The oddest thing about this episode was Micheal sort of bonding with Bad Janet. His assessment on humanity, at the end, was something straight out of those feelgood shows like This is Us and God Friended Me. Well, at least it made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. And don't you just love it when an episode is a barrel of laughs (I'm still chuckling at that "the defendant" joke) and then it ends by making you feel so comfy inside?

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Ok but it's literally impossible to disagree with Bad Janet

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"Great news. I wrote a book. It's half spy novel half murder mystery. It's also half submarine adventure half erotic memoir and half political thriller. It's also half golf-tutorial and half commentary on society."

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It's been 6 months?? Jeez, I wish this show could be gentler with its time skips.

"Simone was very mean to me. Maybe even a little racist."
I literally stopped everything I was doing when he said that.

That Baby Boomer line was good. I'll have to use that some time.

This season is finally starting to feel like the last. The previous episodes have seemed like "just another season", but this episode had the kind of resolution and conclusiveness that one would expect in a final season. And Michael's dad/granddad vibes have consistently been on point...


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Does a lot of legwork to be one of the more interesting episodes conceptually, but doesn't quite stick the landing.

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What is up with the Chairman Eleanor green uniform?

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Shout by Deleted

When you're halfway through writing your season and realize you aren't halfway done actually finishing it so you just condense a third of it into one episode

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My ribs ache and face is still sore from laughing. I'm going to miss this show so much! :heart:

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