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The Bear: Season 2

2x10 The Bear

No Carmy not to Claire.

Protect Pete at any cost.

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i know that claire and carmy will be fine...


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someone plz hug Richie & tell him he has value

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shit just went from zero to one hundred fucking quick

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this season completely elevated the show to a whole other level. can't wait to see more!

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man this was an episode. great choice of using rem songs this season. poor aul marcus & pete. :(

the scene that hit me most though was richie arguing with carmy at the end. he was doing so well and then he broke down. it was probably very warranted though and i doubt it’ll happen again.

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I love this show so much. The drama is tough, but feel good moments restore the balance every time. Love the cast, the writing and the choice in music. Great season.

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I watched episodes 1 thru 5 on a regular non-binge pace and was fairly happy. Then I came to episode 6. Honestly, I should have taken a week or at least a few days to process it, but after that I had to watch at least a couple more... which turned into the last 5 eps.

I don't know about y'all, but the growth of Richie brings such heart. Tina was one thing in season 1, but he was something else. EMB's acting was really phenomenal this season, and besides him, there were not just a few tear-jerking moments. Richie and anyone, Fake growing up, Donna and Pete's convo, Claire and Carmy in the fridge, and then Carm and Richie screaming through the "cage". Like, despite all their growth, that despair that hangs over them is too great. So sad, and sadly so real.

An extraordinary season. The first season converted me to loving the show, but this season might make it in a top 10 all time. Great work from everyone involved.

Although, do we need EXTREME closeups during every one on one conversation in all eps? (minor squabble)

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I am speechless. Wow. What did I just watch.

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I cried a lot because this show is about kindness.

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I wanted a Carmey comeback arch the entire season, only for him to dig himself deeper and deeper. It’s hard watching so many people succeed so well, with one failing so hard losing almost everybody’s respect with an idea that isn’t even his anymore. Really hard to watch..

Other than an unease from watch Carmey take L after L— People improved too fast! Cousin became the perfect (cook director/insane server?) so fast and with ease after only a WEEK. Idk. Maybe that’s possible.

Good not great season.

L Carmey

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I really hope Carmy fixes things with Claire next season and realises his own trauma. If the show makes Carmy and Sydney a thing I am going to lose my mind. There is no chemistry between Carmy and Sydney and it always felt like Sydney having some unrequited feelings for Carmy and that's okay. But last episode they showed him maybe feeling something too and that would just piss me off, because if he then realises next season that he can in fact have a relationship. It would be obvious to try to get back together with Claire instead of just moving directly on to Sydney. I am actually scared, because the show is a perfect 10/10 for me, but this would be a genuine huge showbreaker. The realism that the show has in all it's parts kinda fell apart with the talking through the freezer door, and I also think it would lose it's realism when you have the forced triangle drama

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Another technically impressive single shot to start, complete with awesome sound design to contrast either side of the kitchen door, and that incessant, unacknowledged beeping.

Then from no cuts to superfast cutting. There was a lot to like in the latter stages until the end of the Carm/Claire story, which relied on the most tedious TV trope imaginable. Overall, a brave second season, but not quite as good as the first season. I really hope we haven't seen the last of Claire.

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I realllyyy hope they don’t bring Claire back next season, I felt like she had too much screen time and I wish she was in less episodes. On the other hand, Carmy has only himself to blame for how things turned out, he lost focus on the restaurant and I hope he gets that focus back and comes back better than ever next season. I do still wish this episode ended on a higher note.

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Wait is that really it?? I wanted at least one last scene with the family together & happy like last season. I saw Carmy & Claire coming and tbh it needed to happen.. Carmy kept fucking up and not focusing on the restaurant. This finished too quickly tho, next season needs to be even longer.

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The first episode Richie was my least favourite character now at the end of season 2 he’s my favourite wtf. This show is special

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I got a little lost in the end with the printer and Sydney throwing up, did she realize the printer ran out of paper and that’s why the orders stopped? And she freaked out and went to the alley to throw up? I was also scared she was gonna go do crack with that other guy because of the stress
But also I don’t think it ran out of paper cause it seemed like they finishes the courses and everyone went home happy, that’s why Sydney’s dad was out there and why Molly Gordon went to the kitchen so I guess opening night was a success!

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i just love all the changes from the beginning of season 1 up until the finale for this season. the characters were able to grow out of their previous routines, some better than others in my opinion, but i really loved seeing their dynamic all throughout this season. carmy still has a lot to work on, but i hope he's going to figure out that he does not need to be too hard on himself. i mean the bear's success can partially be credited to him in the first place. also, the fact that he was able to accomplish his goal when the show first started which was to revamp his brother's sandwich shop.

the entire cast did such a great job, and i can't wait to see more from them. excited for the 3rd season already!

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Never would’ve thought Syd and Cousin would be running the restaurant while Carmy was trapped in a walk-in the whole night but there we go!

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you can have your dreams or you can have a life. well. sort of. maybe. only for carmy. the rest are doing much better

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I don't know how to return to life after seeing The Bear. I can find fulfillment in life as I watch the final episode. What a finale, what a story!

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No no come on, This can't be the last episode! i need more of it right now, What an ending!!!
totally crazy and incredible!
and it's totally sure that there will be new season
soooo excited

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Ok wtf?! This was a good episode but not perfect. Y'all better release a new season to tie up the loose ends.

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