"Things will be okay". That one single line in the end said by Neil Melendez, and I'm bawling my eyes out again as I had in the finale. His death, all though beautifully written, was wholly unnecessary and unwarranted.
That said, I hope we get to see more of him through Claire's mind

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this episode clearly reflects how people are struggling through the sudden changes in their life. the show is not the same without Neil.

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Crap, they just had to do a double Covid scaremongering episode :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

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The world is better when "The Good Doctor" is on television. Shaun and Leah? The jury is still out on that one.

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This hits a bit too close to reality to enjoy it as much as other episodes

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Still not ok with watching this show without Melendez .

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This episode is a bit too real for me... dunno how I feel about it.

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Too soon? Wayyy too soon!

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She took that darn flu shot. That was her first mistake.

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Wow, 87 people collected and 145 watchers already and 90% rating with 8 votes, I didn't even know that there was a copy of this episode out yet! Not that it matters to me because even once I do get a copy of this episode I won't be watching it right away (or at least I'll try not to) because it indicates that it's only part 1, so I'll personally wait until I have the next episode or at least closer to the next part to be released so that I can watch the parts closer together if not consecutively. Looking forward to it though, but I have already waited this long so why not a little bit longer. I'm busy watching other shows to keep me preoccupied in the meantime.

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