Compete waste of a season. This is some terrible story writing. What the fuck did we spend 8 hours watching. Introduced soldier boy & built him up only to end like this. Just because dialog is full of cursing, blood, gore, and shocking scenes doesn’t make up for terrible writing. This shit is just going in circles.

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For a big finale it didnt exactly feel grand.

The pacing, action and vfx in this finale did feel off at times but the excellent writing still managed to tie up all loose ends and introduce new story elements for later seasons.

Highlights were several moments in which I could not tell for sure what the characters were gonna do as they themselves also seemed conflicted. The writers really did an outstanding job at subverting expectations there.

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Yeah this finale was amazing. Loved the way they twisted the final fight to go down in a way that I don't think many people were expecting. Great moments for many of the characters and I love how they capped off Maeve's arc this season especially. Homelander has been cemented as one of the absolute best villains ever put on TV, and they set up season 4 in a way that has me really excited. My one complaint was Black Noir's death. I saw it coming but he went out in a bit of a lackluster way and I feel like they had set up his character to be deserving of much more of an epic conclusion than what he ultimately got. But otherwise, one of the best episodes of the whole series and one of the best shows out there right now.

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What a shit ending man

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am i the only one who thought the writers fumbled the bag with this season finale ;/

idk it was just kind of anticlimactic/predictable leading up to & after the big fight

i actually thought the character growth for the cast as whole (leading up to this point) was fucking brilliant every step of the way, i guess i was just expecting more pizazz or a real grand finale that would wow me.

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is no one going to mention the bottle of Novichok that definitely smashed on the ground and killed a bunch of people or...?

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I liked the fight scenes. BUT...

... that was probably the worst series finale this series has ever had. So much set up this season and barely any payoff. I'm absolutely disappointed.

I won't repeat all the flaws of this episode (you can read them somewhere above and/or below my take here).

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Ok, love the series but here they felt like trying for a convoluted way not to kill Homelander and get the main villain to still merrily and playfully frolic around.
You just say "welp, let's think about the blondie and then we'll argue about Ryan".
I love that Maeve lived tho I would have liked her to still be around.
And that final scene is a classic El Donaldo "I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters" moment. Ah MAGA people (I wonder if there will be the usual irated people here in the comments that can't stand the slightest political stuff mentioned, and then don't talk about it and go out and vote conservative)

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Wait? What? Was this the season finale? They kept padding the runtime for this this piece of garbage? This season was just horrible and boring with stupid side stories to fit a certain number of episode and then it turns out they didn't fucking have a main story line.

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This episode was absolutely Terrible.

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That was kind of a letdown as a season finale. It only serves to prevent the destruction of Homelander for at least another season and I fear we get a repetition of season three "How to kill Homelander". I get it, he's a show favorite but it's just unimaginative. And what happens if Butcher is in the same situation, facing Ryan and Homelander, at the end of season 4 ? How do we get to a point where he either can accept he has to destroy Ryan to or for the latter to switch sides ?

But we then still have Soldier Boy. And there is the same problem arising. How can he come back with a different outcome then now ? Like I said, we just put in multiple twist to lengthen the story.

And at this very moment I don't like it.

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Homelander 2.0? Another season of The Boys chasing Homelander and it not resulting to anything? I fear this may get boring after another season or so...

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The episode was excellent up until Frenchie revealed the new plan. It all went downhill from there.

The episode should've been titled "The Great Reset". Frenchie is back on coke, pitching ridiculous plans. Kimiko is back to brutally murdering people. Hughie is back to saving everyone's ass without getting any acknowledgement.
I mean, I get that the show is trying to keep the team as anti-heroes for as long as possible. When M.M. was talking with his daughter about how "superheroes aren't always good", that's a meta-euphemism for how The Boys are never good.

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While I liked the episode, it is a little frustrating that it seems like everything that happened in the season was ultimately for nothing.

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What a build up of a season to end in the same place we began pretty much. Underutilised Maeve, had her randomly fuck Butcher? Then ended with her powerless (thankfully not dead though). Built up Solidier boy as our one chance to take down homelander, spend the whole season getting him on path and then took him down themselves and Homelander is still off Scott free and raising a mini bastard too. Just keeps on the same pattern of shows stringing along the plot of the 'villain' characters that people love to hate. Westworld most recently did the same. It gets tired. Buffy knew to nix her villains at the end of each season!

