Super effective use of the Spice Girls

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The Deep!!! Man I laughed. Great stuff.

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Wauw, that scene in the plane... Of all the superhero flicks I have ever seen nothing even comes close to this. And this for an ip that has existed since 2006... And from their standpoint... It's kinda made sense? The combination of these two things and the sheer brutality of it sets this show apart (there are more things ofcourse) from everything else.

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Did anybody see that fly? I mean, that was intentional? looks suspicious...

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That dolphin thing might have traumatised me a little.


She ain’t no spice girl either.

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Homelander and The Deep really need to work on their rescue skills.

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OMG this show is f***ing awesome!!!

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Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-09-23T01:59:18Z— updated 2019-09-30T03:46:27Z

I think my only problem with this episode was the farcical treatment of the end of the Deep-saves-dolphin scene: everything from the van's hard-stop to the ending smear on the road felt like a bad parody (well beyond what the show inherently is), too ridiculous to be real. I get the point that Deep is no planner and screws up when he goes out on his own, but the writers could have worked just a little more to make that piece feel more real and less like a detour into self-parody.

I also have to wonder if, if Deep's apparently real passion-concern for marine life were taken remotely seriously by Vought and the team, maybe he'd be a better hero and less of the jerk they've basically taught him to be (and Vought could even spin it into yet another PR plus if they really wanted to), but that's a whole another thought-experiment.

Otherwise, this episode continues this show's pretty impressive job of stitching together an image of a superhero-populated world (rife with corporatism and politics and PR) whose possibility no one wants to face. Except, maybe, that it still has Spice Girls.

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That damn airplane scene is hard to watch. This show is something else so far! Maybe I should buy the comics and read them. Is there a big difference? Anyway, that Dolphin scene made me laugh, sorry.

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How do you know so much about The Spice Girls :joy:

Also, The Deep sub-plot was so funny until... :dolphin::boom::truck:

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I thoroughly enjoyed that Spice Girls pep-talk, particularly since it was swiftly followed by their Wannabe hit.

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Why did no one fix Maeve's wig? You could actually see her hair peeking from under it.

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Wow... i just have to say how much I hate The Homelander.
He is an ASS!
Maeve has to do something!! She knows to much!!
She can't he's partners anymore.

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Broooooo I really love this series hahah

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Rewatching season one to prepare for season two. That plane scene still gives me chills, man.

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The Boys has always been about bringing down superheroes to their mundane, daily lives as ordinary humans--with desires, hopes, anxieties. This episode shows it the best.

We get to see Starlight with Hughie interacting further, A-Train juggling with his addiction and relationship, The Deep with his anxieties about finding purpose in his life, and finally, Homelander, the iconic face of noble superhero, with his cold, irreverent view of strangers, a complete opposite of the corporate brand of "good guy" he always attempts to create. Starlight and Homelander makes a stark contrast here, while Queen Meave seems to tread carefully of this line of about being human with powers. The plane scene was an emotional fuck ups that plays this dynamics quite nicely, albeit in very vulgar way.

This episode has enough tense while still maintaining occasional humor without creating disconnection from the tense it had been building up. The weird part perhaps is the way Frenchie interacts with the girl, as it may seem like it's coming from nowhere. But the rest of the episode is engaging to watch.

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Okay, the show was okay at first, BUT NOW ITS AMAZING. The episode had amazing acting, and it shows how brutal and sadistic homelander is.

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Shout by Kaito

This show is making me depressed. I don’t usually mind that much seeing awful people doing awful things, but maybe because the Boys is kinda social commentary it aligns too much with reality and that makes the bad things really feel… awful. It’s very effective (the scene in the plane, Jesus Christ) at what it’s trying to do. I still just hope that this is not the only thing this series tries to go for, though. But yeah, this series is a hard watch.

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The Boys??
More like... THE (SPICE) GIRLS !!!!

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“But together… they’re the goddam fucking spice girls”

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that poor dolphin :dolphin::persevere: o jesus

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wow that plane scene was absolutely brutal! i said my worry with watching this show is that there'd be a lot of bad things happening because of bad people who don't get punished for it and it'd be hard to watch. i think they probably will get their come-uppance in the end but oof, until then...! i'm not sure quite when i developed enough of a conscience to feel bad about watching bad things happen in a TV show, i used to be totally desensitized... but yeah, i dunno, wow.

i guess i'm invested though because i was super nervous during the whole date scene, i don't want him to mess things up! i hope they eventually tell each other the truth and work together... plz no contrived relationship drama because "you lied to me!" and etc.

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Okay, I struggled a bit so far what to think about this mix of Breaking Bad and Superheroes. But this episode really deserves a great rating. Really every single character is extremely well multidimensional. You are torn between hating them and then feeling for them.
What I just don't get is this being described as "dark comedy" I don't find any of this presumably comedic moments funny at all. They are simply terrifyingly shocking. I mean what's funny about a dolphin being run over by a truck? Or a person being turned to a fountain of goo except for her hands? To me the whole series so far is not stage in a comedic way - like for example the British do so incredibly well. Yes there are some humorous moments but generally this is more like a psychological drama.

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I struggle to think of a show or film that contained such an amalgam of scenes that each reach such a visceral impact as this single episode.

It ran the gamut from several moments of touchingly human moments that everyone wishes for in life, to hilarious speeches and turns of phrase (mainly from Butcher, but the dialog in this show is diamond-edged), to shocking, gory violence, to one moment that is blood-chilling. Entrenched power is a terrifying thing, especially with popular support.

I've read that the show diverges in most ways from the details of the comic, but, given the characters, as presented, the cast seems amazingly well casted, and work exceedingly well off of one another.

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Shout by J_345

Damn that was mean to make him manifest his ex and she looked pissed too.

Holy shit the cheering on the beach with 100+ people dead out there is so fucked up. Those people should be ashamed

Who got paid to do Maeve’s hair because that wig looks horrible, you could even see a piece of her real hair

What was up with that fly by Bucther? Definitely had to be some meaning behind it

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This is just messed up. I'm genuinely disturbed by the cold blooded supes. What's this show really about?

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Shout by Ro

Billy Butcher: What's Sporty Spice up to?
Mother's Milk: Who?
Billy Butcher: Sporty fucking Spice. What is she up to?
Mother's Milk: I don't know.
Billy Butcher: Exactly. How about Posh? You know what she's doing?
Frenchie: I don't understand.
Billy Butcher: Making clothes for anorexics. Right? Not exactly a growth market. And Baby? You know what she's doing? Fuck all. Not even page six of the Daily Mail. And Scary Spice? Up to her eyeballs in lawsuits and sex tapes. Ginger, on the other hand, has released three albums. 'Passion', 'Schizophonic', and 'Scream If You Want To Go Faster'. They'll all make your ears bleed. You see, when they're apart, they're absolute fucking rubbish. But, you put them together... they're the goddamn fucking Spice Girls.
Mother's Milk: How do you know so much about the Spice Girls?
Read more:

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Letting a whole plane of people die Homelander? Well that just takes the cake

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This show is so damn powerful!

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They did the spice girls really dirty!

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every time they try to put anti-male propaganda. bad father.., son wanna back to mother...

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I laughed so hard when they talked about spice girls!

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Given the context and how what Homelander did was probably just because he didn't give a shit or maybe to create a situation to push the "Supes in the military" agenda and get the people to further help, what he did was messed up. But he make some good points as messed up as even thinking about doing that let alone actually doing it is. As for Queen Maeve's part in it, she should've stayed and died with them instead of abandoning them too.

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The pep talk. Too funny.

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Damn the airplane scene. That was some messed up stuff.

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