Eleanor looked stunning with that lizard on her head. Also, can we please have a whole episode dedicated to reboot 444? Michael sure got me curious about it.
Aftet that ending, the fun will definitely go up a notch by the next episode!

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There was a time I didn't like bottle episodes and yet, I believe that it is in this type of setup that The Good Place plays at it's best. The first season kept debating and proving solid points and questions regarding philosophy, and so on, it was another strong aspect that made this show so unique in the first place.

Also, I enjoyed revisiting the neighborhood. Taking all the reboots into account, we would have endless seasons of footage to go over, consequently I hope we continue to dig into these "flashbacks" (or at least, whenever feels appropriate and relevant to prove a point).

Lastly, I don't even want to imagine what a tarantula squid looks like but I'm super glad I get to be ignorant on that matter.

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Chidi's "Whyyyyy-?" as he fell into the lake got me laughing out loud. Fantastic.

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Tahani's centaur has me fucking howling

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This feels like it was the most basic/straightforward episode in the season so far. It wasn't bad. The flashbacks were neat, possibly just because of the cute animals and the centaur jokes. The plot with Eleanor covering up her vulnerability was obvious but relateable. The Eleanor/Chidi scenes were sweet. I didn't think this episode was as funny as the others.

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Shout by Rosie

duuude i was patiently waiting for the return of vicky!!!!

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