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The Crown: Season 3

3x07 Moondust

The "never meet your heroes" thing even applies to the first men on the Moon.

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This episode somehow uncannily resonated with me. Love the dialogue and Menzies' performance. Probably the best episode of the whole show for me. The lunar landing has fascinated me for a while and it is funny and interesting how different the astronauts are protrayed here, where as Claire Foy played Armstrong's wife in Damien Chazelles fantastic "First Man".

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An absolute stunning and brilliant episode. I'm in awe of the writers of The Crown! There is definitely no better storytelling in our TV landscape right now, than what Netflix delivers with this series.

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what a shame that there won't be any more Princess Alice scenes, Jane Lapotaire was incredible

and I would much rather watch one more episode dedicated to her than listen to an hour worth moaning of Philip, nothing new was said this episode

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Fantastic episode! Somehow it managed to deliver both Prince Philip’s own middle-age struggles and the Moon Landing’s repercussion on mankind. Tobias Menzies was fantastic! The greater achievements in Science, the more mysteries are explained, the more questions are answered, the less need is for a god to provide answers… or as my boy Nietzsche would say: God is dead.‬

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The weakest episode of the season so far for me. It does not mean it was bad though! This season has been fantastic, I just can't sympathize with Prince Philip...

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One of the best episodes with the new cast and guests. Well written story and delivered so well. Dean Woods stole every scene, especially in the end when he was silent all the way in a very deliberate manner.

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This show has started to become repetitive and a bit boring for me. I’ve found it hard to get through this season with not much drawing me back in and have been losing interest. But this right here is probably my favorite episode of the entire series up to this point. Incredible, incredible episode of television.

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I can not for the life of me imagine that those astronauts were not aware of what they did achieve. And the moon landing is something I have vast interest in and read and watched hours about. And turning the whole moon landing as a stage for a midlife crisis for Philip was another nail in the coffin.

This is still a well produced show but this season is really hit and miss for me. After a couple of really great episodes this is another miss.

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Good episode. Age is a bitch, especially when you've always had everything in the world.

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