eleanor was wonderfully bisexual on this episode and i sign in for her to be even more on subsequent ones. thank you

also, very interesting episode, solved like a normal sitcom/drama but with the typical other-wordly the good place spin, this show really is heading somewhere fantastic and unique

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I've never been a huge fan of Jason's over-the-top unrealistic low intelligence, so I wasn't super into that family plot (Though Tahani's incredulous reactions were on-point), but I thought Chidi's half of the episode was hilarious. The VR scenario montage was great, and they took full advantage of the possibilities by having Eleanor involve herself on both sides. A sort of sad thing to realize is that, if this Simone recreation was perfectly accurate, then it means she would genuinely have agreed to marry him. I really hope she returns, in just a handful of episodes she feels like such an integral part of the show. Human Janet is amazing and I loved the awkward bing section at the start of the episode.

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I can't remember the last time I laughed as hard and suddenly as I did at Pillboi and Jason's tearful, outrageously long handshake. That is the best kind of comedy.

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After this show comes to an end (because all good things do), I hope they'll carry on with its legacy in the Afterlife of TV shows with a spin-off based on Jason, Pillboi (it was hilarious to see where his name comes from) and Donkey Doug. Or at least I hope someone will go to Shark Tank with that in mind. Hey, I know it's not an idea as brilliant and prospectively lucrative as body spray combined with an energy drink, but it's got its strong points, too.

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It was sad to see Simone go, I understand Chidi's decision, but I liked Simone's character (supported by a great acting by Kirby Howell-Baptiste). But it was a nice and funny episode, I like the direction the show is going.

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Love this show but I really don't get the "fun" of Jason's OTT stupidity and level of trashiness, so the part with him and his equally idiotic friends and family had me eyerolling so hard I feared my eyes would get stuck backwards... A little dumb? That can be cute. A few moments of TSTL too. This plunge into the stupidity pool was just WAY too much, for me.

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