I really, really wanna see Eleanor at the Bad Place. Seriously, it'll be hilarious.

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I hear ya, Michael, I still don't know the difference between "toward" and "towards". Hilarious episode (not because of that, though)! This show just keeps getting better and funnier. Awesome cliffhanger, too!

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that cliffhanger though!!!! cant wait to see what happens next

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"Hey look it's Weekend at Bernies", hilarious episode. Probably the best so far. Eleanor needs to never change. That's what makes the show funny, is how self centered she is.
Jianyu is great as well.

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Actual title of this episode: "The Eternal Shriek". How do I edit this?

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Shout by Deleted

How the f*** are people finding it so hilarious ? What am I missing ?
Plain. Stupid. Boring. Poor Content. Zero Emotions. That's all I see here.
At this point, I just want to continue watching it so that I can hopefully see everyone going to the bad place in the end.

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