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The Boys: Season 3

3x06 Herogasm

Easily the best episode to date. Period.

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I was expecting a lot more Herogasm but aside from that, this episode was amazing!

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this was the best episode of the boys so far, it felt like a season finale! the Billy-Soldier Boy-Homelander fight was everything I didnt knew I needed! and Annie now is fucking done with the bs. I cant wait for the next

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Another ten bell episode, damn.

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So epic. The fight with Homeland at the end was so amazing. Kudos to Karl Urban for looking perfectly deranged while fighting Homeland. Starlight over the bs and calling everyone's ass out. The Bill Cosby joke was spot on. But why they gotta keep playin my man M.M. lol

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Miss Annie January is TIRED OF Y'ALL

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not soo herosgam how i was expect, but... damn, fucking good episode!

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The actual herogasm part wasn't as crazy as the marketing made it out to be but that doesn't matter because instead what we got was easily the best episode of the season and maybe of the entire series. The boys being split up and having different goals adds a great new layer to the show/characters. They found a way to insert something as crazy as herogasm into the overall plot of the season in a way that makes sense, and there was so much forward plot development here. Homelander vs Soldier Boy, Butcher and Hughie was one of the best things this show has produced. So much payoff to seeing the boys actually get some punches in and have a fighting chance against Homelander. Can't wait for the last two episodes.

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Chernobyl (HBO) :handshake: The Boys (Amazon)
Geiger counter sounds giving me fcking anxiety

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this episode was my favourite so far

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Herogasm was way too overhyped for what it was, but an amazing episode regardless

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I just wanted that c*** to die :slight_smile:

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Really good episode . But seriously, for those small scenes was such a huge hype and "trauma" for the producer or actors? everything is going on behind the scenes and none of the main actors show anything or are involved in any explicit things. I'm not complaining, just saying that I don't see where the "oh my God " effect was.

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honestly, the whole orgy part was kinda mid, thought I'd be going "what the actual fuck" throughout that segment of the episode because of how much promotional material they did for it but it was pretty iffy ngl, the rest of the episode was good though, loved the fight scene and the end was pretty great.

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We need more nudity and gore (yeah in combination). It's still not enough :)

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Amazing! So much happened in this episode. The characters arcs and turns have been amazing.

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It's ironic because most of these comments read like the live Instagram feed at the end of the episode :smiley:

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omg that fight was super cooool

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Apparently this was hyped but I didn't read or hear a thing.

Everything that's so great about The Boys condensed into an hour. This may not have been a season finale, but it was very much the end of an act. The world will look very different when we next fade in.

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The best f***ing show in the world.

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Outstanding episode. Karl Urban and Antony Starr continue to be unmatched but god just EVERYONE stood out this episode. Loved it.

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If you thought this show didn't have another gear - think again !!!

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Never being this hyped for a superhero show in a long time that the simple idea of building towards this being one of the most provocative hours of tv becomes sidelined for uniting every single narrative thread of The Boys into a ticking bomb where every single character has completely destroy the status quo of the show to such an extreme degree while managing to create a satisfying, even in itself quite ironic view of, superhero showdown where the bare essentials of fragile urge of masculine hierarchical dominance unites psychosexual frivolity, contemporary racial performative activism and post-9/11 disillusionment.

A character cries about the death of his family thanks to the police state perpetrated by the symbol of America only to find himself into a superhero orgy followed by a literal massacre perpetrated by said symbol the next scene.
That’s the embodiment of this show.

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I really wonder what Black Noir is up to. He seemed nice or at least ok in the past (when they showed his face).

That Herogasm thing - no comment... xD
I probably would've liked to see Frenchie's face though. At least we got Annie, The Deep and an octopus.

MM's teargas grenade was quite pathetic tbh... :o
They almost got Homelander. So close! But I guess it was never really going to happen...

And a badass Annie January moment at the end.
I wonder how that'll play out but it'll definitely create a PR nightmare and at least some of the truth is finally out.

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The fight was fantastic everything else is disgusting.

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The opening warning-disclaimer has to have been the awesomest warning-label writing I've ever seen.

And that's just the moment opening into an episode thoroughly jammed with individual plotline advancements and interconnections, all leading up to that fight and that speech...

Well done. And only two episodes to go...

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One hell of a ride

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That fight was fantastic! I was surprised that they would put Soldier Boy and Homelander in the same room this fast and it didn't disappoint. It's an even grander version of 'who's got the largest...' fight amongst... well... boys. And in all honesty I would love to see Homelander get obliterated by Butcher and co but as we get to know more about Soldier Boy we also saw a surprisingly humane side to Homelander as he was talking to himself. It shows again that he is just a badly traumatized child underneath. Not feeling sorry for him though... He makes us forget about it almost instantly.
I wish they would stop with the over the top nudity and sex though... it was funny at first, gory next but now it's like they want to shove more of it down our throats just for the sake of it. Shock effect and all.

