I really hope that a new streaming platform picks up the story, such a great show!

If not, the last few books are great! I urge any Expanse tv show lover to check them out! It’s about to get even more epic!

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Seriously? That was it? Apart from that terrorist scum Marco finally being done for that was rather mediocre.

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God i'm gonna miss the Rocinante crew so fucking much. They definitely stuck the landing on this finale.

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lol Chrissie to Holden “You’re such a fucking optimist. It’s a miracle you’ve lived this long.” I’ll miss her sass.

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So when are they announcing the three follow up movies to finish the books? Because this can't be the end right? Right?

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Great sci-fi but that side plot with "dogs" healing lifeforms was useless as it wasn't even picken up at the end.
Defeat of Marco was disappointing and looked rushed.

Overall it was 8/10 season. Sadly it had only 6 episodes. They definitely should do more.

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So many things could have gone wrong for the show here but I'm happier than I thought I could be with it. The loose threads didn't impact the important storylines, so it's one great example that others should look up to when finishing shows that could have been continued. I feared for some of our characters even though in the back of my mind they were always safe, so that's another example of good writing. Most of all, I think all of them were at their best given the conditions they were in, and there's where the big payoff is for me, that we feel like we know these people enough to think like that.

I'll miss this show, I'll miss these characters, and I think I'll miss the most how these actors and staff brought them to life. I hope we'll see each of them again, regardless of which project they might in. :grin:

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I hope they decide to make more of this. This last episode and the big finale fight was so good, but they do leave a lot of loose ends and unexplained things.... hopefully there is more to come.

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It's such an odd decision to include a side story setting up future events in a season that you know is going to be the final season. They could have easily cut out the entire thing and it would have made no difference.

I liked how the main plot ended, I just do not understand why they included an entire side story of set up with seemingly no intention of following up on it.

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This is one of the most favorite show of all time for me. I will miss this show!
I don't think this is going to end. I really hope that it returns with another season. They have had so many questions left unanswered!
They literally opened up the Laconia Ring Arc with the mutated kid and just didn't end. What happened to the kid? What happened to his sister?

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I will miss this show and it's characters. Still curious about the whole protomolecule and dogs thing but well guess I have to hit the books

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The small prologue to every episode this season ends up being a tantalizing glimpse of this world's future, should the show be picked up again in some form, and I kinda miss the more overtly overarching sci-fi element of the first four seasons. But excellent (for-now) series finale otherwise, great action sequences intersped with effective human downtime in between (love the dinner scene). Also glad the show ends by having its two most prominent leads, Holden and Avasarala, do what they're best at: the former being drawn into something bigger than himself then still do it his own way, and the latter reacting in her signature style ("You duplicitous little shit" lol). Gonna miss this show, now time to pick up the books finally!

Season Ranking (Series overall is A-):
Season 2 (A)
Season 3 (A)
Season 4 (B+)
Season 6 (B+)
Season 5 (B+)
Season 1 (B+)

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Personally I’ve found the ending quite predictable. Well, not in the details, but in the outcome. I even imagined that Filip would have escaped.

I’m missing one thing, though: what the hell happened to the two kids and THE “DOGS”??? As I still have to understand what the protomolecule was for (that’s probably my fault. I can’t remember the previous seasons after one year).

And yes. It was rushed.

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Again with the kid side story. They didn’t even explain it further & so random.

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What in the name of … is going on here?! What’s with the Family and their Zombie-Boy?! What’s with the protomolecule?! How is that supposed to be a Finale of a Series in ANY capacity?! Is the GoT S8 now the new guideline of how-to-wrap-up-a-once-great-series-in-the-most-bullshitty-way-imaginable?!

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Great ending to a great show.

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Perfect ending!
I thought the six episodes wouldn't be enough to make it great like that. But that was it.
I'm pleased.

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what a ride. incredible finale. They delivered!

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It has ended well, although I would have liked them to tell what happens to some characters. One of the best sci-fi series I've ever seen.

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I remember I told my husband after watching together the first episode of this show: "I don't know any of these characters and I don't know if I'll ever like them." Six seasons later and after watching the final episode, we both agree that we will miss these characters so much.

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Appointing a war hero in charge of a newly-formed, financially and politically powerful "independent" office without a democratic process... Isn't that oligarchic and a form of feudalism?... Don't the people of the Belt or the Ring colonies have a say on who gets to control their lifelines? Why not form a new democratically-elected council with about a dozen equal seats each for Inners, Belters and colonists?

I don't dislike Drummer but this felt very undemocratic and short-sighted.