P.S. I did appreciate the speed at which Ashley deleted that video of Maeve. No hesitation :hearts:

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What a flat, lacklustre ending to a show that's been treading water all season. I really do love the parody of modern politics and social commentary that The Boys bring to the table, but it's completely sidelining the progression of it's main stars and it seems too gun-shy to kill any of them off. I really wanted to like this season but I can't help but feel it was all for nothing. The characters have not moved on, developed or changed over the course of this season. Outside of Butcher and Hughie using temp V, nothing drastically happened to alter their stance or move anything forward. It's time to call Season 4 the final season and wrap this up. You're overstaying your welcome now Boys, and I say that as someone who loves the show.

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I just started watching this series a few weeks ago, have since pretty much binged it, even consumed the cross-medial fillers and looked up several analyses. That being said, I thought this was pretty much the weakest episode of the whole show so far.

At the end, it feels just like a huge cliffhanger and setback with barely any distinct story advancement since the discovery of Soldier Boy earlier this season. I'd even say we are in the same situation as at the end of season 2, with the only major differences being introduction of temporary superpowers for Boys and the removal of Noir and Maeve.

Pretty disappointing, as I was hoping for either permanent powers for Butcher and/or the death of Homelander this season finale. :confused:

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That simile at end was the most horrifying thing ever in The Boys
It is gonna be a blood bath from here

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For now just this: Incorporating Temp V was a stupid decision. I am glad that it might at least be out of the picture for the next season. But they can just as easily have Vought have a breakthrough and get rid of the sideeffects. Which would not even be necessary since for some reason despite the need to pump newborns full of IVs with Compound V for a Teen or adult only a single syringe is necessary to turn or turn back into a superhero. Meaning if the temporary version is killing you, you can just become invincible with the blue stuff ...
Which is actually what I thought Annie would do to save Hugh.
That in mind even the overhanging doom that Soldier Boy takes Homelanders powers away - which was not even delivered on - is nothing for Homelander to be afraid of, since he fucking owns the company which produces the drug to immediately give him his powers back.

So yeah everything about compound V takes away most of the suspense.

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Trash ending to a season that was kept afloat by only a few good episodes. Finale certainly ruined my enjoyment of the show, and will remove it from my watchlist. Not worth my time, especially after that ending. Let's not forget the ultimate Butcher cuck moment: "It's my wife's son!"

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So bellow the expectations... Really trash episode....

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wow, what a fucking ride

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Im happy Maeve got a happy ending and Starlight had her moment, but Black Noir plot led to nothing. And now Ryan will grow psycho too. I know they have to push Homelander til the end of the show bc he is the show, but damn, they were so close this time.

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A-Train's glance to Noir's helmet after Homelander asks him how he could kill one of his own in cold blood is honestly top 10 funniest moments of the show

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omggggg, wtf just happened, this was really good ending for this season and just telling there is more to telll, really omggg liked it.
they are creative about the storyline totally

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Enjoyed this. I'm curious as to how
a) Maeve survived. She would have lost her powers in midair and hit the ground without powers. So she should definitely be pavement pizza.

b) any of the Boys left that building alive given the move HL was in and they'd just killed his father.

All the comments saying the plot hasn't moved on, but Trump is now rising to power without Vought. He now knows he is more powerful without them, and can wipe out every single other supe when it suits him. Fascism, dictatorship - it's getting closer and closer to American reality.

Great fun, and Anthony Starr deserves a lot of awards for his performances as the Donald this season.

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Could have really used more diabolicalness but i guess they are trying to stretch this show out to 7-8 seasons ergo getting tamer in the process. still its entertaining. i will see you next year fascists.

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I wanted this episode to be the greatest climax any season has ever had. The previous episode gave it a great setting to do a lot of amazing things in the season finale.

The finale was slow paced it was well put together and expertly delivered. Each and every scene purposely moved the story along. The people who lost value in the greater narrative were trimmed off. Nobody died that was truly important. And nobody moving forward in the story has an absolute certainty about their future.

What I love the most about this episode was that the producers realized that the greatest attraction to the series itself is homelander. They gave us a season finale that did not take away from the character of homelander but it's still held him back is a character with a greater story yet untold. There is so much uncertainty around homelander and what is next for him and his son.

I'm curious how the producers are going to save butcher's life in the next season good stuff so far. Overall season finale was well done

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I always appreciate a show more when they use Elton John

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Curiously, I was really affected by Homelander seeing his son at the beginning. It made me think, that’s how God loves me. I wasn’t expecting that.

