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The Crown: Season 1

1x06 Gelignite

Croatia and Montenegro were part of Yugoslavia, they were NOT separate countries at the time. It's a big mistake given that this is a history show. Apart from that, it was a solid episode.

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I always thought the Queen's word is the law, but it turns out in the end she is just a puppet to the cabinet and her advicers. She always has to make decisions which doesn't harm the reputation of the royal family.

That's really sad to see, especially when it comes to family members and how her actions hurt them. I hope at the end of the season (or in the future seasons when she gets older) we see a Queen who presses more for her matters, stands up do her decisions and gets her way. At least I hope that's what the real Queen did at some point?

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i love how the logic of the episode is based on people's unshakable belief that the British peasantry would start a revolution because the queen's sister married a divorcee. like how far up your own ass would you have to be for that to be a genuine concern

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What this show does really well is showing how fast the dream of becoming Queen/King can turn into a nightmare. How she is constantly torn between family and duty.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm not saying it's a flaw in the storytelling, because I know it really happened, but I'm not as invested in the whole "I'm marrying someone I shouldn't marry and it's causing problems in the family" storylines. I get that we had to have one with the previous King, but just not as interested the second time around.

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