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The Good Doctor: Season 5

5x15 My Way

"sexism, prejudice or discrimination based on sex or gender, especially against women and girls"

How is it sexist when I treat a woman exactly how I would treat any man?
I would ALWAYS point out flaws in a buisness plan and point to where additional profits could be made. That is just due dilligence...

And if the person can't handle that: They are too sensitive!!! (Happens with men more often that with women btw, especially when it comes to buisness ideas...)
It would actually be sexist if I treaded around the subject because I have a woman in front of me.

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A good episode with interesting directions. And then they go sexism which just ruins the whole episode with a stupid conclusion.
Keep the woke out of this show. Especially when it is done wrong. There was no assault or anything that could justify this woke part.

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And here we go full woke with the usual bullshit leftist Hollywood nonsense. Sexist my arse. This show had quite some promise but now the Hollywood / Pedowood asshats are destroying it rapidly.

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The episode totally jumps on the socialist bandwagon picking on the old white man blaming is age and calling him sexist and toxic masculinity, because he gives advise which they don’t like. Oh and when he tries to explain - he’s mansplaining. End result = he treats women differently!

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Lea must be a Superwoman (with the most annoying voice known to mankind), she runs solely the IT department for a big hospital, she alone fixes this ancient iron lung machine, and does all the software side of her new jointed venture.... Isn't it possible to even try to make this a little bit believable? With those talents she should be running the next Google, Apple or Tesla company....

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Loved this episode and they are finally exploring Andrew’s and his condition he’s now even more likeable and I’m sure the romance seeded in the previous episode will bare fruit.

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I'd watch that show... Wait... What??

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