I knew it he was going to do something disgusting when he uncovered the body. Congrats, MTV, for the first time in six season I am really disgusted when I watch the big bad villain. I am getting tired of seeing Scott actually doing nothing. Talking and talking, and talking and then he gets beaten up. Also they showed Styles for like 2 minutes this season. I know it's the final season, but couldn't they at least keep the main actors together for a few more episodes? I am glad that Liam at last learnt to control himself. The Hellhound was awesome as always, best thing in the episode. Also I am tired of Gerard mumbling. He is just a human grandpa, whom they could end in two seconds, but no, they let him be the puppeteer...

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I used to say that I was watching this show for the original Trio. Not even that is there anymore.

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I hated watching Liam get beaten up. He is too adorable, please don't break his face.

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Shit that was intense.
Tamara, Nolan & Gabe need to die at the end, pretty please.

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i am literally in love with liam i feel so bad for what he went thorough

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This was definitely the best episode of Season 6B so far. I’m starting to see again why I used to like this show so much

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Is it just me or does Nolan constantly have HUGE pupils??

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