I love this show and will do another play of the game after the last ep.

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Because I watched very good series, this series was very dull. It came very empty, maybe it will be good in the future, but I hardly watched the first 5 episodes. I had to jump in many places.

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Pretty standard zombie show. I don't know why folks are rating it so high.

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This show is so dull and boring it actually starts with a talk show discussion of germs. I was sure I was watching the wrong program, because no one could sit through that. But people are saying this is the best show they have ever seen!!!

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Shout by Emm12321
BlockedParent2023-04-03T10:11:03Z— updated 2023-08-01T23:37:05Z

Don't understand these positive ratings - I found this show very slow, and the girl quite obnoxious. Maybe it appeals to the gamers, but was a waste of time IMO ... gave up after first episode.

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I watched 3 episodes but it is unbelievably bad. Characters are introduced just to immediately die over and over again, the pacing is horrible, and there is no chemistry with the main characters Ellie and Joel.

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After watching the first four episodes I'm bored stiff.

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The girl is not like the game, she's really ugly.

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a classic in the making. this show gave me a new reason to live!

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Now I understand why this shitty show is appreciated by so much people. It's just a videogame, from the first to the last episode. Just a killing after a killing, from the first to the last episode. I hope it will never occur to anyone again to make a fucking video game of fucking zombies and survivalists into a TV series.

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im gonna be fukkin pissed if they don't bring back my pre-pandemic ominous mycology cold opens

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Another "Horror" in the mainstream...
Welcome to the "Horror" of Post-Great Recession & Post-Truth era.

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One of the few shows I'm rating a 10/10, it was an absolute masterpiece of a show, I cannot wait for season 2. I'm so glad they switched things up compared to the game very slightly. Fits the medium way better.
Episode three is still my favourite episode after watching it all.

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I resisted watching this as it was so popular and I usually find programmes with such broad appeal are lacking in some way but I was glad I got there in the end.

Whilst it’s ostensibly a zombie style show, event though they are actually zombies, the real story is in the relationships between the characters. The zombie theme is just a setting that sets up certain situations that present challenges for the characters and their relationships.
The casting was great and while Ellie seemed odd at the start, she grows on you throughout and by the end your fully invested in both her and Joel’s story.

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It's not bad, but it can be a bit boring at times. I think it still watches a bit too much like a video game. A lot of walking and shooting, with some cutscenes in between.

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Great series. More please but don't fuckit up like the walking dead.

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The theme of the show was too obvious, but the drama that this show had was so well directed!!! Not as good as the actual game but this was worth my time.
Cast freakin killed it.

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After the first few episodes it looked really good and got my expectations even higher, but then it got really boring, so I finished the season just out of curiosity. The ending was even more disappointing. I guess it really was made just to satisfy game fans. Still much better than The Witcher :smile:

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Where are the infected?
Apart 2 or 3 episode, there is none...
If I had to chose one post apocalyptic world to live in, it'd be this one, it's pretty chill compared to some others like TWD
Very rare conflicts with other factions, no scenes underground or very few, no spores saturated area

The storytelling is great but the impression of the world they live in is the worst

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A phenomenal adaptation of one of the greatest video games of all time which is only let down due to the ending feeling slightly rushed.

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Now that's how you make a zombie show

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I don't know if it is a faithful adaptaion or not. But I like it and it is one of my favoutie zombie shows.

1. Relatable characters with good character development. The bonds between multiple characters are a joy to watch.
2. Terrifying but realistic world.
3. Superb plot.
4. Dark and gritty undertone, still manages to land some jokes
5. Talented Cast (Oberyn Martell and Lyanna Mormont as central characters, what is not to love?)

1. Felt too short
2. Need more of bill and frank
3. Minor gripe: Some inconsistencies with how the zombies acted and how it is explained.

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want more vibrant color.... zombie things

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waaaa waaa waaa it's woke, I'm a snowflake and I can't handle gay relationships waaaaaa. pathetic.

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First couple of episodes I didn't really like the person playing Ellie but by episode four she has started to grow on me,she is a good little actress and I'm really enjoying the show more and more.

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I cannot for the life of me fully immerse myself in the show every time the camera shoots Ellie (Bella Ramsey) ‘s face. She’s physically incompatible with the video game character objectively speaking. I got used to Joel (Pedro Pascal) but i will never get used to Ellie which has ruined the show for me. Another casting fuck up just to prove they’re “artistic” and “different” instead of making the obvious choices like like Kaitlyn Dever or even Mckenna Grace for god’s sake !