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Wow that was really mediocre… I love how they killed off Alex and the reasoning was “it’s a war and you need to feel the losses” and then proceeded to write en entire scene to keep Filip alive and literally render the tension of destroying the Pella completely useless. Don’t even get me started on the subplot with the dead kid and the alien ship that was teased at the end of last season and went absolutely nowhere. I guess making scenes with chemo patient James Holden and Marie Sue extraordinaire Naomi was more important to the writers. What a letdown this was.

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Shout by Ana
BlockedParent2022-11-21T20:09:23Z— updated 2022-12-05T11:35:23Z

The season was good, but series finale is seriously underwhelming. They left so many unanswered questions, it's ridiculous. What was going on with that boy? What are those creatures on the planet that supposedly are bringing everyone to life? What are those entities in the ring? What happens to the ships? I am so annoyed they didn't explain any of this. What was the point of taking about it then??? I really hope this show will continue at some point, but in the meantime I'm going to read the books to find out about all these things.
I'm going to miss Rocinante and it's crew. Fingers crossed for season 7. :fingers_crossed:

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A really good finale. A shame it has to end...

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Ok, good, it's not a patchwork quilt, still, I want more.

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What's the purpose of so many loose ends, otherwise it was only ok.

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I didn't read the books, so not sure if this is from them, but did you all catch "Filip Nagata"? I'm another one not really satisfied with the Dog/Protomolecule story, or lack there of. That said, big fan and I wish it wasn't ending.

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If there was any question about the politics of this show, the tokenizing bureaucracy they leave us with as a hopeful note should clear that up for you. Still, fun show and I hope they get to do more of it some day. Meantime, guess I'll have to pick the books back up.

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It was... OK. It had everything you want from an Expanse episode - confusing battle sequences, bravery, pretty monologues, politics - but it was all very compressed and unsatisfactory (Inaros might be the first TV villain ever to meet his end at the hands of a 90s soft drink advert). I hate battle scenes (I find them tedious), but even I think the ebb and flow of the battle needed more time to unfold.

Apart from anything else, do they even know Inaros is dead? Do they know where the victims of the rings vanish to? They might have transformed Inaros and his crew into a superpowered version of themselves for all they knew.

And the Laconia ministory that went... nowhere.

I guess we have Amazon to thank for giving us a few more turbo-budgeted seasons of this superb show, and also Amazon (and Covid?) to blame for the rushed, perfunctory, underwhelming conclusion.

The highlight of the whole episode was the hauntingly rescored arrangement of the theme at the end. Beautiful.

Now to wait a year and watch the whole thing again.

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It was a nice finale; tight enough to close most loose ends. I haven't read the books, but i found the way they beat Marco, kinda rushed (i'm guessing for the lack of time, if not it might have been a separate episode). The battle inside the ring was nice, but not the best (there have been better along the series). I liked how they kinda bound James with Camina in a way that, at least i, was expecting for some time. Didn't catch too much about the sub-plot of the kids in the foreign planet. I'm guessing that's where the stolen proto-molecule went, but not sure, and don't really get how it ties to the main plot, but alas. I'm gonna miss this series, even tho i just started to watch it last year. It gave me those Mass Effect vibes that not another movie or series about space gave me

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I thought for sure that the short season and short episodes would lead to an unsatisfying ending...

I could not have been more wrong. I'll miss this show, I'll miss these characters, I'll miss this ship. Till we meet again Rocinante.

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I love the end - but it is not like it would be an accomplishment to the TV Show, they took it from the book and removed so much that it barely makes any sense.

All the political tension is basically removed and replaced with "why are we even discussing this". Not to mention the fact that they completly left out how Inaros fleet got destroyed.

That was really important, because the way they did it, the physics they used in the books (The rings make matter disappear when there is more than a certain amount in transit at the same time) was the reason Earth and Mars actually agreed that a trade union controlling passage through the rings was necessary.
It would have been hard enough to do this properly in 10 Episodes, doing it in 6 was impossible. Too much of the source material has been left out without patching the holes.

Its heartbreaking and not in a good way...

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Horrible ending. Every character had meter thick plot armor, so we can't even get the emotional satisfaction of losing people we used to care about. Dozens of plot threads left hanging with no attempt to wrap them up. They even threw in some terrible CGI.

I think this ending was worse than the way they ended GoT, that ending was bad, but at least it was complete.

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They've been building up Marco Inaros storyline for seasons just to kill him without a fight and I felt like I was watching that episode of Game of Thrones where Arya easily kills or vanquishes Night King with Catspaw on her own. At that time I felt that it was a cheap move and lazy writing and I believe the same goes for this ending too.

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It's a pity that it ended, this season was rushed to 6 episodes and it can be felt in the pace and the character development.

But books are definitely in my wishlist now. TV shows always end up messing up.

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