Can't wait for a baby John Wick cameo where he kicks everyone's ass with his BB gun!

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Utterly Disappointed!!!
Gosh , I don't know where to begin with .

The fight scenes in John Wick even though as comic as they could be ...were believable. But this ..felt like all the main characters had too much plot armour. To give you an example of how bad the action scenes were , there was a scene where our protagonists' car crashes and turns upside down. And all the gangsters straight up start raining down bullets on the overturned car without looking inside that they've already out of it? wtf

The last 10mins was absolutely disappointing. They couldn't even film a proper car chase sequence? wasn't there enough budget?

For me personally, the most dumbest part of the episode is when Frankie sacrifices himself to save the family without even checking to make sure that the thing he is sacrificing himself for is even in the suitcase or not !!!

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I'll just go ahead and give it a solid 8. For a TV production, this is awesome. Enjoyed the the setup, the lighting, camera works... the cast is pretty much solid too. And oh, they gave us a whole hour and a half of it :ok_hand:

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Once upon a time, if a show used more than a ten second clip of a song they had to pay royalties based on how many viewers might be watching it. For broadcast TV that meant maaaybe one or two big name songs. I know many artists' song portfolios have been bought in recent years, so that model may've changed. But, my God, this show's only flaw (besides being predicated on John Wick style combat scenes) is a conspicuous consumption of music titles.

A friend once passed on a quote, that what life lacked was a soundtrack, and they're solution was to drive around while playing classical music radio stations.

I really liked the music, but it almost got in the way by taking me out of the story with thoughts about, "how did they get away with this?"

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Where is the car chase?

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:fire:The soundtrack absoloutley slapped tbf

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Winston: "You got old."
Cormac: "Yeah, i'm wearing a diaper. They oughta call this place the In-continental."

This is pretty much movie quality. Although you can still feel it's series DNA with the unnecessary character add ins to add to the runtime and a few things that were cut short like the car chase. The soundtrack is the first thing that comes to mind on a technical level, it's freakin great. The action sequences were done by the same crew as the movies and it really shows, good stuff. Frankie and Yen are instant badasses. Colin Woodell as Winston really fits. Mel Gibson as a villain sounds promising but we don't see much of him in this episode. Favorite scenes were Frankie kicking the shit out of people at the beginning and the sadistic torturer guy's scenes (wouldn't want to be sitting in his chair).

A good start, curious to see where this goes.

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There is a story in there somewhere, maybe worth something. But most of the acting around it and the polishing of telling that story ... well, young people call it cringe. It is like a very expensive B movie, with all the expensive actors, expensive scenes, expensive special effects, expensive music tracks, expensive lights and cameras, but very cheap actual acting and story telling.

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Awesome show. awesome soundtrack. awesome actors..
If they can keep this up then this is gonna be AWESOME!

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not too bad and yen kinda carried the first episode imo

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I can never get into shows or films like this because it's such a load of fake nonsense.

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man. why do 1h30 episodes? really?

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Far too long. I got bored.

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Winston is supposed to be British? Why would he say 'route' like a bloody American?

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It’s a solid episode. Action is good although you can clearly see the choreography at times. The story so far is very Hollywood-y and the acting and editing is a little B-movie-esque but an enjoyable experience so far

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Not a bad start (7/10) mostly does an ok job at setting everything up. The choice to do 1hr 20-30min episodes seems like a good fit as well. Occasionally it felt like the pacing was off and things were being padded out with music montages etc. but pretty good for TV.

However if I am being nitpicky.

The actor (who is fine in the role) playing Winston doesn't have an accent even close to Ian McShane and I would have to keep reminding myself it is the same character from the JW movies, they don't feel connected in the slightest and the actor doesn't really look or sound the same. Why not just make him a totally new character instead?

There are a few driving scenes that really look like they are on a set infront of a green screen that feel like they could have fixed if they framed it better.

Finally, when they are in London, there are a lot of American English words used, that those British characters simply wouldn't say.

Attention to details matter and break you out of the experience when they haven't given things the care it needed.

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bro sounds like a brit doing an american accent

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Ohh yeah!
That was fun!
The episode went so quick it only felt like 40min long.
With an excellent soundtrack, an interesting story, the beginnings of the John Wick franchise, the well chosen cast headed by Mel Gibson being a very welcome inclusion and Colin Woodell being a ringer for the young 'Winston'.

If this mini series continues this way it'll be a success and befiitting the 'John Wick' stamp of recognition. Can't wait for the next instalment.

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The story is slow but is very entertaining. I hope we get to see kid John Wick.

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I just do not understand how they can announce Gibson as the main actor if his screen time is five minutes or less... :thinking: misleading advertisement.

It is well produced anyway, worth watching. However, I do not enjoy the story that much, I believe, because I only watched the first John Wick movie, long time ago.

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Cost and car. To early too know. Game changing maybe. ??

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Starting off slow, but I liked what I saw.... And... Oh boy the soundtrack is :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:!!!!

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