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omg, this show is amazing. I loved the game and will reccommend both

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Re: S01E03 (8/10)

(reposted here)

Wow. The best episode I've seen in 2023. Perfect editing, scene order, and sequences. Not overboard, not lacking. That ending, the song, the car scene, the sunset, and most especially, the scene going back to the room through the window = wonderfully made! Perfect!

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I don't mean to offend anyone, but Ellie does not look like a kid. She looks like a dwarf. I cannot get immersed in the show. It's kinda ruining it for me. Don't get me wrong; she is a great actor and she captures Ellie perfectly, except appearance-wise. Oh well... To each their own, I guess.

Two episodes in and I'll say the show is good so far. The games have been adapted really well.

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Good start but feels like it’s missing something

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Big Head!

That’s all though.

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Excellent start. The first episode rocked, can't wait for the rest of them.

I think this will be one of the best TV shows of this year.

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I just watched the first episode. So far, I'm really enjoying the series. I'm already looking forward to the new episodes

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Soooo good, I need more!

For more on the battle against killer fungi, check out one of the most fascinating (and terrifying) podcast episodes I’ve ever heard…

“Six years ago, a new infection began popping up in four different hospitals on three different continents, all around the same time. It wasn’t a bacteria, or a virus. It was ... a killer fungus. No one knew where it came from, or why. Today, the story of an ancient showdown between fungus and mammals that started when dinosaurs disappeared from the earth. Back then, the battle swung in our favor (spoiler alert!) and we’ve been hanging onto that win ever since. But one scientist suggests that the rise of this new infectious fungus indicates our edge is slipping, degree by increasing degree.”

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Episode 07
Another Woke ideological crap with a very very poor history .
What a shame.

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Each episode there’s a new issue to talk about in therapy.

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Since i was seriously disappointed with the disconnect I've experienced with Bella Ramsey as Ellie, I'm expecting there to be a Bella Ramsey mod out before I replay the remake. Modders, get on it.

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Can't wait, wish I could find out a release date.

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The plot sounds like the first 2 seasons of The Mandalorian. They probably should not have cast Pascal.

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Shout by gemma

Pretty good show, though whenever Ellie and Joel speak to each other it just feels stilted to me. Like Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey are both such talented actors but their scenes together just seem wrong

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Can't wait to see Joel trying to hide from Clickers while Ellie runs around him and doesn't alert them, as well as Joel crouching in front of shelfs grabbing supplies

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As someone who has never played the game, I just finished the 1st season, the finale was 80/100 i guess... I'm definitely looking forward towards 2nd season.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2023-01-22T15:17:20Z— updated 2023-04-30T10:38:59Z

Did we really need another zombie show?

Edit: I watched it because what the hell, and the answer is no.

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Great Series, fantastic first episode. Note 9/10.

Either I'm very wrong or this Series can beat the "game" itself in narrative terms, of course.
One more note, this Series has a 9.6 on IMDB, incredible I have never seen a Series with such a high rating.
(Too bad HBO isn't like Netflix and puts the episodes all at once.)

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Seeing Oberyn Martell and Lyanna Mormon together is not something I would have expected. Jokes aside, I can't wait for this to drop since it is certain to be something special given the calibre of the source material and the amount of talent involved.

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Really one of the best video game adaptation series I've ever encountered with in my life. I really hope Ellie understands Joel's perspective for him lying :type_1_2:

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With its R rating, the Last of Us is allowed to take some concepts TWD series played with to a darker more finite point that seems more fitting for such content.

It’s a decent series with a pretty creative new look into how a zombie apocalypse would come about that allows for some new creative takes on circumstances and situations encountered for the infected.

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Every episode of this is great. Episode three though, holy shit what amazing storytelling. Probably the best adaptation of a video game ever.

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just top tier television in our time

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The Last of Us is atmospheric, but it also has some bad choices. I see several adaptive problems in terms of fidelity to the game, which has significantly lost the "weight" of the story. The Last of Us was never about the "Apocalypse", but about relationships with other people. The lack of construction of these same relationships, especially Joel and Ellie's, as well as the huge waste of time, as is done in episode 3, causes a great deal of dissatisfaction with the series. If you're a big fan of the game, you're bound to dislike it. If you've never played the game, it's nice, but it still doesn't hold up. I really like the actors, I love the game's story and the photography is in good condition.

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as for me i dont even know what to say about it, it's boring and somehow aimless because from episode 1 or 2 we tell how what's the aim of the serie but as you get to the end you don't really know what to say about it anymore

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it has lgbt+ scenes, you are warned.

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if it was so good.. it is what a zombie series should be like

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i read the actors and i dont know any of them. so i gonne skip automatic this show. i only watch shows with at least one person who is known on one or more shows .and believe me there are alot of them out there ..but this is not it.

