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The Blacklist: Season 8

8x13 Anne

Now THAT is how you write TV. One word, that last word, took this episode from great, to un-fucking-forgettable.

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Bitch! How dare she! Who the hell does she think she is!
That’s it, I’m am officially done with her. The sooner Red sticks her in a room with Teddy Brimley the better this season will become!! :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (beautiful episode by the way)

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Not that bad of an episode, up until the end. Both Red turning back and then the Liz cliffhanger were dumb as hell. Although "Liz" being just an arm is pretty hilarious.

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So good! An episode that centers entirely on Anne and Red. I was unsure at the start but throughout the whole beginning I was waiting for things to go wrong and when they did... Oof! I'm really enjoying Townsend. A proper villain! And the ending had me gasping. Finally, Liz is back!

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My god I love that opening. Hilarious, "I'm gonna kill you" and Raymond is grinning like a goofball like "Hah. Hah. (The irony is breathtaking)"

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This was such a good episode. We spent so long watching Raymond from these high-level perspectives like the FBI, Keen, Townsend, but this episode reminds us, from the perspective of an average person, just how next level Raymond's life is.

And seeing it like this is just amazing, giving us enough of a rest, just like the rest Raymond had with Anne, until the shit hits the fan once again

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Hearing Detective Eames— er, Officer Lois say that most New Yorkers are "narcissists" was a fun little in-joke.

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The ending! What the hell. Surely she would not shoot her. Presumably she would have called Ray had he not returned?

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Last night I saw the new movie Nobody. This episode reminded me of it. Assassin who has settled down is brought back to his old life by the relative of someone the protagonist killed. Great episode.

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