This episode really did nothing for me. It was very predictable, timeframes were crazy messed up from what could understand. At the beginning of the episode they talk about 3yrs since but on the grave stone it has 2021. Are we ahead of the show now, just very confusing and frankly lame.

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Well... until next week then.

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With all that timeshifting I thought I'd watched an episode of LOST!

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Wow… woe is me!! How self absorbed has Ressler become? The sooner the writers get rid of him the better. When are we going to actually get another blacklister episode. Time to move on!

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I'm not particularly a fan of this episode, and I never was a fan of Ressler's character. I hope next episode will be different than this one.

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I love Ressler but I could've done without this episode. It's good to see him emotional and address his grief but a whole Ressler centered episode... meh.

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Boring. The random time jumps felt like a hamfisted attempt at "being art," but the reality is that it was terribly executed. There was zero tension in the fight with the asshole cop, because we obviously know Ressler would leave unscathed.
There's also the problem that the whole love angle between Ressler and Liz always felt forced and was never natural. Not to mention it was like a last minute addition to the previous season, and not some ongoing ordeal with history.

Found it funny that Tom's grave says "Husband and Father." Not beloved, or any other kind of descriptor. Just nouns.
Even funnier that Liz's says nothing, only has the years.

"He has an overactive imagination." He was literally just telling you what happens in Peter Pan. Reciting something is like the opposite of imagination.
Why wouldn't the mom and kid return home? She was still legally married to the asshole cop, and now that he's dead, it would mean the house is hers. Why would they stay at the shitty motel?

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No one cares about what's been going on with Ressler after Liz died or this supposed love he has that they randomly squeezed in the story.

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For me this is the most boring episode so far

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I liked this episode more than the previous ones from this season

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I think they found this episode on the cutting room floor.

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I actually kind of enjoyed this episode. No it wasn't the usual but that's ok, as long as it moves along with more of the usual show. However the jumping back and forth in the timeline was a tad confusing at first but they used Ressler's facial hair to determine which time frame was which.

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Shout by zarischka

A full episode of Ressler being a self-absorbed and whiny addict, who’s also love-sick (for the most MEH love “story” ever: one night shoehorned in and without any trace of actual chemistry after years of Liz using Ressler’s puppy love for her… aaand still it was Liz using him. So there’s that.) and with several levels of mangy looking facial hair… NOT my idea of a great time.

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"If you see them give me a call"

Walks away without giving his phone number

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Yeah it is predictable like the whiners said. It was a nice episode though. Just to see Ressler like on an abusive stepdad.

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