Jesus frick the tension is insane, especially at the end, where Ressler is probably thinking "God damn it. What am I supposed to do now?"

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Nice, the congressman was getting a bit too annoying.

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Shout by JasperKazai

This is what the entire second half of the season should've been, after Wujing was dealt with. Hunting down Reddington. Way more interesting than the nonsense filler they've been having.

It's a bit ridiculous that a congressman would've been involved with all of this, to this extent. Then shooting Dembe? He's a congressman, for crying out loud! And he's supposedly a "good person" to boot. Makes no goddamn sense.

Herbie was in extra annoying form this episode. Can we kill him off, too? What an absolutely pointless character. Though, it is pretty funny that he joins the task force, only for the task force to then be put under scrutiny and investigation like 2 weeks later.
I miss Aram. Herbie is a shit replacement for Aram.

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Raymond was like fuck it ...

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Damn, that episode was fantastic especially the end. So glad that Red shut that prick up! Lol Why the hell did the congressman shoot Dembe for anyway? It's not like Raymond has to worry about the repercussions of killing him, if Raymond gets caught (which I doubt he will) he will be going away for the rest of his life anyways, so they can't punish him anymore.

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Shout by Aid45

Holy moley. Red shot him the head. What the hell did the congressman shoot Dembe for anyway? I hope Dembe survives

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There's no way Red isn't going to pay in some way for killing a congressman.

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the title is raymond reddington, and i spent half of the episodes watching office political drama

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