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The Boys: Season 3

3x01 Payback

never unseeing that first 15 mins...

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are you even an ally if you don't drop an episode at the beginning of pride month where an uncensored naked dude enters the dickhole of his lover? are you?¿?

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Didn’t spark my intrigue but not bland enough to make me stop watching either

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Season 1 was 10/10 gross and sick and fun. Season 2 cranked it up to 11/10. This episode just turned up knob beyond least twice.

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Karl Urban and Antony Starr continue to be neck-and-neck in terms of having the most fun out of anyone on television. New Zealand really builds em different, I guess.

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Pull my hair. Pull it out!

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I wish Starlight would stop emotionally abusing Hughie and passing it off as a "joke".

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This one is solid, but the gore seems to be fan service more than anything else at this point, and the pandering takes away from the story.

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That was weird as fk. But a strong start for the new season.

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Holy crap, they certainly went where no man had gone before..and the sneeze! haha this really sets the bar for the season, so glad they went there, this show is awesome!

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This first episode does take its time to show the transition from the one-year-off screen-peacetime to the action again. So it is no wonder they spent the first half of the episode rather slowly, showing the peaceful lives of the cast. They don't shake off the uncomfortable feeling of Homelander's unpredictability though; every time he's on screen I'm never so sure what would happen next. Not to mention that there's also Neuman, every time she's on screen I can't get rid of the feeling that anything something explode at anytime.

I like that they still play the vulgar sex, gross violence, and not-so-subtle allegories (Homelander being jerked off) like in previous seasons. But like the other reviewer said, I hope they don't rely too much only on those tropes and offer something new to the table.

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gross and inhumane and i still wanna watch it

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What a start for the season lol. I can't hate this show haha

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"We did a lot of butt stuff" lmao

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I gotta think that a portion of the ideating/writing process for The Boys involves asking the following:
1. Pick an interesting superpower that a lesser-known The Boys "supe" might have.
2. What extremely creative adolescent prankish dumbassery might a not-terribly-wise (or just drunk or high) supe do with this power?
3. What could go very very wrong with said dumbassery?
4. How visually horrifyingly gross can we make that look?

I suppose it's fair, given that a fair chunk of the human population is foolish enough to engage in all sorts of because-we-can dumbassery (including those who might do so only for being drunk or high), so why wouldn't at least some portion of supes be the same. The realisticness of random supe-ness popping up in the real-life human condition with no correlation to intelligence or wisdom.

Which is why, as part of the story, it works, almost no matter how "WTF?!?!" it can feel to watch. A little like what makes the more realistic (but still drama-ridden) of reality TV work, but amped up to [even more] ridiculous levels.


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The first 15 minutes were not what I was expecting from the season premiere. The Boys returns with it's captivating bloody and gory storytelling that's sure to have more jaw-dropping moments this season. And Giancarlo Esposito's performance makes him my favorite actor to see on screen playing a clever villain.

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Forgot how much I missed this show! New season is already off to a deliciously gory start. Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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I cannot believe what I just saw! Absolutely vile! But still the best show out there!

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Muthafucking gross.... Whoa... This season already coming up hard!

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Those were some gross scenes for sure. But that's what this show's been doing and I'm glad they didn't tune it down.

Anthony Starr is amazing. How he switches from one expression to another within a heartbeat and scare the shit out of you. But I think ultimately Homelander has to be gone by seasons end. You can't keep this plot up forever.

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Season 3 has started off with a disappointment just in the first few minutes the show becomes a mess of bad pacing, cringy dialogue and awful pandering. The only relevant stuff in the plot was towards the ending. 4/10

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This show would be so much better without Butcher.

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Where's the hook? For a season premiere, this episode didn't really excite or intrigue me. (setting aside the few gore scenes, which I was indifferent about)

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i just love the acting ,the much details they done for this show ..

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Enjoyed the first season but there was an embedment of social politics that at times flet forced into the plot.

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6.5/10 - Oh boy, it's still so fucked up... - but that's the point of it :o :D

I'm not quite sure why I'm still watching it but it's probably a mix of dismay and love for Starlight and Hughie (they're both so cute :D).

Homelander must be really suffering...
Starlight becoming co-captain is probably good for her though. She could do quite some good but it won't be easy and it could blow back into her face.

Maeve working with Butcher is interesting (that's new, right?).

I'm glad that Hughie finally knows who his boss really is. It isn't good for his safety but at least he knows the truth.

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Well i gave it another try the ending is kind of cool but after all boring ep and the first 15min...
We don't need stuff like this just hardcore kills...

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Whats that f crap pile of crap shit? I mean its so bad i puke on my screen 10 times lol
s1 and 2 where 10/10 this is 2/10 ....

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Hilarious....this top class show could run for another few seasons no problem.

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Those first ten-ish minutes...

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The show hit the ground running ; yeee ha.

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What’s the time line between season 2 and 3 lol?? Everyone talks about as if it’s been years since what happened at the end of season 2, but then talk about what happened “last year”

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it was ok i guess. it just seems repeated. like, show me something new, show me character's evolution. it's fine to continue other seasons things: all the blood, bizarre sex, superpowers and toxic masculinity. that's the show's brandmark. but go beyond that, bring new elements. like stormfront and the social commentary last season. i hope it gets better, but now i'm kinda bored.

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worst case of the sniffle ever it sure rectum

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why would you wanna go into someones penis butt naked? beats me.

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Just as violent and gory as ever, and the story is just landing all the right punches to keep me hooked

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Anthony Starr is still the best thing about this show. There's a lot of deadweight in this show though. Okay season return.

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in case you forgot how violent this show, termite is here to remind you by thanos-ing someone lol

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The Termite scenes... no word lol

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Oi! Can’t wait for it

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