I never thought I'd be saying this about a TV show, but it kinda bummed me that they were able to swear for real, now.
That version of Hell had all sorts of hilarious references, it was definitely well written. I'm particularly fond of The Transformers' perfume. So spot-on!
Who would have guessed that Jason's molotov cocktail bonkers idea would actually work? That seriously made me chuckle.
Bad Good Janet was like a cute kitten getting all frisky and showing its tiny claws. Adorable!
I'm just disappointed that we probably won't get to see more of Hell, as I was expecting the rest of the season to be spent there. Still, the little we got of it was soooo good!
Ethics and morality have been strong with this show ever since its beginning (sometimes - dare I say it - even surpassing that of Star Trek), but this episode took that one step further: Michael solving the trolley problem = ;')

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Despite all the great character development, strong humour, the use of Kristin Bell's real life husband and the emotional bonds that I'm forming with all of these characters... the moment of this episode that made me love it the most was the fact that the film on endless repeat in hell is Pirates of the Caribbean 6: The Haunted Crow's Nest or Something, Who Gives a Crap

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The running joke about Jason's love of Blake Bortles is absolutely delightful and makes me laugh every time.

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Only in this show that you would cry over a demon doing a really nice thing.

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Chidi, please, just shut up.
That's my main feeling lately with this 2nd season - and there are not enough plot twists to make me forget that. So writers, please make him grow as a character and be less annoying.

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“Molotov cocktails work! Anytime I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail... BOOM, right away, I had a different problem.”

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jason, this is hell. of course theres a gift shop.

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Even demons can change. Great episode.

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Shout by Deleted

The american sjw version of hell museum was completely uneccessary, but other than that a nice episode.

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