Honestly this season is so so cringe inducing. What has happened to this show. It feels like they need to push the propaganda like hard. It's really werid

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i came for football, i stayed for the hard hitting, heart wrenching and frankly deeper than they have any right to be storylines and issues addressed. this episode is a masterpiece!

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I hope they finish this season off strongly - you know, the football team doing well. And it being about football and the team and the manager and the coach...

All the silly side stories and over-the-top preachiness has mired this season sadly.

It wasn't necessary.

I rewatched all episodes (except the absolutely terrible Beard After Dark one) prior to this season starting and the balance was perfect in season 1. Season 2 was a little different but not off the rails. Season 3 has been largely off the rails since episode 3... What chances it gets back on track...?

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The Hey Jude scene was highlight of the entire episode.

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Did they forget that this is a show about a football team? What is this horrible daytime soap opera garbage?

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My heart broke for Keeley in this episode. All the points raised were spot on. Men are so quick to sexualise women but then villify them for actually acting the way they want? It's the fucking worst.
And then it's thrown a spanner in the works with her and Jack because being in the limelight means you unfortunately have to act a certain way or risk your career/success. So frustrating for these poor women that go through this. Keeley seemed so happy with Jack as well. Hopefully they can work through things.
Kudos to Jamie for stepping up and apologising like that.

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I can't imagine caring less about the Keeley/Jack storyline. They got together two episodes ago and I'm supposed to care about them breaking up already? yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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This show started out as a light comedy. Turned into trash. Taking it off my list.

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This season feels really weird so far. I kind of don‘t like it that much. The storylines are just so annoying and it all feels so depressing all the time. The show is really on a downward trend.

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I respected the fact that this show was going to stop after this season, instead of dragging it out for 5-7 seasons like most shows that gain any kind of popularity end up doing. But these episodes have absolutely no business being an hour long.

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A jealous paranoid ex husband, a silly inexperienced Nate and a just started relationship ending because of a video. Not a comedy episode at all, and hardly on a soccer club. No. Worst episode of season 3.

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Very good episode for Keeley, and one that manages to touch on real-world societal issues, which is something this season seems to be doing more of. Also another solid episode for Ted and the arc he is having this season. Overall I found this less engaging and hard-hitting than the rest of the episodes this season, but Ted Lasso is still on point.

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This is possibly the most overrated show of all time.

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Rebecca is such a good friend. For Hailey and Ted too.
That Hey Jude scene was beautiful.

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... And just like that, my comment about this show being special right now because it revolves around sports is instantly nuked. I don't mind characters have their moments to develop, but 1) the episodes don't have to be this long, 2) some characters are just not necessary, and 3) some character arcs are also not necessary.

It's a shame, what happened with Jack. You'd think with her being such a prominent figure in society, that she'd understand Keeley's situation a lot more personally and have more empathy for her. I think she was a great partner for Keeley, but of COURSE they have to get rid of the wlw ship almost immediately................ :rolling_eyes:

I also don't care about Nate/Jade. Once again, just let Nate be an asshole. He's not contributing anything to the series, otherwise.

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What’s happened? It’s gone all political with racism and pushing the open boarders political message :(

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I bet spontaneous singalongs of Hey Jude happen all the time in England.

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You could just feel the "let's get the football out of the way so we can get to the preaching" vibe of this episode. Pure crap that looks like it will be banished to my wife's shows if it keeps up.

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This 'message' episodes feel like after school specials. What's next, a "just say no" anti-drugs episode?

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couldn't suffer through more than 30 minutes of this garbage. Get that horseface woman off of my screen. jesus Christ

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Keeley storyline have the same plot of "I Hate Suzie"

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