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7/10 Rating - Overrated. I don't understand the hype. Twenty years after a fungal pandemic has killed off most of America, Joel must deliver a fourteen year stranger across the country.

The show feels much like the Walking Dead in terms of scenes, sets, costumes etc. It also follows a familiar apocalypse trajectory, with our characters encountering various groups and settlements on their journey, each with their own dynamics. I would have preferred more character development earlier on, along with more dialogue between the two leads. All in all, like many road trips, this felt too episodic for me.

It was a perfectly okay watch, but nothing special.

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Compelling story and acting! Yay

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Has the best opening in a show I've ever seen and then immediately ruins it by turning into boring, stereotypical post-apocalyptic trash that we've seen in every other show. I cannot stand post-apocalyptic survival bullshit. It's unimaginative. It's boring. It's been done 100x before. Unless you're going to do something like The Stand, it's bullshit. We had it in The Walking Dead and its 100 spinoffs. We've had it in every zombie survival show ever. Literally just do something else. Fuck.

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Shout by sncix

Magnificent. Apart from episode 6-7, which I thought were good, but not great, the other episodes blew me out of the water. Definitely my favourite series watched this year. Deep characters, strong plot line, great acting and cinematography. 10/10.

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The series is very faithful to the game, I liked it in general and recommend it. The only criticism is the inclusion of the character Bill's sexuality, which is not portrayed in the original game.

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Amazing series. Great adaptation of the game. The changes made are very well done. The podcast brings light to something’s for why changes were made and makes sense

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Best show of 2023 in MY OPINION.

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Having known only the basic plot of the game that this was based off, I didn't quite know exactly what I was getting into but I absolutely loved it. I do personally feel that this got better, the further you got into it. The character development shown between Joel and Ellie was beautiful and it almost brought a tear to my eye when we see their bond begin to grow. I do truly believe that Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey were the perfect choices for these characters as they did also share a lot of on screen chemistry.

The story was well thought out and had it's mixture of dramatic and action packed scenes as well as mellow storytelling moments - there were elements of light humour in there as well which is always a plus.

I would definitely recommend watching this, even if you haven't played the game. Because I haven't and I still really enjoyed it.

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The LGBT propaganda ruined it for me

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Are you tired of boring, predictable TV shows? Do you want to watch something that will make you laugh, scream, and question your own sanity? Then "The Last of Us" TV show is the post-apocalyptic adventure you've been waiting for! This show has everything - zombies, guns, and a sassy teenage girl who's tougher than a two-dollar steak. But the real star of the show is the fungus that's taken over the world. It's like a bad roommate that just won't leave, and it's definitely not something you want to bring home to mom. The acting is so good, you'll forget that you're not actually fighting for your life in a world overrun by the undead. And the writing is so clever, you'll wonder if the writers themselves have survived a zombie apocalypse. Whether you're a fan of the video game or you just like to watch things explode, "The Last of Us" is the perfect show for you. Just be sure to keep a shotgun handy and a good pair of running shoes - you never know when you might need them!

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This series brought a lot of detail to the game, I really liked it.

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Shout by Patreze

The historical best electronic game to celluloid, ever, has set benchmark for future shows that'll be pretty damn hard to follow in. I have played this on the PlayStation, and the story is only half way in

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I’m afraid I can’t jump on the bandwagon with this one… I just don’t get it. I found it boring predictable and lazy to say the least. The characters had no emotional chemistry with each other or anyone else for that matter. It just felt wooden. I see the fascination with fans of the game but for me I’d rather watch FTWD and that’s saying something!

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if you go from episode 2 to episode 4 you will avoid the brokeback mountain episode and really miss nothimg important to the series past some episode 4 references to 3rd episode rd ..

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slow , tedious , loads of F words , boring absolutly boring . ive watched 2 episdoes and this is as far as i am willing to go with it - unless your a depressive and slightly phscopathic in movie differences and made up fantasies this is a absolute SKIP ( FInd something better)

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HBO did a very good job with the show, the visuals, the atmosphere, they are all top notch.
I liked that the show focused on the story between Joel and Ellie, but I would have liked to a few more scenes with infected, the ones that were added are really good.
Hopefully the second season would be as good as the first one.

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Well the story from the video game was great, and they stayed true to that which ultimately led to a great tv show. Very enjoyable. HBO has a great track record of pumping out high quality shows and this one is no different. 8/10. Hopefully the second season lives up to expectations, but if the video game is anything to judge by then it likely won't be nearly as good as season 1.

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