It's funny how they made this episode about the technology and secure mobile devices. Most of the today's technology, devices and services are made to collect data and categorize it for futher use. So if you are concerned about the privacy, you better live in a dessert with no electronic devices and etc... but even than, there are satelites scanning and recording all around the world.

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So Aram couldn't just call Cooper on the phone? This would have saved him like 20-30-40-50 minutes easy. Depending on where his previous discussion was happening.

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The plot with Aram was silly. He left the company completely of his own volition; no one was forcing him out. If anything, they wanted him to stay. So Aram being all salty that his job is up for grabs is dumb. He made that choice! It's extra stupid because it wasn't something the show had been building towards - the writers just decided to introduce that out of nowhere at the beginning of this season. Don't put him in this stupid situation, and then make him act like a child about it.

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