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The Expanse: Season 5

5x08 Hard Vacuum

The directors clearly think Naomi is the most interesting character, but she is absolutely the least interesting character and I abhor constantly being forced to watch her whine and flail.

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Might be my second favorite episode of the season, right after the explosion episode a few back. I loved the single location Naomi episode. The show really brought out her struggle after being out in space and now fighting for the survival of herself and her friends. I must get bit cocky, in that I also thought of her solution. Interrupt the broadcast, to notify others something is up. admittedly i didn't think of interrupting the message as a whole to make a new message .. rather, I thought about putting intervals between broadcasts that would translate to a SOS. .. hers is better.

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Season 5 was going so well but this episode was terrible... complete filler with Naomi going back and forward to tweak the automated recording, something that could have been summarized in 2-3 minutes. The recording was really starting to get on my nerves and so was Naomi's overacting. I truly hope the show gets back on its tracks on the next two episodes.

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Felt like a bottle episode, Naomi scenes were too long. But I'll admit it, the last scene.. God that last and closing credits was darn good!!

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Damn that was great stuff. Naomi's struggle was so brutal. The only thing she could do in the end was break up the SOS. Playing it over the credits like that made it quite chilling too.

Drummer's breakdown was so raw and powerful. As soon as Naomi was mentioned her partner knew Drummer would lose it. Really looking forward to her finding out she's alive and blasting for her!

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Worst ever episode on this show. IMO filler episodes fair better compared to this. This episode is worth 10 minutes at most, not 50!

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"Oh my gooood, nooooo! So much feely feely, not enough pew pew!"
Yeah, right. Because all of you would be rock stable after a spacewalk without a VAC suit, stranded in space aboard a bomb that is luring in the people you love.

Let yourselves feel something once in a while. Maybe a little empathy wouldn't hurt either. And take all the feelings, make them into hate, and then channel it towards the majestic fuck that is Marco Inaros.

I liked the Naomi part of this ep. I liked that not everyone is Amos or Bobbie, that people can get hurt, can get broken into pieces and then pick themselves up. Not much else happened, but in this case it's not on Naomi. And characters have to develop, to have some kind of character development.

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Spare me the crying, whining and psychotic outbreaks please. This show used to be really good. Not this crap.

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I really liked this episode and agree with other comments not understanding the hate against Naomi. I loved how they showed the struggle she had with figuring out how to not let the others fall into the trap. The expanse is more than just showing aliens and space fights.

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OMG, I loved the Naomi scenes in this. Interesting to read hate comments on these scenes as I was thinking a ballsy move on the show runner’s part would’ve been to have had a whole episode of just Naomi with no dialogue. It reminded me of that Doctor Who episode where Peter Capaldi is trapped in the diamond prison. I would love to have seen that.

I’m just not getting the haters on this one. Doesn’t compute.

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Previous episode I was complaining that it was too much of the soap family drama with Naomi, Marcos etc.
This one doesn't have more action at all, but I enjoyed it a lot. Lots of tension, good acting and dialogues, and a few really good scenes.
The story didn't progress much, and I feel like they are not focusing enough on the the geopolitical aspect and the exploration of their universe, but at least in this episode we cared about the characters.
I get that they wanted a season where the crew is split and must come to the conclusion that they are better together, but I don't really like how they are doing it.
They are mostly not doing anything in this season actually

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Half the episode was Naomi scenes and I had no goddamn idea what the hell she was doing up until the last minute of the episode.

Rare miss of an episode imo

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Well, thats one way to make sure no one ever forgets your opening scene haha.

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Shout by Ward

There hasn't been much for Holden to do at all this season. Same for Alex and Draper. Amos's storyline has been pretty good, even though he's mostly just been wandering around, and Chrisjen has been doing some politics stuff. It's really Naomi that has been the highlight this season. She's really been put through the ringer. Even though i'm not a fan of the storylines, i'm being entertained enough and i haven't checked out, and i'm looking forward to continuing.

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Minister for Transportation becoming Secretary General feels very BSG

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why did they wasted so much time on family drama other than doing 'the expanse' thing... watching naomi do her engineer magic silently was unexpectedly more enjoyable than watching their dad-mom-kids issue.

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searching for long range comms... searching for long range comms...

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This season is going to be full of everything, to see how they close it

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true that it was a little to much of Naomi but only 2 episodes left and im not seeing much more of action they can add

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