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Maeve a true queen FR

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A solid season finale with plenty of twists and unexpected moments, few of which honestly didn't land quite well. Also the story overall doesn't seem to have progressed much from the beginning of the season. The whole plot with Homelander being a ticking bomb is starting to meander and I hope they resolve in the next season.

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This was brutal, just like the whole season. And there's more to come... Oh, yeah.

Calm down, we all know things will take crazier.

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Great conclusion to a great season!

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Amazing season finale. I have no idea how they will top this with a series finale.

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My god this episode of The Boys was amazing. I seriously can't wait for season 4 where this episode leaves off. My god!

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Shout by drbi

I loved this episode except for noir's untimely death. I wanted to explore more of this nuanced character. Everything else was excellent, especially the last cheering that spell trouble for the world. I expected ryan to turn to homelander.

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Even my cat can write a better finale

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I didn't really like the way this episode, and the season, ended. They had been hyping up Homelander's death in some epic conflict. But then when it happens they decide to turn on Soldier Boy. The inclusion of the child felt forced, I guess to set up the next season, but it felt out of place.

The storylines converged a little but still felt very divergent. Maeve's retreat seemed mainly as a way to keep her character busy because they didn't have a way to write her in. Then she gets a small part and then retires.

Soldier Boy and Homelander are basically alive and in fine condition so the episode didn't have real consequences. Butcher might die but the prognosis is actually not short.

Black Noir dies for no good reason. It felt like a abnormally dumb decision.

So overall it felt disappointing.

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A lethal deo, cartoon characters, and some other WTFs.

Annie: "Told you so!"

Kimiko slapping Frenchie.

Maeve is finally free!!! :)
She lost her eye though and who knows if Homelander will find her.

Mother's Milk: "Fuck your shield, bitch!"

I'm proud of Hughie for not taking the temporary V.

Ryan siding with Homelander is kinda on Billy for leaving. But I don't care about Ryan anymore since he was smiling at the end after Homeland lasered that guy to death. He might be young and "dumb" but not that dumb. At least Mother's Milk should have a good chance now to eventually get his wife back (the guy who cheered was Janine's other dad, right?!?).

So Homelander ist still loose (at least the truth is out now), Soldierboy is still alive(?), and Victoria Neuman is vice president? Great... :o

PS: I like Annie's cool car.

PPS: I'm glad that Mother's Milk talked to Janine. He shouldn't try to protect her from the truth.

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The ending was cool though in rl stupid people would also react like that... sad

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The whole season felt rushed

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Not so good and wtf are this normal guards and no sups xDDDD

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I just realized who Ryan looks like. This show's veneer of satire is very thin indeed.

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Holy shit that was awful.

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season finale. Those fights, that light, those bloody deaths. It has been well

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I have a few mixed feelings about the finale but overall I still very much enjoyed it. Wasn't expecting this episode to feel this intense at the end, felt like every single one of them could die. I was rooting for no-one so hard, that I rooted for everyone.

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I love MMs Shirt’s, hes a legend for that alone

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I hate fckin Ryan.
Fck him, seriously

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After seeing the reviews on here I decided to put off watching this for a couple of days. Never doing that again, this was really good. Lots of great character development from most of the characters. A pretty great scene in vaught tower. A pretty great ending to the season I think.

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So they going to forgive Homelander and Head Popper will be next??

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The deadliest flashdance ever. (Daayam.)

And that hint of it's-going-to-be-okay smile emerging at the very end, as he finds the sorely missed taste of supportive family among the power of the dark side...

"Now, matters are worse." —Yoda

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By far the best episode in a series which by and large didn't really hit the spot for what makes The Boys such a good show. This was the only episode that really felt like what was basically every episode of season 1 and 2

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Shout by Douglas

"Goodbye yellow brick road" was a good callback to S1. I liked almost everything that happened (mostly I thought Noir could have been developed a little more, maybe even his connection to Stan), but the final half seemed kinda like GoT, trying to wrap a lot of things together at the same time so stuff like Kimiko and Frenchie's mission were pushed to the wayside while the main event was drawing all of the attention. Nevertheless, it was another good season.

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Shout by Darth

I thought it was a great finale, but black noir “dying” like that was pretty weird… buttt what kind of powers does he have? Where’s his body after he dies??? Yeah he went back and took the helmet off but we don’t see where he ends up:sob: :asterisk_symbol:copium:asterisk_symbol:

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Felt like a decent midway point for a season. I enjoyed the ride but just wanted a bit more. Sometimes the genuine chemistry between the cast is enough to prop up an other times bland experience

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