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The Expanse: Season 3

3x05 Triple Point

HOLY SHIT THIS EPISODE WAS INSANE! The whole mutiny situation had me screaming “NOOOO” over and over again. I liked Souther and I wish he didn’t die given how close he was to taking back his own ship. It was very heartwarming to see how many people actually stood by his side and opposed Nguyen. I really believed he had it for a moment, but in this show even when things go right, they always go wrong. So now, I have a new character to add to my hatred list lol. I’m also really sad that Mao gave the command to turn Mei into ProtoMei. Those scenes with ProtoKatoa were very intense and I’m intrigued to see what will happen with the protomolecule on Venus. The way Prax quoted what Amos said to him a few eps back is a good way to tell that everything going on is starting to change Prax. This episode was great, as well as this season so far. Depending on how the rest of the season goes, it might become my fave season. Excited to see how everything will develop in the next episode.

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Another terrific hour of a terrific show. I hated to see some good people killed in that "mutiny," and none more so than Souther, who I'd been hoping would at least be around long enough to see Avasarala again. At this point, I'm hoping that Nguyen, Mao and Dr. Evil all meet slow and painful deaths soon.

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Admiral Souther's men plan for mutiny aboard the Thomas Prince.

Um... You mean the Agatha King?

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Great episode as always...But I've just read that the show got canceled, what the hell?!? They are out of their minds! This is the best sci-fi show on TV! There is a petition going on for Netflix to pick it up for s4, everyone should sign it! Hopefully they will find a new network.

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Long story short, people mostly suck and if we actually end up annihilating ourselves in the future we kinda deserve it

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Finally catching up with THE EXPANSE's latest action-packed, politics-heavy, morally complex episode after cancellation news is bittersweet. Hope someone saves this wonderful show.

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It's funny that these dumbass scientists are asking it what it's building, it's like asking virus what it is doing lmao

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Shout by Gaby
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-15T05:50:53Z— updated 2018-10-27T01:25:00Z

These heart-to-heart talks between Holden and Avasarala are what everything I loved about this show. They understand each other in ways others can'; having been raised to be leaders, no matter the cause. Avasarala has come to understand Holden as someone who can match her wit, skill and force, now Holden just has to allow Chrisjen to be a mentor he can learn from.

Meanwhile the children (the UN, Mars and the OPA) are ready to burn down the system to have their way and win the "game", with Erinwright leading the charge. But maybe there are some grownups within the fleet (on all sides) that can see war for what it is (politics, emotions and luck)... maybe they can stop the destruction that awaits them all.

Holy shit! Mutiny!?!?!?! Things just got real and hit the fan really fast... damn this show is good.

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This was both intense and epic! Admiral Souther is such a hero! It really sucks that Admiral Nguyen cannot see that he's on the wrong side and has already lost...

I got goosebumps when most of the fleet stayed loyal to Admiral Souther. I really really hope that he isn't dead yet but unfortunately it doesn't look good at all. Let's just hope that the rest of the U.N. fleet (and the M.C.R. fleet) can unite against Admiral Nguyen. It was so awesome that Capt. Kirino of the M.C.R.N. also did the right thing (sending the message to Admiral Souther and her epic broadcast at the end).

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This episode has really set the bar so high!!

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As Thanos says how he feels that his fight is fair and still lose

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