I actually hope A-train is okay... He went full circle here in his story arc... could be the last we see of him.

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So, my entire comment will be only this:

you seem familiar

That was fkn hilarious :joy:

Honored mentioned for

Frenchie is gonna be heartbroken he missed this

That was epic :joy:

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Best fight in anything ever. Peak of all super hero fights. I was literally shouting out loud it was so mad. This show is incredible.

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Not a very funny episode just full of shocking content. with little to no plot. The only really good bit was at the end 4/10

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Yeah!Now this was a hell out of hell,haha..super intense and probably one of best episode for this season. In fact,this series is so fucking insane.Highly highly recommend

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The whole subplot with the Russian mafia felt trumped up compared to the very serious problem of Soldier Boy.

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any day in January ... fuck off .
this bitches bitching about bitches that been making them bitches ...
one moment they want to end someone the other moment they talking about wrong thing to do... you fuckers been killing since season 1 ep1 and now judging butcher and Hughie because they want to end it ..
anyway this show is great , homelander is our star , the fight was awesome and I can't wait for the next one .

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“You’re just a cheap fucking knock off.”
“I’m the upgrade” - Homelander

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Was definitely expecting more from the “Herogasm” portion but I guess plot is a real thing :rolling_eyes:

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They did a shit job editing the IG live chat at the end...

People were responding to what she said as she said it or before she even said it

So their editing team is on par with their sfx team.

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Why do all movies and shows that show penis never show vagina when they could/should. I am so sick of shows and movies showing penises. It is not needed and if I wanted to see them I would watch porn. If you show penis then show clearly a shaved vagina to be equal. F U people that allow this non-sense. F this show, not watching it anymore as it is not for normal people.

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this 2 cry bitches...Annie and Milk...
The first fight was the worst in this episode why would she just stand there and wait until they attack her??? xD
Otherwise so good :)

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The screen time of Love' Sausage was longer than the actual fight.

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That party, those fights, wow

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Welp that's certainly a different interpretation of Herogasm than the source material. But it's not one that doesn't fit here. The Prime Video show is very much less about our heroes posing as their comic counterparts. There's some of that but not a lot. In the show they're more like actors than real superheroes. Thus Herogasm of the comics would be much harder to fit anyway. This never version is alright. More importantly this episode was pretty explosive as explosive as the Herogasm comics themselves.

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Why did the photo go to jail... because it was framed lol.. Not a bad scrap that either

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I already liked Anthony Starr from Banshee (if you haven’t seen it, you’re wasting your time) and I liked Karl Urban from… well, pick any role… I don’t f:asterisk_symbol:&€:pound_symbol: care. They’re a match made in heaven for our “watchgasm”. This show is 10x better than ANYTHING Marvel has released for Disney+ and if you push it a bit further, better than 90% of the MCU films.

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I wanted that beating to last longer, I hate craplander so much

When Soldier Boy and Billy teamed up it was like Goku and Vegeta teaming up to fight a baddy, it was awesome

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I’m starting to think that Homelander is MAGA

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explodes with white hot character development :fire::fire::fire:

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Probably the best episode of this show so far!

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This one doesn't quite live up to the marketing hype, but it's still great. And really, MM should've seen that coming.

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Padding, padding, booring, padding. Can A-train please be dead and just kill of Deep. Maybe three minutes of this episode was slightly palatable and actually moved the story forward.

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Great episode. Anyone wanting to see the full, unfiltered Herogasm should read the 6-episode mini-series comic.

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Yep, series' best so far.

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This was completely insane. This is getting better and better...

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OMG, the best Episode of the serie, next Episode Will bê amazing

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Great episode! Kind of funny they had it so people instantly replied to whatever she said during the live steam

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Shout by Gloom8

Spice Girls only two of them left through against the world! Nice team up. Status quo shattered. Finally.

Nice wrap up on A-Train. Did not expected to see Vas the fight now. Oh, boy scared Homelander probably more dangerous than insecure one. Speaking of insecurity... Hughie now is a proper sup. No longer caring about huge collateral damage. No sympathy for the lad or his inevitable downfall.

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Homelander vs Soldier Boy , Butcher and Hughie. Hands fucking down

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1st, wtf...

But then this was the best, so many development, damn

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i thought this episode was just about herogasm because they've been promoting it for the past week lmao but it turns out this episode is really good and butcher vs. homelander???? it's so fucking amazing

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Tamest orgy I've ever seen.

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Annie January's skin is the real Mother's Milk

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Wow! First time that I love a splatter ... this was surprising good from the beginning - but now with the 3rd season they topped them self.

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Oh God yes, the ending justifies the title!

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